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Forums - Sony Discussion - What makes a Platinum trophy special in your view?



Love Platinum triphies 6 46.15%
Hate Platinum trophies 1 7.69%
Have no opinion on Platinum trophies 6 46.15%

I don't like overly challenging Platinum trophies unless a game is designed to be difficult like Sekiro nor do I like Platinums with trophies that are of the type like "kill X number of enemies while hopping on one foot in the rain on a Sunday" nor random gimmick trophies, RNG or Multiplayer trophies. 

What I think makes a great Platinum is one that gets you to see all the game has to offer, not completely 100% meticulousness but just enough to keep you playing a fun game long after the credits roll. An enhancement of goals to achieve that keeps what ever makes the game so good alive and well, something that promotes a NG+ or post credit play. A platinum should have in game mechanics like detectors for collectibles also as a feature that unlocks in game by earning it and allows for a rough idea of where they are so you don't need a guide.

Astrobot is a perfect example, it's a Platinum that has you replay levels and get more fun out of them along with optional side content that you might miss would you not be aiming for the platinum, my only gripe is the in game collectible mechanic is expensive on currency reduces the ability to get another trophy which needs that currency so a guide is needed for clean up. Another is Stellar Blade which doesn't force you to 100% but promotes diving into most things and there is no need for a guide with in game mechanics for collectibles. These two are perfect examples of what makes a platinum special, one that makes the base game better. Astrobots platinum is making me consider upping the score of the game from an 8 to a 9 and Black Myth Wu Kong would loose a point down from an 8 because the platinum provided such a great experience and made me complete bosses and stuff I would have completely ignored otherwise, it essentially added content to the game, promoted more play and enhanced the overall gaming loop. 

A bad example of a Platinum would be FF7 Rebirth which has all the bad points I listed above as well as it taking more than twice the length of the base game from 50-60 hour up to near 200 hours or Nobody wants to die which essentially just playing the game and then speed running it to pop a few easily gotten trophies and adds nothing whatsoever to the gaming experience. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 22 hours ago

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I don't really make an effort to hunt trophies. There are a couple of examples where I went through the trophy list after I had beaten the game and saw that it would not take much to get the platinum, so I did it. It depends so much on the game and how the trophies are designed.
I'n not going to try and kill myself in some convoluted way just to get a trophy. Or kill an innocent NPC or something. I have principles, you see.

I think it helps break up linear games to go trophy hunting. You experiment more within the game world, which I think is something that has been lost over time due to formulaic game design.

Not to say that I'll go for trophies in any game, but if I really enjoy it, I'll go for the platinum.

If trophy hunting helps break linearity and promotes immersion and explorarion... ✓

If it doesnt... X

brendude13 said:

I think it helps break up linear games to go trophy hunting. You experiment more within the game world, which I think is something that has been lost over time due to formulaic game design.

Not to say that I'll go for trophies in any game, but if I really enjoy it, I'll go for the platinum.

Yes. It definetly takes you off the beaten path and adds variety, especially if you have the Platinum in mind. Gets you playing in ways you wouldn't otherwise. I like this take. 

Louie_86 said:

If trophy hunting helps break linearity and promotes immersion and explorarion... ✓

If it doesnt... X

It does. 

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First off, I am glad trophies/achievements exist. I know a lot of players love them.

But they’re not really for me. I’m happy to accumulate the achievements and trophies silently behind the scenes, but I never make an effort to unlock them. I think the only platinum trophies I have, I unlocked by accident.

There’s a certain meta-gaming aspect to trophies/achievements that turns me off.

LegitHyperbole said:
Louie_86 said:

If trophy hunting helps break linearity and promotes immersion and explorarion... ✓

If it doesnt... X

It does. 

It wasnt a question. It was a statement. For some games it does, for some it doesnt. 

When it does, good. 

When it doesnt, bad. 

IDGAF about trophies, and I know devs hate implementing them. I hope Nintendo never does and be happy one day to see Sony and MS drop them. Won't happen but I'd be happy.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:

IDGAF about trophies, and I know devs hate implementing them. I hope Nintendo never does and be happy one day to see Sony and MS drop them. Won't happen but I'd be happy.

Idk why devs would hate implementing them when there is a whole side of the PS store that makes their money off of easyil popped platinums trophies for the whores. Sony has even seen the benifets of a good teophy list and pushed their devs do implement more obtainable platinums over the harsh lists like back in the day with TLOU and what not where it was possible to not pop a trophy at all the entire game. Idk what devs you're talking about but they can't be thinking with their games in mind, stats show a good trophy list will help sell games. 

LegitHyperbole said:
Leynos said:

IDGAF about trophies, and I know devs hate implementing them. I hope Nintendo never does and be happy one day to see Sony and MS drop them. Won't happen but I'd be happy.

Idk why devs would hate implementing them when there is a whole side of the PS store that makes their money off of easyil popped platinums trophies for the whores. Sony has even seen the benifets of a good teophy list and pushed their devs do implement more obtainable platinums over the harsh lists like back in the day with TLOU and what not where it was possible to not pop a trophy at all the entire game. Idk what devs you're talking about but they can't be thinking with their games in mind, stats show a good trophy list will help sell games. 

My name is Mayo and those games are not real games and don't count. Do you like extra work at your job? It's more time and work and then the decision where to put them while needing to follow Sony/MS polices on them.

This is how it was explained to me by a programmer who used to work at R*.

it's what you'd call "Rote code" basically anything that does what it does without deviation just functions better.
Think of it like this:
Whats easier to remember to do?

You stamp every envelope or Stamp every envelope and when you hit 100 envelopes, scream, but never do it ever again, unless a different person comes and asks you to do it again, and you need to count between shifts and make sure you know where you left off even when you go to sleep. Sony is worse.

It's built the opposite way achievements are built into everything else
so if you make em, and get them implemented for xbox and Steam and apple store and Google Play, you have to basically start over on the backend stuff for playstation.
Now I have never been a programmer but I have worked in a canning factory many moons ago putting lids on Apple Sauce jars on a conveyer belt. I lost count within 10 seconds lol.
HIs reponse to that was this "
whats funny is thats accurate, you switch scenes and clear that value, it's gone
I've seen super dumb bugs where starting a new game, exiting without saving and then loading into a game could reset some counting stats
That said it depends on the complexity of the achievement too. it's not so much hard as just annoying, especially when you layer in what I said before about PlayStation"

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!