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Forums - Sony Discussion - The wife said I can have a PS3 - need advice

The only advice I can give you is to grow some balls and actually make your own spending decisions.

jk, I had to ask the wife to buy my Wii originally too. :)

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Dogs Rule said:
Kasz216 said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Dogs Rule said:
west-phoenix-az said:
rasone77 said:
kitler53 said:
your wife said you could? *whipping sounds

I have to consult with my wife if I'm going to spend that much money and anyone who is married should do the same, otherwise they won't be married long.

*whipping sounds* only apply to "my girlfriend said I could..." statements.

Keep your finances seperate and determine who will pay each bill. Have a set amount each much save for emergencies.

Use your spending money on whatever you want. I'd say unless she is giving you the funds you shouldn't have to ask.

Yes, the guy with the handgun avatar and and the assult riffle sig has reasonable advice on relationships. ;)


EXACTLY what I was thinking...

 I actually agree with him if I'm in a "modern two job" relatiosnhip.  Even if it is a one job family it's often better to have "allowances" that can be spent or saved ahead of time rather then a "consult on the big things" approach.  Better for relationship dynamic, and most cases better for the wallet as well... so long as you don't deviate from your retirement and investment plans.

Oh I agree with him too. I just liked the idea of a guy with so my gun oriented pictures' response was so reasonable when you might expect him to write "Just bust a cap in her a**!" ;) No offense to West-Pheonix was intended.

To answer your other question: When it was first released, the adapter only allowed taking saves from a PS2 card to put it on a PS3, but since a FW upfade last year, it now goes both ways. So you can use it as a back-up device.


I dissagree.  I don't like the allowances idea.  Me and my wife consult on all items over $25.  I think something like this works best.  The allowances idea usually spends more because then you feel like you have to spend whwatever your allowance is or your not getting your "fair share".  And then you can create conflict when someone spends $400 because they've saved up.  Bottom line is it takes two seconds to ask.  If the two of you aren't in financail troubles you should be able to get what you want.  It creates unity and brings your financial goals together instead of pitting yourselves against each other for the scarce resource of money.  I got my wife on board before I got a PS3, and while she'll never be a gamer, I'll never get nagged for the purchase.

If I saved up my allowance my wife gave me and she gave me crap about it.....

....well, I'm old school when it comes to the back o' me hand.

....or actually, I'm new school, in that I'm anti-descrimination. Hahahaha.

Seriously though, I'd never beat my wife, but I would kick her ass out of the house, or tell her to mind her own GD business about what I do with my "allowance."

Whipped, and unlike the others, I'm not laughing with anyone, I'm laughing at every man who has to ask his wife for an allowance.

Now, I can see consulting for a major purchase, and she giving you the go-ahead, especially on a video-game console....but an allowance? I'll allow her to bring me my slippers. Sexist? Like whoa. Hell yeah. If you're in it, represent it.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


"Seriously though, I'd never beat my wife, but I would kick her ass out of the house, or tell her to mind her own GD business about what I do with my "allowance."

Zenfoldor is the man.

Exactly, I work hard for those $$$ and it´s my business on what I spend it on.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
If I saved up my allowance my wife gave me and she gave me crap about it.....

....well, I'm old school when it comes to the back o' me hand.

....or actually, I'm new school, in that I'm anti-descrimination. Hahahaha.

Seriously though, I'd never beat my wife, but I would kick her ass out of the house, or tell her to mind her own GD business about what I do with my "allowance."

Whipped, and unlike the others, I'm not laughing with anyone, I'm laughing at every man who has to ask his wife for an allowance.

Now, I can see consulting for a major purchase, and she giving you the go-ahead, especially on a video-game console....but an allowance? I'll allow her to bring me my slippers. Sexist? Like whoa. Hell yeah. If you're in it, represent it.

Most marraiges end because of differences of opinion on money.  Relationships aren't in a vacuum.  Your either working towards each other or away from each other.  Go ahead and laugh at me.  My woman was worth a few minor sacrifices like thinking of us before I make a purchase rather than myself. 

Around the Network
kitler53 said:
your wife said you could? *whipping sounds*


Be warned kids, this is the complete castration that happens when you get married.  Your money stops being yours and instead becomes hers.  Unfortunately, if thing go badly and it ends sometime down the road, the most of it you could ever get would be 50% with a residual child/ex-wife support payment.  Fun eh?  Lol, choose wisely!


Bethesda's Todd Howard "if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."

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PSN ID - jedson328
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jedson328 said:
kitler53 said:
your wife said you could? *whipping sounds*


Be warned kids, this is the complete castration that happens when you get married.  Your money stops being yours and instead becomes hers.  Unfortunately, if thing go badly and it ends sometime down the road, the most of it you could ever get would be 50% with a residual child/ex-wife support payment.  Fun eh?  Lol, choose wisely!


Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been castrated and a girl for a while.  If only we could all be as tough as you.  Or do you not think that occassionally Arnold has to ask his wife's permission?  When you get married your a team.  If your not willing to work together than don't get married.  But don't pretend that you have the better life because of it.

You chose your wife well.

yeah gaming was my biggest vice before she met me and she knows she's got no chance ever trying to fight it - plus she's a pretty avid gamer herself anyway so jobs a good un.

Good job I dont have to learn the ZenfolderVGI skool of relationships, I bet in real life he's all "hello baby do you mind if I go out and but a game if I wash the dishes for the rest of the week"?


anyways,,,I am gonna say congratulations in advance,,,,

don't forget to play uncharted and if you like hack/slash heavenly sword.(also MGS4 and GTA4 are 2 of the obvious choices)