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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 will be in front of 360 by November 2008.

no it wont overtake it before 2009

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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it would have to outsell 360 by 966,000 per month starting june to accomplish this feat. Thats a little optimistic. It will close the gap to about 4 million i bet, but not pass it. It will pass it sometime late 2009.

kowenicki said:

I cant believe that some people are replying to this post in a " never know it just might" kind of way...  So let me get this straight the PS3 is going to sell in 6 months virtually what it has sold so far since launch?.. that is what it may need to do to overtake as the 360 isnt going to simply stop selling is it.  So about 9 million in 6 months..ok... seems like a slightly tough ask to me... (glorious understament there by the way)

Rock On, how much would you like to bet me in cold hard cash that the PS3 does not overtake the 360 by December 1st 2008, I say it wont, you say it will... how much?  come on brave boy...  either put up or quit with the ridiculous, provocative and frankly dumb posts. 

I can't believe people are replying to this thinking he is serious.

*PooperScooper i am not trolling , i have just get bored of those ridiculous threads...

What is your opinion about the PS3 overtaking 360, when do you believe is going to happen??????

For you doubters LBP will be a huge system seller. LBP will sell over  3 million copies. Little Big Planet looks like PS3's answer to Mario.

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Rock_on_2008 said:
For you doubters LBP will be a huge system seller. LBP will sell over  3 million copies. Little Big Planet looks like PS3's answer to Mario.

 You changed this, first you claimed over 5 millions of copies, but anyways...


You say that based on what???

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
FJ-Warez said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
For you doubters LBP will be a huge system seller. LBP will sell over 3 million copies. Little Big Planet looks like PS3's answer to Mario.

You changed this, first you claimed over 5 millions of copies, but anyways...


You say that based on what???

 PS3 install base will be like over 20 million when LBP arrives and the game is hyped by Sony and will have a big marketing push.

Rock_on_2008 said:
FJ-Warez said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
For you doubters LBP will be a huge system seller. LBP will sell over 3 million copies. Little Big Planet looks like PS3's answer to Mario.

You changed this, first you claimed over 5 millions of copies, but anyways...


You say that based on what???

 PS3 install base will be like over 20 million when LBP arrives and the game is hyped by Sony and will have a big marketing push.

 Thats a nice way to see it, but I´m not sure about the appealing of the game, looks good, yes, but is a mass market game???

Even with the hype machine of Sony is hard to predict how well is going to sell...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Go rock on go

and what did people say about wii sales before the wii came out again,

h ok then i guess everyone was wrong