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i am happy to hear about more rpg's for the xbox 360, i have them all. and i have tales and infinite on preorder right now. i hope they keep on coming, because i lost all faith in the final fantasy series after the absolute horrible ff12 game. it seems that square-enix is turning the ff series into more of a action/rpg series than a true rpg series and i dont like that, that's how i feel about it anyway. i am on my 2nd play through of lost odyssey, i havent done that since ff10 and ff8, those along with lost odyssey are in my top 10 rpg's of all time. i hope they show more about last remnant, because that game looked like it would be cool.
I would be okay with Tales being put on preorder but I wouldn't be so sure about Infinite since there seem to be some rough edges as of right now.  I don't plan on preordering either