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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I am truly annoyed at the wii

if consoles fail to the Wii, PC is there laughing at the fact the Wii will never surpass it.

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xenophon13 said:

So i have been hearing about how the wii is revolutionizing game play and that all things will go the way of the wii.

This makes me sad. I personally don't like miis (they are creepy), i am sick of mario and I dont need to work out in front of the frickin tv (since I spend to much time in front of it anyway).

dont get me wrong, If you love nintendo, then yay! you have the most popular system...hurrah hurrah!

But don't make the MGS and the GTA and the Gears of War and the Oblivion and all the great games go away. What if everyone jumps on the idea of copying the wii and all these games are gone because they are too expensive to produce and you can produce carnival games for a lot less and sell 10 million copies?!? Is anyone else afraid of this? Am I the only one? I could care less if sony or MS or wii actually 'wins' the console war. I do care about having the games i love to play available...and they certainly aren't wii striper pole dance or wii cheerleading or mario dating or carnival games.

Anyone else worried? I guess there is always pc gaming if only nintendo and nintendo sycophants remain...

 I don't want to read all of the posts and I'm sure someone else already addressed this, but, why would these and other great 3rd party games go away?

Couldn't they just be made in new forms on Wii? I think you are being too short sighted.

Granted you won't have the same visual effects as the latest incarnations of these games on PS360. But, you would gain arguably superior controls, especially for GTA, and a massively lower entrance point. (Wii price and game price is lower.) 

Not to mention the market for games that push the limits of technology will always be there as long as there is some  idiot, imo, who will buy the latest $700 video card every 6 months.

You do realise that many of the greatest 3rd party games started on Nintendo machines right?  They only went to Sony due to the Playstation doing what the Wii is now, dominating.

Basically, you are worried for nothing. Just like with every other console there will be a decent number of games you really loved and a ton more you thought were stupid.

ssj12 said:
if consoles fail to the Wii, PC is there laughing at the fact the Wii will never surpass it.

 Serious bro, this is a sales chart between Consoles and handhelds why do you always have to put the PC at the discussion?

xenophon13 said:

So i have been hearing about how the wii is revolutionizing game play and that all things will go the way of the wii.

This makes me sad.  I personally don't like miis (they are creepy), i am sick of mario and I dont need to work out in front of the frickin tv (since I spend to much time in front of it anyway).

 dont get me wrong,  If you love nintendo, then yay!  you have the most popular system...hurrah hurrah!

But don't make the MGS and the GTA and the Gears of War and the Oblivion and all the great games go away.  What if everyone jumps on the idea of copying the wii and all these games are gone because they are too expensive to produce and you can produce carnival games for a lot less and sell 10 million copies?!?  Is anyone else afraid of this?  Am I the only one?  I could care less if sony or MS or wii actually 'wins' the console war.  I do care about having the games i love to play available...and they certainly aren't wii striper pole dance or wii cheerleading or mario dating or carnival games.

 Anyone else worried?  I guess there is always pc gaming if only nintendo and nintendo sycophants remain...

 If these games go away, it's because not enough people were buying them, and that's not something the Wii aided in bringing about.

Before the Wii and DS, gaming sales were on a stark decline. Interest in the market was going away, and that's not just Nintendo sales rhetoric because I knew many "lapsed" gamers who used to be actively involved in the hobby but gradually fell away from it due to general lack of interest. These were people who generally had a PS2 and maybe 2-3 games for it from its entire lifespan.

But they've all bought Wiis, and they're coming back to gaming as a result. 

"I mean, c'mon, Viva Pinata, a game with massive marketing, didn't sell worth a damn to the "sophisticated" 360 audience, despite near-universal praise--is that a sign that 360 owners are a bunch of casual ignoramuses that can't get their heads around a 'gardening' sim? Of course not. So let's please stop trying to micro-analyze one game out of hundreds and using it as the poster child for why good, non-1st party, games can't sell on Wii. (Everyone frequenting this site knows this is nonsense, and yet some of you just can't let it go because it's the only scab you have left to pick at after all your other "Wii will phail1!!1" straw men arguments have been put to the torch.)" - exindguy on Boom Blocks

ssj12 said:
if consoles fail to the Wii, PC is there laughing at the fact the Wii will never surpass it.

