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About BG&E 2 going casual, I cannot understand what Ubisoft are thinking as the first one was cartoony looking (a look that fits well with traditional Nintendo audience fed on cartoony looking Mario, Zelda and Pokemon) and the next one os more geared toward the casual, most of which are going Nintendo's way this generation, yet they decide to put this more casual game on the hardcore PS360 with a more gritty look? Still, I hope it will be as good as the first one and hopefully better (BG&E was a gem, so imagine an even better sequel).

To Onna, about the 55->60 euro increase to the price of games in 2 generations:
You do not seem to understand that their point is that while the price of games has stayed mostly the same for us in the last 10 years, the price to produce these games has greatly increased in the same timeframe, so that if the production price doubled (it did way more than that) in the last 10 years, the amount of sales need to double as well (nearly as the price is a bit more expensive) to cover the increasing production expense.

Now, how many franchises can you name that have doubled the sales of a particular iteration between the Playstation era and the current era? THAT, is the problem facing exponentially-high budgeted games.

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"