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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What small little thing makes you go "Instant no buy for me" in an upcoming game?



A dog person 2 8.33%
A cat person 12 50.00%
Both cat and dog person 5 20.83%
A Nazi 5 20.83%

Another vote for Epic (or any publisher store, like whatever EA's and Ubisoft's are called) exclusivity here. If it eventually comes to Steam I'll still buy it, but if it's truly exclusive then it may as well not exist as far as I'm concerned.

Last edited by Machina - on 26 January 2025

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Machina said:

Another vote for Epic (or any publisher store, like whatever EA's and Ubisoft's are called) exclusivity here. If it eventually comes to Steam I'll still buy it, but if it's truly exclusive then it may as well not exist as far as I'm concerned.

It's why I stopped caring about franchises like Alan Wake. Indie games that go there for 1-3 years I'll never buy. The longer and more deals a dev and publisher makes with Epic, the more inclined I am to just avoid them for the rest of my life and give money to someone else who will give me the time of day (This has already led to me ignoring SE, Gearbox, Ubi, etc).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

lets see....

I used to be really against GAAS games... but POE1/2 are some of my favorite games (ontop of enjoying like FF11,FF14, ect)
(for along while now... so I guess I can't complain too much, but GGG's are more like the exception to the rule.)

What really grinds my gears:

Roguelike  (hate this crap...)
Horror (I used to enjoy as a kid, with a group of other kids... but it just does nothing for me now)
Online required for single player.
Political/social agendas.
F2P gacha (loot box heavy games)
Multiple account systems needed (ei. more than say just steam, if on pc).
Someone before mentioned difficulty.. and honestly yes. I don't want to play games I have to fail a million times to succeed in  (dark souls).

Give me a chill relaxing and story rich world, with fantastic music, exploration and a sense of wonder (about the game)...
that also happens to be a RPG instead :)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 26 January 2025

Mar1217 said:
Cobretti2 said:



Now now, that's EVERY Switch physical game owners nightmare 😱

Now, with modern AAA games taking upwards of 80GB+ storage, I really have to wonder what kind of games we'll get in physical form. Expecting sooo much more of those.

Although ... They could probably spend a bit of time doing compression work on their files lol

I am hoping switch 2 solves this problem and the minim size medium they offer to devs is 128gb. Surely its cheap enough these days lol.

I have seen 3D nand drives that are 128gb cost like 10USD, so at wholesale surely Nintendo can get them for $5USD, if devs are to tight arse to pay $5 for a cart FMD.



No English dub. I couldn't care less about Japanese voice acting, give me the language I understand please.  Especially if it's a longer game that has a lot of spoken dialogue.

Also I won't play a game if the main character doesn't look interesting enough. Like those indie platformers where you play as a little circle or stick figure or something like that. BORING.

I won't play any RPG that doesn't show your characters during battle.  Like those classic ones that just show the enemies on screen, but not your party members.  Instant pass.

And last but not least, I won't play any action RPG that has your party members fighting on their own during battle.  It's super annoying and they often get in the way.  They'll kill enemies way too fast before I've had a chance to do anything, or they'll use up precious items that I want to save for bosses.  Just tedious.  Either make the game turn-based and put me in control of all my party members, or make it action-based with one playable character on screen at a time (like Castlevania does).  Stop trying to do both!

Last edited by Paperboy_J - on 27 January 2025

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I mostly skip games based on the genre. FPS games, open world games and any sports games that is not golf or tennis will be skipped. I often get uninterested in games that have a visual style that is anime-like or what I think of as too Japanese looking. High pithed kid-like voices on adult woman in games is another example I just cannot stand.
Some games will on the other hand be interesting to me because of the style they are presented in. Obra Djinn, Hotel Dusk, Cuphead , Limbo and Madworld are all examples of games that I played or want to play based on the art style.

I will play multiplayer only games but I generally will not buy them. Might buy a few costumes or something if I like the game to support it.
Mostly skips out on licensed games based on movies or comics. At least newer ones, retro licensed games are often alright.

I'm probably kind of petty when it comes to games. Will skip out on games for a lot of small unsignificant reasons. Displaying explosions or sounds with speak bubbles - skip. Slow walking speeds - skip. Being able to farm experience Fire Emblem -skip. Music reminding me of the music in Pikmin - skip. Explaining to much - skip. explaining to little -skip. Low frame rate -skip.
Many of the cases above is games I will try, but not continue playing.

JRPGfan said:

lets see....

I used to be really against GAAS games... but POE1/2 are some of my favorite games (ontop of enjoying like FF11,FF14, ect)
(for along while now... so I guess I can't complain too much, but GGG's are more like the exception to the rule.)

What really grinds my gears:

Roguelike  (hate this crap...)
Horror (I used to enjoy as a kid, with a group of other kids... but it just does nothing for me now)
Online required for single player.
Political/social agendas.
F2P gacha (loot box heavy games)
Multiple account systems needed (ei. more than say just steam, if on pc).
Someone before mentioned difficulty.. and honestly yes. I don't want to play games I have to fail a million times to succeed in  (dark souls).

Give me a chill relaxing and story rich world, with fantastic music, exploration and a sense of wonder (about the game)...
that also happens to be a RPG instead :)

I see you hate rouglites and I am iffy on them, I love the idea and the early game but fall off them mostly but since you love chilled out games may I make a suggestion, there is a rouglite sub genre now that is called Bullet Heaven or reverse bullet hell, some call it auto shooters and they are soooo good. Vampire Surivors, NERD Survivors, Army of Ruin and Brotato to name a few, these games have all the fun of rouglites without the stress or loosing chunks of time, well you do loose small ammounts of time but unlike rouglites permanent progression actually makes a huge difference and it's always making you stronger. They may seem tough at first but they are actually really easy when you get going and remain fun even when you practically break the games with a build, it's kind of like playing Diablo end game, you don't have to grind for build and you get that same effect. Plus they are usually around the 5 euro mark and great value for money.