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I have all three and like my PS3 the best so far. I'm not one for hype but I do think we've only had a little taste of what that system can do and I just can't wait to see what the right developer can do with it (may not have to wait much longer if Metal Gear is a good as it looks).

Also, Sony has a great track record of delivering quality software across the entire life span of their systems. I know someone here will call it BS, but to me part of being a gamer is being excited by the next big game that will come out. In fact, I think lots of people look forward to games coming out more than they do actually playing them. Anyways, I just love Sony's stable of games and love knowing I'll be able to play Metal Gear 4, the next thing from the ICO team, God of War 3, Wipeout HD, Little Big Planet, Uncharted 2, Jak and Daxter, MotorStorm 2, FFXIII, Gran Tourismo, etc. etc.

As for 360- So far Gears has to be one of the best examples of next gen gaming (loved it) and Gear 2 looks amazing, but other than that there's not much that appeals to me. (Bioshock was good but kind of overrated IMO and don't get me started about Halo 2.5). After that what is there, Banjo could be cool if Rare doesn't F it up and turn it into a first person shooter or some kind of Wii party sports knock off, and I think Alan Wake will be great. Other than that I don't see many games to look forward to. Plus after my RROD I just don't trust my 360 anymore and mostly use it for movies in the living room (been buying the multiplatform games on PS3 now due to reliability).

And as for Wii- Wi had me the most excited and is very fun but lacks enough volume of high quality software to make it anything other than an event system for me (after Metroid and Galaxy mine has just collected dust).