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Forums - Sony Discussion - The wife said I can have a PS3 - need advice

This makes me worried about getting married. What if my wife doesnt want a PS6! How will i go on!


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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cleveland124 said:
jedson328 said:
kitler53 said:
your wife said you could? *whipping sounds*


Be warned kids, this is the complete castration that happens when you get married. Your money stops being yours and instead becomes hers. Unfortunately, if thing go badly and it ends sometime down the road, the most of it you could ever get would be 50% with a residual child/ex-wife support payment. Fun eh? Lol, choose wisely!


Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger has been castrated and a girl for a while. If only we could all be as tough as you. Or do you not think that occassionally Arnold has to ask his wife's permission? When you get married your a team. If your not willing to work together than don't get married. But don't pretend that you have the better life because of it.

Do you really want to go there about Arnie's nads?  I would imagine with all the HGH and other steroids he took, his stones looks and feel exactly like quartz right about now. LOL

Bethesda's Todd Howard "if install base really mattered, we'd all make board games, because there are a lot of tables."

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PSN ID - jedson328
XBL Gamertag - jedson328


I think I has the solution! Live below your means (inexpensive car, easily affordable mortgage), such that you can make a $600 purchase without blinking. Also marry someone who is interested in video games.

Hemlock said:
I think I has the solution! Live below your means (inexpensive car, easily affordable mortgage), such that you can make a $600 purchase without blinking. Also marry someone who is interested in video games.

Yes, because men everywhere want to

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Has anyone else had issues with the internal memory card stuff? I copied a save across, then disovered that it did not work properly, then I discovered it had cut stuff, and so now I cannot copy the save back, so that is 25% of jak and Daxter that I will have to replay at some point

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My advice=wait for a price drop.

no man needs to ask his wife for persmission unless it's for sex, otherwise it's rape LOLz

Dogs Rule said:
Kasz216 said:
Me said:
Hmm so I guess it's a UK model.

When or if the UK 40gb gets ps2 compatibility it'll be through a firmware update wont it? Meaning could I but a 40GB now and still get this functionality down the line.

Does the 40Gb on sale now have memory card slots etc

If... being the big question.

IMO it's more likely they'll have to make games compatable by hand... much how the 360 handles Xbox compatability... with a focus being on games they want to resell.

As i recall no PS3 has memory card slots and you need to run an adaptor through the USB for them all.

True, but you use virtual "internal memory cards" to save games day to day. The adapter is only of transfer save games to and from a PS2 memory card.

His game collection does not have any PS2 games, so he would be starting them fresh and would therefore need nothing other than to create internal memory cards.


Not everybody puts all of their games in their profile. For example, I only have my Wii/360 games in mine, even though I have a bunch of PC/NES/SNES/Genesis/Saturn/DC/PS1/PS2 games...

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

Ok, just to clear some things up... The only PS3s that has built in memory card readers are the 60GB and the 80GB. These are not PS2 Memory cards though. It's for reading CF, MemoryStick, et al. The adapter IS needed for all PS3s for reading PS1/PS2 memory cards and only to copy them to a local "virtual" memory card of which you can artificially stick in emulated slots. You still have 2 Memory card available to every game at one time. Going into the XMB you can swap them out or create more if you need more space but you can only have 2 "mounted" at one time to preserve compatibility (that's mainly what they are for anyway...) PS3 games do not (at least, none that I know of) use the PS1/PS2 memory cards on the drive, nor can you use the external adapter with PS3 games.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

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