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I mostly skip games based on the genre. FPS games, open world games and any sports games that is not golf or tennis will be skipped. I often get uninterested in games that have a visual style that is anime-like or what I think of as too Japanese looking. High pithed kid-like voices on adult woman in games is another example I just cannot stand.
Some games will on the other hand be interesting to me because of the style they are presented in. Obra Djinn, Hotel Dusk, Cuphead , Limbo and Madworld are all examples of games that I played or want to play based on the art style.

I will play multiplayer only games but I generally will not buy them. Might buy a few costumes or something if I like the game to support it.
Mostly skips out on licensed games based on movies or comics. At least newer ones, retro licensed games are often alright.

I'm probably kind of petty when it comes to games. Will skip out on games for a lot of small unsignificant reasons. Displaying explosions or sounds with speak bubbles - skip. Slow walking speeds - skip. Being able to farm experience Fire Emblem -skip. Music reminding me of the music in Pikmin - skip. Explaining to much - skip. explaining to little -skip. Low frame rate -skip.
Many of the cases above is games I will try, but not continue playing.