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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gametrailers comparisons are lies both versions of grid video are the ps3

I don't think they are just fanboys, why would they easily throw away their reputation over being fanboys? Obviously there is some money being thrown around here.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Thanks man i m gonna digg it,,,sony needs to take some legal action for public misinformation,,some one should email SCEA and let them know about this,,,how can they prove now that they haven't been doin this all along?




What idiots... Hope that they get whats coming to them lol

Euphoria14 said:

I don't see how they avoided anything. GT has already proven they are biased against the PS3 many times before.

Now which did they dumb down and purposely make look worse? Supposed PS3 version or supposed 360 version?

If it is the supposed PS3 version dumbed down, then well... there credibility to me is completely shot. What a joke of a gaming site they are. Seriously... it is disgusting.

i know what you mean, there are other sites that are mdf lean also

gametrailers are one of them.

i can give an example of a bias on gametrailers. they did a gta4 comparison, and on the section on night flying in a helicopter because the ps3 version also has pop up(not as much as 360 version) they turned the angle sharply left-right whilst flying to show a building pop up then they did it again, but on the same screen where it shows the 360 version, they piloted the copter in a slow straight line lol.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

SpartanFX said:

Thanks man i m gonna digg it,,,sony needs to take some legal action for public misinformation,,some one should email SCEA and let them know about this,,,how can they prove now that they haven't been doin this all along?

i wish they could, all these modern reviewers are just cowboys, i believe and you can quote me on this "even when ps3 is ahead of 360 they will still try to dumb down things for ps3"

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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It's strange that the PS3 is arguably the most popular console on their site, the forums there show that there are more PS3 fans and that there is a huge amount of activity on the Playstation forums compared to the others.

But the staff of the site are obviously not on the same side as the sites members.

Oh, I too saw that GTA comparison with the huge pop-in of the Getalife building. The PS3 helicopter was moving very quickly towards the city on the next shot too so there was less time for the game to load the buildings while the 360 version piloted the helicopter very very slowly towards the city.

Not to say that one version is better than the other, but both versions should be compared at a fair standard. This GRID comparison may just prove a bias.

And why do none of my PS3 games look as poor as theirs do? And I'm on an SDTV.


some one should post this on




Most people learn to write by the first grade, the rest become videogame "journalists".

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



that strange