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Words Of Wisdom said:
Kasz216 said:

I'd agree... yet i'd also disagree. I mean, if you look at nearly every RPG that isn't Final Fantasy you see RPGs that never pushed the boundries graphically. Most like your Suikodens and Disgaeas are low budget afairs (which Disgaea 3 looks like Disgaea 1.)

System is basically meaningless as far as tech specs go. If it wasn't for the Wii for some of the smaller budget and best loved RPGs i'd fear that they would get unnoticed and outpriced by the false "minimium" level of graphics that people seem to hold up the HD cosnoles too. (Like when people complain a game isn't the right resolution.)

In fact, considering the razor thin budjets RPGs are made on, (since they sell to a very niche audience.) i'd argue that you might end up with less on PS3 then you would on Wii. Basically if you spent the same small budget you'd get more from the familiar though less powered Wii then you would the powerful but unknown cell. (which requried extremely optimized code.)

For example, lets look at Disgaea 3. Why did it take so long to make? Because Nippon Ichi spent like... a year studying the PS3 before they programmed anything. Disgaea 3 sold fine for a disgaea game, however it will likely take a few more PS3 games before he "makes back" his lost time spent studying the engine. This may be why we have suddenly seem a vast number of cheap Nippon Ichi remakes for the hand held consoles.

If you have a hefty budget to throw around and are making a really expensive RPG like Final Fantasy, the PS3 makes most sense for making the "best" rpg.

However if you are talking about your average JRPG. I think Wii development would give you more bang for your buck. If the Wii didn't exist I'd wonder if we'd be getting a lot of the mid to low range budget RPGs which are the ones usually most loved by the RPG core. Or if so, they might not live up to their PS2 namesakes.

Part of the problem here comes from the belief that a PS3 title must have ultra expensive HD graphics which really isn't the case. You can make a low budget RPG on any console for all that goes. The difference is that the PS3 gives you the flexibility to have a bit more horsepower if you need it. Once you decide to go with the Wii, you become much more limited. We're not talking PS2 versus Gamecube limited where the power difference was present but not extremely pronounced... we're talking a substantial difference in capabilities.

It's fair to say that not all the titles will use that, but it is an option.

As far as Nippon Ichi's research goes, I'm not familiar with that but I'll bet we'll see more PS3 games from them. The more use that put their knowledge to on the PS3 and the more games they make, the more they subsidize the cost of that research.

You could. However most won't or feel the need that they can't because of said false beliefs. Also it's a bit of a waste.

The PS3 needs heavily optimized code for everything that does. Which means it's going to cost you more to get to "Wii level" performance then if you made a Wii level game. So if you don't go much past it... you are spending more money for little benefit.

It's like using a forklift for a job that could of been done by hand. You waste a bunch of time, effort and money (on gas) when you could of just as eaisly did it by hand.

I believe that's why you see a lot of RPGs currently made for PS2 instead of PS3... and will likely still see some PS2 Rpgs till it dies out and said RPG makers are mostly forced to move to the Wii due to the PS3 costing more and having a much lower installed base.

The PS2 isn't killing JRPGs. It might actually be the best shot at saving a lot of the better niche JRPGs. Had it not been around this generation I think we might of seen the death of the "good" JRPGs.  The ones with lower budgets that focus on story and gameplay because they can't get away with FF like graphics.

I mean... lets think about this... how can Wii be blamed for the death of JRPGs? Does buying a Wii make you suddenly not like JRPGs anymore? Of course not, what happened to those JRPG fans then? Are they on PS2 or do they own Wii and just haven't gotten RPG support yet.

Who can say. DQ Swords is such a weird title i can't tell if it actually sells to the dragon quest base.