Yup, I just seen suikoden 1&2 is only 1k GS lol idk why they do that. Giving Flashbacks to FFX/FFX-2 on Xbox
Yup, I just seen suikoden 1&2 is only 1k GS lol idk why they do that. Giving Flashbacks to FFX/FFX-2 on Xbox
ice said: Yup, I just seen suikoden 1&2 is only 1k GS lol idk why they do that. Giving Flashbacks to FFX/FFX-2 on Xbox |
I am not sure how it's done on Xbox but on PS it's because the game has one launcher or so I have been told as to why there is only one Platinum between the two games which is very disappointing. I am assuming Lunar will be the same way for both platforms as well unfortunately.
Blood_Tears said:
I am not sure how it's done on Xbox but on PS it's because the game has one launcher or so I have been told as to why there is only one Platinum between the two games which is very disappointing. I am assuming Lunar will be the same way for both platforms as well unfortunately. |
I'm not so sure about that. I think it may be a mandate from SONY on PS5 games. Grandia collection and Souls Reaver collection both have 2 plats, but Soul Reaver collection on PS5 has 1 ......
Blood_Tears said:
I am not sure how it's done on Xbox but on PS it's because the game has one launcher or so I have been told as to why there is only one Platinum between the two games which is very disappointing. I am assuming Lunar will be the same way for both platforms as well unfortunately. |
Xbox let's developers do 1k per game in collections even on the same launcher. Grandia collection had 2,000, Kingdom Hearts collection had 4,000 (had 1.5 and 2.5 remix collections). So I'm not really sure lol but I guess it is what it is. I'm fairly certain Lunar will launch with 2,000 GS tho (and probably 2 plats) as it's the same people that did Grandia
I understand why CoD don't do plats anymore and have combined all trophies into one set under one game title. They're taking advantage of the most played games feature on PS5 and attempting to get to the top of the list as free advertisement for friends of someone who's lurking and sees their buddy has spent thousands of hours in CoD. I can't see any other reason for it.
2/3 DLC’ for Wu Long finished. Will try to finish the last tomorrow, it’s slightly starting to overstay its welcome now 😅
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed
I'm having a hard time choosing my next game. I'm leaning towards GrimGrimore Again (I want all Vanillaware games plated), but it's only 6 hours. Yesh. I'm thinking about finally doing Ys 8, but I'm trying to avoid any RPG that needs to be beat twice, especially after getting all those Langrisser endings.
Xxain said:
First fight with Lu Bu. How'd it go? |
I'm gonna bet this is the horse boss. The one boss I actually remember from the game, really cool fight. They might be hit or miss with bosses but they definitely hit it with that one.
Xxain said: I'm having a hard time choosing my next game. I'm leaning towards GrimGrimore Again (I want all Vanillaware games plated), but it's only 6 hours. Yesh. I'm thinking about finally doing Ys 8, but I'm trying to avoid any RPG that needs to be beat twice, especially after getting all those Langrisser endings. |
Heads up. Ys 8 on PS4 (so I'd assume PS5 too) broke for me twice at two different points, the quests objectives wouldn't appear with no fix online and no way to progress, one save was over a dozen hours in.
There we go. That’s enough parry based combat for awhile until the Stellar Blade DLC drops. Now I’m going on a casual binge, time to actually finish Life is Strange Double Exposure.
Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed