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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can Nintendo be disrupted?

Guys, I know nintendo is gonna get dirupted at some point, but what I want is that you tell me some of your ideas of how could this happen =P

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It´s really a no brainer to say with 100% certainty Nintendo will be disrupted again in the future, like LetsAllMakeBelieve said, as no one stays on top forever....of course, the big ? is how long it´ll take for that to happen.

Apple won't do it. Their console will fail in Japan.



"but what I want is that you tell me some of your ideas of how could this happen =P"

Ah, sorry :D

Well, assuming motion controls become the standard over the next years, just like the NES´ D pad did after the joystiq, then we should see a 'hiatus' till the next big improvement on user interface, so maybe the disruption will have to come from something else that doesn´t have to do with user interface.

MontanaHatchet said:
Apple won't do it. Their console will fail in Japan.

That makes me think that I really wouldn't like a console calle iGame.


Hmmm... we should make a list of candidates!


-Apple (I beleive what Montana said)

-Microsoft (you know they won't do it)



Tell me if I should add anyone. 

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dont forget EA


YES - and I've long predicted another company will jump into the fray and attempt to do just that. How successfully they'll be is at disrupting Nintendo is a total unknown but more disruption in the industry will be chaos for Sony/MS.

Keys to doing it:

- Think BIG! Nintendo has opened a huge new market but is too conservative to gobble it up.
- Aggressiveness - Lots of advertising making the product seem like the new IN thing and lots of plans to ramp up production very quickly to stay ahead of demand.
- Innovation - simply intuitive controls but don't copy Wii exactly (otherwise you'll be a wannaba Wii)
- Compatibility with both Wii & HD game consoles. Imagine the joys of being able to play the best of Wii games and the best of HD games with pinpoint accuracy. Instant huge game library as 3rd parties port existing games over for a quick buck.
- Sleek design - Take a page from Apple (Nintendo did) people love cool looking gadgets
- Price - Must be under $300 or be from Apple. Apple is the only tech company that can get away with overcharging for everything - but they have mastered the 'coolness' factor.

Really the only company with the imagination and know-how to do this I can see is Apple but no one expected Wii from Nintendo either so who knows.


@at Gamerace

I know nothing about´s their success in NA,Europe and Japan?

easy, they'll hire mercenaries to take down Nintendo HQ, plus take down all studies working on Wii games, it's ruthless, and many will die, but it's a sure disruption, and you know what, perhaps Mario will finally sleep rather than roll in his grave from the constant milking abuse his corpse has had.

Nintendo won't get disrupted this gen, next gen it's possible. Although, Nintendo itself aims to disrupt Wii, so that nobody else does it before Nintendo.

How will it happen, is quite an interesting question, it's either user input, or a service as a whole. I'd bet both.

JGarret said:

Nintendo was disrupted once, by the it´s their turn.

I think this gen´s already set in stone when it comes to who will be number 1, but there´s always next gen.

Actually no. Considering their downfall with SNES and mistakes with N64, it's more like Nintendo was the one that disrupted Nintendo. Basically what happened, was that Nintendo didn't go with the industry, as Sony and Sega did. Only thing i can think how Sony was disruptive, was to allow shovelware on its console.

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Eikä Japanisti.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.