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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The NEW Trophy/Achievement League 2025 | VGC Pledge: 36/100| Most Recent: twintail - STANLEY PARABLE(3/10) Legithyperbole - NOBODY WANTS TO DIE(4/10)

ice said:

imma be bold and say 20 1Ks (or 1,000/1,000GS) man xbox needs something equivalent to a platinum.

currently playing CTR, but wont be getting the 1k and will stop at around 800G. eventho I got decent at the game I don't feel like playing all the tracks again on hard or doing the time trials.

Same as you, thought about going for CTR Platinum but the hard mode and Time Trials look like a headache. 

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VersusEvil said:

Just got plat #2 with NAIAD. Definitely this gens Flower. Loved how peaceful and colourful it was. Gonna play Lego Horizon next. 

So did you give up on Star wars Outlaws or was there a roadblock?

Edit: Nvm, seen your tag. Holy shit dude. That's one hell of a completion rate.

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 08 January 2025

I was gonna skip Alan Wake 2's Platinum since it's so collectibles heavy with no chapter select but after finding a way to reveal the collectibles on the map, I'm def gonna get it as long as I remember to catch the kissible collectible. I suppose that'll be my second Platinum, I'm in it for thr long haul with Cyberpunk 2077 cause I can't see how I would be able to purchase all cars in the game, I dunno how that would even be possible considering the money you get for side stuff and the price of them.

LegitHyperbole said:

I was gonna skip Alan Wake 2's Platinum since it's so collectibles heavy with no chapter select but after finding a way to reveal the collectibles on the map, I'm def gonna get it as long as I remember to catch the kissible collectible. I suppose that'll be my second Platinum, I'm in it for thr long haul with Cyberpunk 2077 cause I can't see how I would be able to purchase all cars in the game, I dunno how that would even be possible considering the money you get for side stuff and the price of them.

Fixer contracts start increasing in price the more you do for a Fixer. That and just selling junk is more than enough.  I’ve 100% the game multiple times and never had any issues buying them all. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

@Xxain Ypu never updated us on what you thought of the Wu Long Platinum. I need to know? Would you rate it as highly as I did?

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VersusEvil said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I was gonna skip Alan Wake 2's Platinum since it's so collectibles heavy with no chapter select but after finding a way to reveal the collectibles on the map, I'm def gonna get it as long as I remember to catch the kissible collectible. I suppose that'll be my second Platinum, I'm in it for thr long haul with Cyberpunk 2077 cause I can't see how I would be able to purchase all cars in the game, I dunno how that would even be possible considering the money you get for side stuff and the price of them.

Fixer contracts start increasing in price the more you do for a Fixer. That and just selling junk is more than enough.  I’ve 100% the game multiple times and never had any issues buying them all. 

Sweet. I was looking into glitches but they're all patched. If doing jobs is enough I've no trouble grinding a bit, game is def fun enough for that kinda stuff. Thanks man. 

Couldn’t decide between what order to play Lego Horizon and HZD Remastered as my next game so flipped a coin and looks like it’s HZDR then LH.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

LegitHyperbole said:

@Xxain Ypu never updated us on what you thought of the Wu Long Platinum. I need to know? Would you rate it as highly as I did?

Yea I did.

I would give Wu Long a 3/10 in regards to plat.

Game itself is about 8/10 to me. Fun but story gets to be very samey after awhile. Certain events repeat over and over again. I get that's kinda the point with source material but I got very tired of somebody getting hit with elixer arrow.

Does have a game you would like to Plat but you know you may never do it? For me its Final Fantasy IX. Not that I could not do it, but I hate to have to play the game that way. Will most likely be the only Final Fantasy I will never get the Plat on. .... Maybe. Someday.

Xxain said:
LegitHyperbole said:

@Xxain Ypu never updated us on what you thought of the Wu Long Platinum. I need to know? Would you rate it as highly as I did?

Yea I did.

I would give Wu Long a 3/10 in regards to plat.

Game itself is about 8/10 to me. Fun but story gets to be very samey after awhile. Certain events repeat over and over again. I get that's kinda the point with source material but I got very tired of somebody getting hit with elixer arrow.

Oh, pity. I thought it was a really fun one. Collecting the flags was some of the best collectibles I done last year only seconded by Stellar Blades cans. 

Xxain said:

Does have a game you would like to Plat but you know you may never do it? For me its Final Fantasy IX. Not that I could not do it, but I hate to have to play the game that way. Will most likely be the only Final Fantasy I will never get the Plat on. .... Maybe. Someday.

I'm 97% on Project CARS, the last trophy is a real time 24 hour race. You can leave the car idle at the starting line and do one lap but it feels like it wouldn't be deserved so I'll never achieve it. Would really like to though cause I have 250 hours in that game, alas 24 hours is asking to much.