I wanna see many different perspectives on where the line is for the hardcore and can you be hardcore without playing games.
I wanna see many different perspectives on where the line is for the hardcore and can you be hardcore without playing games.
People who enjoy different kind of games regularely I would say is a hardcore gamer.
Anyone who is passionate and an enthusiast in regards to gaming.
The platform and types of games are irrelevant to that end.
--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--
Pemalite said: Anyone who is passionate and an enthusiast in regards to gaming. |
What if it's just one game... or no game at all and just keeping up with the industry. Can one be hardcore if they aren't actively gaming or don't have the time but every few months they do a weekend of gaming or are they now casuals?
There is no such thing as a hardcore gamer due to gaming being a hobby of consumption with little to no way of measuring progression. It's not like skydiving, painting or Martial arts.
vidyaguy said: There is no such thing as a hardcore gamer due to gaming being a hobby of consumption with little to no way of measuring progression. It's not like skydiving, painting or Martial arts. |
Hmm. This is semantics, we all no hardcore doesn't mean actually hardcore but if you want to reword it an intensive gamer or a sweaty gamer as they say.
Someone who is too busy gaming to be on a forum. So none of us.
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.
Someone who'll pick gaming over sex.
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.
Someone who'll pick gaming over attending a loved one's funeral.
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.
Gamers that wear diapers to skip bathroom breaks.
...to avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.
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