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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Whats the most middle of the road game you've ever played?

Middle of the road, not good but not really bad either. The first 2 that come to mind for me are Borderlands 3 and Fable 3. My problems with both are weirdly the same, the pacing. Whenever I felt like I was free to do what I wanted, the games suddenly decided to start holding my hand for story purposes. Also all the driving in B3 was annoying felt like all the maps were designed for the vehicles and not walking. Other then that I enjoyed the combat and second to second game-play for most of the games.

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For middle of the road experiences I doubt any game can compare to this.

I assumed this was going to be about Avowed.

Frankly the ones that come to mind are Gravity Rush, Assassin's Creed and Pokemon Black and White. All okay but fairly underwhelming games.

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pokoko said:

I assumed this was going to be about Avowed.

... its... just...okay.

Every journalist/site reviewer giving it a 8/10 score.
When its more like a 6 out of 10 (going by players opinions).

its crazy the amount of people that play it and go "its okay".
Then you read the review they gave, and it sounds worse than that.
like you can tell they are let down, but choose to review it as okay.

xl-klaudkil said:

Final fantasy 16

^ this would be my vote.
FF16 didn't do much for me (but this is more of a me issue, than the games fault I think).
I want them to go back to their roots.

UnderwaterFunktown said:

...... and Pokemon Black and White. All okay but fairly underwhelming games.

I'd go so far as to say Pokemon are bad rpgs :P
As a grown as man, I've tried to play a few and just doesn't click with me.
I don't understand why pokemon is so popular (as a video game atleast).

Last edited by JRPGfan - 2 days ago

Tales of Arise. Bought it Day one too.

I don't know, because when I occasionally would land on a game like that, I'd put the controller away after like ten minutes and return it to the video store lol.

pokoko said:

I assumed this was going to be about Avowed.

The operative word in this case would be 'played'.

Hard to say, because I don't tend to remember such games too well, but Rage comes to mind. It wasn't bad, and it was in fact pretty good at times (the shooting parts), but at some point I just lost interest. I might finish it some day, but that day is not in sight at the moment.