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Ssyn said:

Combine the PS3 and 360 numbers and the hardcore base is still bigger than the Wii base. Now there are many ways we might see them move into the next gen:

You sir are so much captured in your elitist thoughts that you don't even see that a huge part of the Wii audience is f*ing hardcore. So hardcore even that they played games like Chrono Trigger, Ghost & Goblins, Castlevania, Contra, Battletoads, Mega Man etc when you were in your diapers.

Words of Wisdom said:

To be fair, I'm sure many JRPGs would be better on the PS3.

Part of the problem here comes from the belief that a PS3 title must have ultra expensive HD graphics which really isn't the case.  You can make a low budget RPG on any console for all that goes.  The difference is that the PS3 gives you the flexibility to have a bit more horsepower if you need it.  Once you decide to go with the Wii, you become much more limited.  We're not talking PS2 versus Gamecube limited where the power difference was present but not extremely pronounced... we're talking a substantial difference in capabilities.

I agree partly with you. The thing is that good, if not great, graphics are so much expected by the PS3 owners that a lot of these JRPG's would bomb because the reviews would suck.
Wii is the place for experimental designs because development is cheaper and the audience isn't very graphics minded.

*~Onna76~* said:
Thanks Hawk.

I simply don't like the WII that much as I used to and that ain't from just a few days or weeks, but for months, if not a year. If you didn't notice my complaints from last year then you simply weren't around here or didn't pay enough attention. I even got personal messages that I shouldn't be so concerned about the games on the WII. Then I speak about last year long before the Mario Galaxy release, which I totally adore!. So it ain't a spin, I just don't like the way the WII is going, for "me", since a long, long time. But saying that I'm all of the sudden someone else, hate the WII, or being a liar? Go on and you won't see me around here for long.

But you know what? I won't say anything negative anymore about the WII as you won't see me anymore in any WII topics unless I find it necessary to say something "extremely" positive. I've had it with these long term discussions, I really have

If you'd read my initial post you'd have seen that I don't care that you don't like Wii, I respect everyone's opinion, I just wanted to argue your and the OP's opinion that every 3rd party develops shovelware and that the Wii is somehow for less capable gamers. That was what my reply was about and since I haven't seen a counterreply to that I don't think I was very wrong.
And you should decide for yourself whether you post in Wii topics or not, but if you re-read your first post you might understand why people react like they do. If you had it with the long discussions why do you post such negative stuff that fuels it in the first place?