I'm sorry but you are quite the immature one with that constant PC worshipping. It's like going into a SNES topic and say the graphics suck because the 360 looks better. It's basic trolling, really. You should know better as a moderator.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
Shameless said:
SaviorX said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Sqrl said:

Hmm....where does fear fit into this?

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance



I just don't get why people get so bent out of shape about the Wii being successful. As I have said from the beginning of this generation when the point was intitially raised, as long as there is profit to be made from the "hardcore" games they will survive.



Yes ,on a machine barely capable of outdoing the PS2 and Cube and worse in all the senses to the Xbox 1(online ,graphics ,etc).Thats the problem.


No, on a machine containing certain chips present in the Xbox360 itself, much improved hardware over the GameCube, capable of running PS2 games in it's sleep, and BETTER graphics than the Xbox1, I see no problem.

Wait, not enough space marines.......

Not really a difference. The Wii hasn't been proven to be any better than the XBox yet. There's no need to post touched up Mario Galaxy screens either if you were thinking of doing so.


Not to mention lighing effects. And destructable/morphing backgrounds.

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

A more detailed history appears on my profile.

Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:

I'd agree... yet i'd also disagree. I mean, if you look at nearly every RPG that isn't Final Fantasy you see RPGs that never pushed the boundries graphically. Most like your Suikodens and Disgaeas are low budget afairs (which Disgaea 3 looks like Disgaea 1.)

System is basically meaningless as far as tech specs go. If it wasn't for the Wii for some of the smaller budget and best loved RPGs i'd fear that they would get unnoticed and outpriced by the false "minimium" level of graphics that people seem to hold up the HD cosnoles too. (Like when people complain a game isn't the right resolution.)

In fact, considering the razor thin budjets RPGs are made on, (since they sell to a very niche audience.) i'd argue that you might end up with less on PS3 then you would on Wii. Basically if you spent the same small budget you'd get more from the familiar though less powered Wii then you would the powerful but unknown cell. (which requried extremely optimized code.)

For example, lets look at Disgaea 3. Why did it take so long to make? Because Nippon Ichi spent like... a year studying the PS3 before they programmed anything. Disgaea 3 sold fine for a disgaea game, however it will likely take a few more PS3 games before he "makes back" his lost time spent studying the engine. This may be why we have suddenly seem a vast number of cheap Nippon Ichi remakes for the hand held consoles.

If you have a hefty budget to throw around and are making a really expensive RPG like Final Fantasy, the PS3 makes most sense for making the "best" rpg.

However if you are talking about your average JRPG. I think Wii development would give you more bang for your buck. If the Wii didn't exist I'd wonder if we'd be getting a lot of the mid to low range budget RPGs which are the ones usually most loved by the RPG core. Or if so, they might not live up to their PS2 namesakes.

Part of the problem here comes from the belief that a PS3 title must have ultra expensive HD graphics which really isn't the case. You can make a low budget RPG on any console for all that goes. The difference is that the PS3 gives you the flexibility to have a bit more horsepower if you need it. Once you decide to go with the Wii, you become much more limited. We're not talking PS2 versus Gamecube limited where the power difference was present but not extremely pronounced... we're talking a substantial difference in capabilities.

It's fair to say that not all the titles will use that, but it is an option.

As far as Nippon Ichi's research goes, I'm not familiar with that but I'll bet we'll see more PS3 games from them. The more use that put their knowledge to on the PS3 and the more games they make, the more they subsidize the cost of that research.

You could. However most won't or feel the need that they can't because of said false beliefs. Also it's a bit of a waste.

The PS3 needs heavily optimized code for everything that does. Which means it's going to cost you more to get to "Wii level" performance then if you made a Wii level game. So if you don't go much past it... you are spending more money for little benefit.

It's like using a forklift for a job that could of been done by hand. You waste a bunch of time, effort and money (on gas) when you could of just as eaisly did it by hand.

I believe that's why you see a lot of RPGs currently made for PS2 instead of PS3... and will likely still see some PS2 Rpgs till it dies out and said RPG makers are mostly forced to move to the Wii due to the PS3 costing more and having a much lower installed base.

