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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Time to kill my roommate

Neos said:
Wow..this learned me to not have roommates =D

Or get one without any feet :)

That sucks Frodaddyg........first the Wild, and now this. Maybe you can force it to overheat, and get the RROD.......thus saving you $99?

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izaaz101 said:
Neos said:
Wow..this learned me to not have roommates =D

Or get one without any feet :)

That sucks Frodaddyg........first the Wild, and now this. Maybe you can force it to overheat, and get the RROD.......thus saving you $99?

Eh, I've pondered it, but I don't know if I want to take the chance on screwing something else up on it.

But, *ahem* hypothetically, how would one potentially go about "forcing" a RROD issue? The idea crossed my mind to wrap it in something, but then I see that's sometimes actually a quasi-fix for RROD issues. I do own an electric blanket... Hmmm...

Also, the Wild series sucked a good deal of life out of me. But, the Avs did have the better goalie in the series, which is what 90% of the playoffs come down to. 

The dedication you show to any particular console or company is inversely proportional to the number of times you have gotten laid. If you get laid enough, even if you prefer a certain brand, you just don't give enough of a shit to argue about it on the internet.

play Grant Theft Auto in real life :D

I'm not exactly sure. I would imagine that turning the console on in a hot room, and leaving it on overnight ought to do it.

Don't kill him! You'll have ppl thinking were all serial killers!

I can see it now..
"Gamer Kills Roomate For Breaking Xbox 360"

Oh snap.


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eliasg said:
play Grant Theft Auto in real life :D

 Best idea in the thread.

^Guy pissing on Microsoft Sign


Kill him!!! Kill him with a knife, a slow and painful death. :P

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dang that sux

Nintendo Zealot said:
eliasg said:
play Grant Theft Auto in real life :D

Best idea in the thread.

You mean like this?

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"

I hope he's going to pay for the repair?