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xenophon13 said:

So i have been hearing about how the wii is revolutionizing game play and that all things will go the way of the wii.

This makes me sad. I personally don't like miis (they are creepy), i am sick of mario and I dont need to work out in front of the frickin tv (since I spend to much time in front of it anyway).

dont get me wrong, If you love nintendo, then yay! you have the most popular system...hurrah hurrah!

But don't make the MGS and the GTA and the Gears of War and the Oblivion and all the great games go away. What if everyone jumps on the idea of copying the wii and all these games are gone because they are too expensive to produce and you can produce carnival games for a lot less and sell 10 million copies?!? Is anyone else afraid of this? Am I the only one? I could care less if sony or MS or wii actually 'wins' the console war. I do care about having the games i love to play available...and they certainly aren't wii striper pole dance or wii cheerleading or mario dating or carnival games.

Anyone else worried? I guess there is always pc gaming if only nintendo and nintendo sycophants remain...

 I don't want to read all of the posts and I'm sure someone else already addressed this, but, why would these and other great 3rd party games go away?

Couldn't they just be made in new forms on Wii? I think you are being too short sighted.

Granted you won't have the same visual effects as the latest incarnations of these games on PS360. But, you would gain arguably superior controls, especially for GTA, and a massively lower entrance point. (Wii price and game price is lower.) 

Not to mention the market for games that push the limits of technology will always be there as long as there is some  idiot, imo, who will buy the latest $700 video card every 6 months.

You do realise that many of the greatest 3rd party games started on Nintendo machines right?  They only went to Sony due to the Playstation doing what the Wii is now, dominating.

Basically, you are worried for nothing. Just like with every other console there will be a decent number of games you really loved and a ton more you thought were stupid.