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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favourite System and Why

I own all console.(ps360wii)
My favorite over all is the Wii.
Because,well,its the wii,check the game,check the fun....the wii win easily.

Wii ware-Fatal Frame 4-Street Fighter 4-Sonic Unleashed-guitare hero 3-Disaster-wii fit-mario kart-Sadness-Games who actually use Wii Board...i dont know but, seem big enough for me.By the way,im a proud owner of P.E.S 2008  Wii and it kill all the other soccer game.

My Wii code:3553-1619-3236-0339

my Brawl Code:0860-2912-9428

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Out of all the ones I own for handhelds I would have to say the NINTENDO DS mostly due to the fact that it's a breath of fresh air. I loved GB-GBC-GBA but the DS is so different from the Game Boy line that it tajes the cake.

As for consoles I would say the NINTENDO GAMECUBE, amazing controller, great graphics and some of my favorite games ever are on the Gamecube, games like:

Super Smash Bros. Melee
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Super Mario Sunshine
The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Star Fox: Adventures
Battalion Wars
Resident Evil 4
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
to name a few.

HONORABLE MENTION: Virtual Boy and Game & Watch (Zelda)

Real conversation starters.

It's tough to choose, but probably the PSP, followed by the 360.

Both have quality games and ones that I enjoy. The Wii has some great games, and I've enjoyed them a lot. But from perspective purchases alone, I could buy a bajillion 360 games, and only a couple Wii games. Same for the DS and PSP. With the PSP, the options seem endless. With the DS, I feel like I'm forced to wait for the occasional quality title to trickle out, and when you look at a shelf of DS games, it's loaded with so much crap you almost become overwhelmed.

Out of the current library, I already own all the DS games I feel like owning, and it's much more than the average DS buyer owns anyways.



rocketpig said:
I like all the consoles for various reasons. This is the amount I play each:

1. 360
2. Wii
3. PS3
4. DS
5. PSP

I like the 360 for the games, great online, integrated voicechat (fuck you Sony, Bluetooth sucks for chat), and the fact that pretty much all my RL friends own one and that lets me play with them in Gears and Halo co-op. I like the Wii for quirky games like Zack & Wiki and Okami, not to mention Nintendos first-party offerings. I like the PS3 for Blu-ray, DVD upscaling, and games like Uncharted.

Considering your dislike of the DS, what is the PSP in your opinion?

*Braces self* 



I love my Game Boy Light because nobody else knows what it is, and I've seen it go for hundreds on eBay and I MAGICALLY FOUND ONE FOR $25!!!!11onezap.

And the light itself is just that hot sexxee indiglo we all love.

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I know its not a console, but my PC actually remains my favourite platform - its actually kind of killing me weaning myself of it onto my PS3 for games like COD4. I think it would be obvious what's to like about PC gaming (graphics, mouse & keyboard for FPS, best online, etc.)

Next favourite would be my PS3.

What I like is the interface and the flexibility of the system. I'm really enjoying COD4 and UT3 (which I thought I'd hate on anything buy a PC) and while its graphics technically can't compete with my PC on a my HD TV they look awesome and games are much more immersive. I also get to relax in a nice leather couch with a beer when I play on my PS3 which also helps.

I also like some of the inventive PSN games like Everyday shooter and Flow (and I loved the chochrome demo).

Finally I use it for BR, DVDs, playing home movies (look, its the kids skiing in HD!), music and images - looking at a 7 megapixel picture in hi-res via the PS3 beats a 6 x 4 inch glossy anyday.

I also like the mix of games for my kids (from stuff like snakeball and Pixel Jucie Monsters on PSN to R&C) although I think too many games are skewing older on the console which is hurting its ability to sell like the PS2 did to the parents demographic - its really needs a lot more R&C games or games like Sly Cooper and Jak and Daxter. Still, LBP looks awesome and my kids can't wait to get a hold of that having watched the trailers, etc. released so far.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

I have all three and like my PS3 the best so far. I'm not one for hype but I do think we've only had a little taste of what that system can do and I just can't wait to see what the right developer can do with it (may not have to wait much longer if Metal Gear is a good as it looks).

Also, Sony has a great track record of delivering quality software across the entire life span of their systems. I know someone here will call it BS, but to me part of being a gamer is being excited by the next big game that will come out. In fact, I think lots of people look forward to games coming out more than they do actually playing them. Anyways, I just love Sony's stable of games and love knowing I'll be able to play Metal Gear 4, the next thing from the ICO team, God of War 3, Wipeout HD, Little Big Planet, Uncharted 2, Jak and Daxter, MotorStorm 2, FFXIII, Gran Tourismo, etc. etc.

As for 360- So far Gears has to be one of the best examples of next gen gaming (loved it) and Gear 2 looks amazing, but other than that there's not much that appeals to me. (Bioshock was good but kind of overrated IMO and don't get me started about Halo 2.5). After that what is there, Banjo could be cool if Rare doesn't F it up and turn it into a first person shooter or some kind of Wii party sports knock off, and I think Alan Wake will be great. Other than that I don't see many games to look forward to. Plus after my RROD I just don't trust my 360 anymore and mostly use it for movies in the living room (been buying the multiplatform games on PS3 now due to reliability).

And as for Wii- Wi had me the most excited and is very fun but lacks enough volume of high quality software to make it anything other than an event system for me (after Metroid and Galaxy mine has just collected dust).