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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Switch 2 the start of the 10th Generation? (Poll)


Switch 2...

9th Gen 15 13.76%
10th Gen 53 48.62%
Generation don't matter anymore 37 33.94%
I have no opinion 4 3.67%

Generations are defined on when they launched. vgchartz chartz on the front page does it right. The latest Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony systems are part of the same generation. If Sony was to launch PS6 and MS came out with an Xboxwhatever they both would compete with Switch 2 in the same generation. Talks like "generations are over", "console wars are over" are wrong. As long as there are consoles with physical games from at least 2 different brands there are generations and there will be competition.

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I don't think there are generations anymore. Spending 100 posts trying to figure out how to put a square peg in a round hole seems like a waste of time, but hey, live your truth.

The "generations" label was one of the weirdest concepts ever to come out of games consoles. If we're entering the 10th generation, then a generation is a roughly 5.5 years since 1975.

Depends on whether you consider NSW the successor or replacement for Wii U, seeing how almost every notable release would end up being ported over.

firebush03 said:

Depends on whether you consider NSW the successor or replacement for Wii U, seeing how almost every notable release would end up being ported over.

This is probably the best point made in the thread. It's hard to argue against it being a replacement to a failure, a reset type deal. 🤔 

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JackHandy said:

I use to say this was simple, because gens are not about power, they are about successive hardware launches. But the Switch is not the successor to the Wii-U (home console). The Switch is the successor of the 3DS (handheld). So I don't know, anymore. I think when it comes to this particular debate, I'm going to check out.

It's the successor to both the Wii U and 3DS, combining their software and hardware into one that you can use as a handheld and connect to the TV to use it as a home console.

Though to be fair, this debate just like what generation the Switch belongs is useless. It really doesn't matter.


The Switch started the 9th generation. The Switch 2 will start the 10th generation. It's rumored Xbox's next system will launch in 2026 and PS6 in 2027.

LegitHyperbole said:
firebush03 said:

Depends on whether you consider NSW the successor or replacement for Wii U, seeing how almost every notable release would end up being ported over.

This is probably the best point made in the thread. It's hard to argue against it being a replacement to a failure, a reset type deal. 🤔 

Isnt this the point of the successors: being a replacement of the previous consoles?

Porting last gen games to the next system isn't a thing that only happened to WiiU -> Switch



We reap what we sow

160rmf said:
LegitHyperbole said:

This is probably the best point made in the thread. It's hard to argue against it being a replacement to a failure, a reset type deal. 🤔 

Isnt this the point of the successors: being a replacement of the previous consoles?

Porting last gen games to the next system isn't a thing that only happened to WiiU -> Switch

Another great point. 

Switch 2 will be a PS5/Xbox Series gen console that will also span the whole PS6/Xbox Prime gen ( 2026-2034 ). Xbox Prime will release at the end of 2026, PS6 on November 2027, while Switch 2 will last at least for 8 year until 2033, meaning covering the other two's next gen too, besides this one. 1,5 of the other two's gens exactly like the Switch did ( PS4/Xbox One gen plus half of PS5/Xbox Series gen ). Even if you take it based on perfomance output, Switch 2 is above Xbox Series S in performance ( 3 Teraflops docked + forced dynamic low resource closed enviroment optimised DLSS 3.5 ), so that makes it a PS5/Xbox Series gen console, that will run every single game of the current gen, something pretty obvious by the tons of high end AAA game ports already leaked for it and many developers comments on it's easy porting ability of current gen games.

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