The PS2 isn't killing JRPGs. It might actually be the best shot at saving a lot of the better niche JRPGs. Had it not been around this generation I think we might of seen the death of the "good" JRPGs.  The ones with lower budgets that focus on story and gameplay because they can't get away with FF like graphics.

I mean... lets think about this... how can Wii be blamed for the death of JRPGs? Does buying a Wii make you suddenly not like JRPGs anymore? Of course not, what happened to those JRPG fans then? Are they on PS2 or do they own Wii and just haven't gotten RPG support yet.

Who can say. DQ Swords is such a weird title i can't tell if it actually sells to the dragon quest base.

konnichiwa said:
ssj12 said:
if consoles fail to the Wii, PC is there laughing at the fact the Wii will never surpass it.

Serious bro, this is a sales chart between Consoles and handhelds why do you always have to put the PC at the discussion?

 Cause it's a good fallback arguement since his favorite choice of actual consoles has no chance of catching the Wii.

About BG&E 2 going casual, I cannot understand what Ubisoft are thinking as the first one was cartoony looking (a look that fits well with traditional Nintendo audience fed on cartoony looking Mario, Zelda and Pokemon) and the next one os more geared toward the casual, most of which are going Nintendo's way this generation, yet they decide to put this more casual game on the hardcore PS360 with a more gritty look? Still, I hope it will be as good as the first one and hopefully better (BG&E was a gem, so imagine an even better sequel).

To Onna, about the 55->60 euro increase to the price of games in 2 generations:
You do not seem to understand that their point is that while the price of games has stayed mostly the same for us in the last 10 years, the price to produce these games has greatly increased in the same timeframe, so that if the production price doubled (it did way more than that) in the last 10 years, the amount of sales need to double as well (nearly as the price is a bit more expensive) to cover the increasing production expense.

Now, how many franchises can you name that have doubled the sales of a particular iteration between the Playstation era and the current era? THAT, is the problem facing exponentially-high budgeted games.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


Ssyn said:

Combine the PS3 and 360 numbers and the hardcore base is still bigger than the Wii base. Now there are many ways we might see them move into the next gen:

You sir are so much captured in your elitist thoughts that you don't even see that a huge part of the Wii audience is f*ing hardcore. So hardcore even that they played games like Chrono Trigger, Ghost & Goblins, Castlevania, Contra, Battletoads, Mega Man etc when you were in your diapers.

Words of Wisdom said:

To be fair, I'm sure many JRPGs would be better on the PS3.

Part of the problem here comes from the belief that a PS3 title must have ultra expensive HD graphics which really isn't the case.  You can make a low budget RPG on any console for all that goes.  The difference is that the PS3 gives you the flexibility to have a bit more horsepower if you need it.  Once you decide to go with the Wii, you become much more limited.  We're not talking PS2 versus Gamecube limited where the power difference was present but not extremely pronounced... we're talking a substantial difference in capabilities.

I agree partly with you. The thing is that good, if not great, graphics are so much expected by the PS3 owners that a lot of these JRPG's would bomb because the reviews would suck.
Wii is the place for experimental designs because development is cheaper and the audience isn't very graphics minded.

*~Onna76~* said:
Thanks Hawk.

I simply don't like the WII that much as I used to and that ain't from just a few days or weeks, but for months, if not a year. If you didn't notice my complaints from last year then you simply weren't around here or didn't pay enough attention. I even got personal messages that I shouldn't be so concerned about the games on the WII. Then I speak about last year long before the Mario Galaxy release, which I totally adore!. So it ain't a spin, I just don't like the way the WII is going, for "me", since a long, long time. But saying that I'm all of the sudden someone else, hate the WII, or being a liar? Go on and you won't see me around here for long.

But you know what? I won't say anything negative anymore about the WII as you won't see me anymore in any WII topics unless I find it necessary to say something "extremely" positive. I've had it with these long term discussions, I really have

If you'd read my initial post you'd have seen that I don't care that you don't like Wii, I respect everyone's opinion, I just wanted to argue your and the OP's opinion that every 3rd party develops shovelware and that the Wii is somehow for less capable gamers. That was what my reply was about and since I haven't seen a counterreply to that I don't think I was very wrong.
And you should decide for yourself whether you post in Wii topics or not, but if you re-read your first post you might understand why people react like they do. If you had it with the long discussions why do you post such negative stuff that fuels it in the first place?