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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Resistance 2 sell 1 million in week 1?

PS360ForTheWin said:
week 1 - 725k
week 2 - 450k
week 3 - 290k
week 4 - 195k
week 5 - 180k

LTD sales = 7m or so

i think 7 million will be a bit to high 4 mil seems more reasonable,and 5 mil stretching it a bit

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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LTD sales about 4 millions
GOW2 ABOUT 8 millions

good predictions

YES IT WILL no doubt

Be honest with nobody and lie to your self MGS4 best game EVER on ps3 :?!!!!!!!

jerseyboy609 said:

Will Resistance 2 sell 1 million in week 1?

What about lifetime sells?!

is 5mil in reach?!

No to all those questions. Resistance 1 sold well because it was the only good game on PS3 at the time of its release. Resistance 2 has competition.


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It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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barley anyone I know that doesnt have a PS3 doesnt even know what the first one is, and the first one was just an average game that ps3 gamers picked up because it was the only good launch game.

@ darthdevidem01

I dont know what your talking about really. Motorstorm 2 will sell over 4 million? The only reason why that game sold well is because it was bundled, and the people who got it with their 80gb ps3 hated it from what ive seen on various forums and w/e. my friend got an 80gb, played the game for a couple of hours, and then cod4 took up the rest of his time.

NIKOS_SE said:
well considering that ps3 has zero piracy while both the x360 and the ps2 have,it should sell very well.i think if it is launched in november it should sell 1 million in first week worldwide,especially if there is a price drop or a bundle

 You'd think that would be the case, but it's far from true.

PS2 and Xbox were both able to modded to play pirated games and they both had titles with monstorous sales towards the middle-end of their life (Halo 2 springs to mind).  Another flaw in the argument is the Wii and 360, both are able to be modded to play pirated games, yet both have substantially better selling games then the PS3 has.

On topic: Depends on how many PS3's are out there by November, but I would say that 1 million week 1 at that time is plausible, but seems unlikely right now.

colonelstubbs said:
Fernando said:
I don't think so... MGS4 will barely do 1 million first week (I think that maybe 800,000 first week worlwide)...

Resistance, no.

That is sheer lunacy...

Whats so crazy about that? GTA4 got almost 2.5 million first week and thats not even counting Japan. MGS will clear 1 million. The game is in such high damand that its gunna do it. Anyways I think Resistence 2 will probally get around 650,000 first week.


i predict

1st week 750 ~ 800k
lifetime 4.5 million



if its WW no doubt....seriously...this game is a good 5 months out....with MGS4 and an 80 gb SKU for europe we are looking at roughly 2 - 3 million more on the install base?....this game will have such great appeal considering how solid the first one was plus the 60 play multiplayer, 2 seperate campaigns and insane co-op....this game may clear 1.5 million WW if its released simultaneously....japan would probably be good for 40k or so based on resistance's sales....Europe should push 600k and the US should be able to do 800k.....depending on the success or failure of the MGS4 bundle and Sony's marketing i think anything less than a million week 1 is a disappointment.