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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft unveiling new 360 RPGs next week in Japan

... just save it for E3.

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The best thing about the 360 RPG (both J and W) prowess are the "other console" fanboys bitter tears.

This thread is full of them.

Oh hey, darthedevim! I was thinking of you just a moment ago, wonder why your name came up =)

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

OT7 said:
elnino334 said:
Bodhesatva said:
When discussing the 360 and PS3 for this genre, it's basically "every small or medium sized RPG in existance vs. FF XIII." For a lot of people, they'd pick FFXIII.

Yes because most people would have rather not been playing RPG's for 2+ years LOL. We get it FF was a critical success but for most rpgs fans there where alot of rpgs on the snes and even playstation 1 and 2 that where as fun or offered something different then FF. You keep on waiting for FF while the rest of us actually play games :)

YOU FAIL pal,let me tell you something,as an avid RPG lover I replay always the best ones that I liked,I'm replaying right now Final Fantasy 6 and getting a perfect game (all hunts,weapons,items...)in Final Fantasy XII,your whole argument about waiting for play something until FFXIII arrives BREAKS completely with any Final Fantasy game.


Just accept that some franchises let you replay them forever man,and believe it or not,replaying the great,old ones,gives you the chill and the euphoria to wait for the new upcoming one (FFXIII in this chase),making the wait worthwhile.


 LOL must suck to have only known FF in the past 15-20 years :).  

i think microsoft should concentrate more on the games that the europeans love to try in get more market share tehre,since they really cant do anything in japan

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

pearljammer said:
Soriku said:
darthdevidem01 said:

sorry....but FF has been my favorite game ever since it was my 2nd game on SNES...that aint gonna change

BTW why have you put VErsus XIII above actual XIII.....since when are spin-offs better than the actual thing


exactly...for many of us...the next big RPG is always whenever the next Final Fantasy's gonna come out..

Reasons why Versus > FF XIII

-KH team > FF X team
-Action RPG (similar to KH's battle system) > FF XII battle system
-Main character raped those soldiers in Versus better than Lightning raped the soldiers in FF XIII
-Nomura director ZOMG

And...uh...that's it :)

I politely disagree on the two bolded parts and especially with the first one. KH was a great game but I found myself struggling to care playing the sequel. FFX on the other hand was a classic that I regard as high (although not quite as high) in the ranks of IV and VI.

Anyhow, this is great news for 360 owners, although it is a shame not many of them will necessarily be rejoicing after hearing this news.

KH1 and 2 were both awesome games and so was FFX.  I am excited for both FFXIII and Versus XIII


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i am happy to hear about more rpg's for the xbox 360, i have them all. and i have tales and infinite on preorder right now. i hope they keep on coming, because i lost all faith in the final fantasy series after the absolute horrible ff12 game. it seems that square-enix is turning the ff series into more of a action/rpg series than a true rpg series and i dont like that, that's how i feel about it anyway. i am on my 2nd play through of lost odyssey, i havent done that since ff10 and ff8, those along with lost odyssey are in my top 10 rpg's of all time. i hope they show more about last remnant, because that game looked like it would be cool.






Or you could keep playing all the PS2 RPG's (There is no way anyone has played them all) and then pick up a PS3 when FFXIII hits :)


I thought Kingdom Hearts sucked. Just really, really boring. The battle system was a nightmare and those stupid shadows were annoying.


i am happy to hear about more rpg's for the xbox 360, i have them all. and i have tales and infinite on preorder right now. i hope they keep on coming, because i lost all faith in the final fantasy series after the absolute horrible ff12 game. it seems that square-enix is turning the ff series into more of a action/rpg series than a true rpg series and i dont like that, that's how i feel about it anyway. i am on my 2nd play through of lost odyssey, i havent done that since ff10 and ff8, those along with lost odyssey are in my top 10 rpg's of all time. i hope they show more about last remnant, because that game looked like it would be cool.
I would be okay with Tales being put on preorder but I wouldn't be so sure about Infinite since there seem to be some rough edges as of right now.  I don't plan on preordering either


tombi123 said:

Or you could keep playing all the PS2 RPG's (There is no way anyone has played them all) and then pick up a PS3 when FFXIII hits :)


I thought Kingdom Hearts sucked. Just really, really boring. The battle system was a nightmare and those stupid shadows were annoying.


 To me its KH=FFX>FFXII

 Though all three are great games IMO


"The Power of the moon will rain down on you" if you don't pre-order IU

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey