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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The NEW Trophy/Achievement League 2025 | VGC Pledge: 36/100| Most Recent: twintail - STANLEY PARABLE(3/10) Legithyperbole - NOBODY WANTS TO DIE(4/10)

I'll update when I get home.

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Xxain said:

I'll update when I get home.

Oh, you don’t need to add mine (you already did) as that post was just to show the full 100%. That final DLC was a gauntlet lol 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Platinum No. 4 Nobody Wants to die.

I'd give it a 0/10 on difficulty and a 1/10 on satisfaction. I thought about not popping this one, it gave me more of a negative experience on the game than a positive one showing me how limited the choices actually are (The game should promt to say "Your choices effect dialouge & nothing more" instead of "your choices effect the story) and while I knew it was obviously a facade of choice I preferred the illusion, however I give it a point because it made me try for the bad ending and that turned out cooler than I was expecting. Mostly negative though, from glancing at a guide and thinking I might have been spoiled to knowing only one dialogue option effects the ending to finding out the story skip mechanics only skips one sentence of dialogue and the headache that causes to random meaningless missable trophies to effecting my initial playthrough in a negative way. I would not recommend doing this. Play through the story once, skip the platinum, enjoy the illusion. Absolutely meaningless Platinum I wish I hadn't popped.

We had vastly different experiences playing Nobody Wants To Die it seems lol.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

We had vastly different experiences playing Nobody Wants To Die it seems lol.

I liked my blind playthrough, apart from half way through I though I might have been spoiled and while I wasn't it nagged at me. I'd say the game is up there with SOMA as best in genre and I'd rate it at a very strong 7, SOMA would be a strong 8 maybe a 9 and I can't rate these types of games at masterpiece level no matter how good SOMA is because they lack so much in the way of gameplay, there's just a few splinters with this one like everything being narrated over so you can't critically think about the investigations and little down time to ponder the story and while that helps the game flow it's not ideal to what makes something like SOMA so special and a lack of any real big story moment that wans't heavily forshadowed and pretty muvh given away near the end or anything that could only be done in video game form and not in a 2 hour film. I love the the fact that it doesn't have audio logs but aside fron the set pieces which are so heavily narrated, there is no real show don't tell type story telling in the game and nothing to make you feel smart, like your solving a puzzle piece. It's a good game but with these themes I was expecting a gut punch moment like SOMA that would stick with me for a while asgter playing and it never came. It's the platinum I have an issue with, the platinum is terrible the only part the attempts to make you think has to be searched in a guide cause it's sequenced in a specific way, the chicken detective "puzzle" as well as obtuse trophies like the shower fight but there's just nothing really here that enhances the game or my experience, coming from Wu Kong though which was quite an experience enhancement platinum. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 5 days ago

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Life is strange double exposure might become the game I never finish lol … as I start my 5th game since starting LiSDE. Started Jett: The Far Shore and I do not recommend this game so far, I’ve played for about an hr and it’s been a non stop tutorial almost lol. Non stop talking and interruptions. Will give it a chance tho, will at least play the first part to see if it gets better.

Last edited by VersusEvil - 4 days ago

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Platinum - Jett: The Far Shore.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Platinumed Astrobot at 24 hours. My next platinum I'm aiming for is Univorn Overlord  so put that down as currently playing but I might get something in the mean time, I feel like returning to Astrobot rescue mission which my trophies are at 85% and Astro's Playroom which I've read is very short 4-5 hour Platinum and still chipping at Army of ruins insane list of challenges. 

As for Astro bots platinum. 5/10 difficulty without a guide, people would rate this lower but I'd say to them try and 100% without a guide and not use the bird mechanic to save money for the Gacha trophy, I did for a galaxy and some collectibles are very well hidden and yhat one galaxy extended my playthrough by some hours. 3/10 difficulty with a guide. 10/10 platinum for satisfaction and trophies and gameplay enhancment.

It's almost everything a Platinum needs to be, gets you playing all the game has to offer, doesn't intrude on how you play the game in some meta way despite some random gimmick trophies and it has mechanics for detecting collectibles after a blind run and is just really satisfying to obtain. But in the case of this I give it a 10 because it makes the game better, I'd rate this game a 7 despite it's shear staggering quality and attention to detail, perfect image quality and it's novel ideas (if you ignore mario doing the same stuff) if it wasn't for the platinum getting me returning to levels to 100% them cause that's where the real fun is, so it not only enhances the experience but ups the games core loop and rating to an 8, a great game with loads of fun. Some challenge levels in the game are actually frustrating, the last big one in particular but all very enjoyable to beat. Nothing was out of reach. No RNG. Just an obtainable really fun goal in clear view.  

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 6 hours ago