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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dragon age Veilgaurd sales "fall short of Inquisition"


Lifetime sales...

2 million 9 30.00%
3 million 10 33.33%
4 million 10 33.33%
5-10 million 1 3.33%
10-15 million 0 0%
15-20 million 0 0%
20+ million 0 0%

Because of forced dei and wokeness is the main cause and why lots of games are going to fail none of us want it

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50% sale on Amazon this early and it's down to 20 euro for Xbox. That's insane. It took 9 months for Rebirth to get a sale, Wukong still doesn't have one, Stellar balde got a very slight one, like 20%. Half price is insane but 21 euro down from 79,99. This is a bigger flop than I thought it would be, probably hasn't reached 2 million yet. They need double those sales at full price to break even. Bioware is going to be stripped down, there's no way we are getting Mass Effect 4/another Reboot.

Even a 5 hour trial now, the sales mustn't be doing jack. I'm glad this failed, now we should get a Mass Effect with a studio worthy of it or no mass effect at all, cause that is better than this team bothering it.

I messed around with the character creator. The body proportion limitations are ridiculous.

Last edited by Darc Requiem - on 13 December 2024

Darc Requiem said:

I missed around with the character creator. The body proportion limitations are ridiculous.

Yeah, I will wait to play until some modder can mod in better body proportions. 

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Darc Requiem said:

I missed around with the character creator. The body proportion limitations are ridiculous.

My wife was checking it out recently too and she asked if the studio had ever seen a woman before

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I really wanna break this down and find out why this game failed. I refuse to believe it was all because of the "woke" or whatever although people would try to have you believe that..Casuals don't care about bad writing either and often can't identify it. Many content creators have praised it or at least had a hood time with it and the opencritic is great (even if it might have been special favour by some outlets) Woke was in Baldurs Gate before it although much better done and this series sold 14 million copies just ten years ago. Where did those 10 million people go? Was it just luck based on that awkward period when there was little releasing cross gen. I have to know the factors in this games failure and none of it particularly adds up.The most factor I can come up with is the tone and neon presentation of the game, many games with this kind of presentation and tone were largely rejected. I.e Farcry New Dawn, Wolfenstien Young blood, Rage 2. 

Most people aren't going to ditch a franchise because of a single factor. It's when the negatives start to add up that the player-base begins to feel alienated. DA:V has a ton of aspects that many people do not like or do not want in a Dragon Age game. All of that goes on the scales when you're trying to evaluate what kind of experience you'll have with a potential purchase.

If a game is at a point where one group is saying "this is why it failed" and another group is saying "no, this is why it failed," then that likely means it has MULTPLE things wrong with it.

Personally, I think changing the tone of a game is one of the best ways to turn your audience against you. It makes them feel betrayed, like you're taking something away from them in order to attract a different audience that you value more. I know I felt that way with the Saint's Row reboot and wouldn't buy that game if it were five dollars. I refuse to be taken for granted as a consumer.

Beyond that, I don't find anything about DA:V appealing. If it were a new franchise, I wouldn't be interested. That's the simple truth. Honestly, it's pretty much the opposite of Dragon Age Origins in terms of guiding principles and philosophy. You can't stray that far by accident.

I don't know if it's a bad game or not but I do know that it's not a game that I care about playing.

Darksociety said:

Because of forced dei and wokeness is the main cause and why lots of games are going to fail none of us want it

Verry true, ofc you got banned for speaking out and prob so will i.

xl-klaudkil said:
Darksociety said:

Because of forced dei and wokeness is the main cause and why lots of games are going to fail none of us want it

Verry true, ofc you got banned for speaking out and prob so will i.

Steps to Viewing a Profile and Ban Reason.

Step 1 - Move Mouse Over Name.
Step 2 - Click "View Profile"
Step 3 - Use Your Eyes.

Why is it that so many people nowadays are seemingly incapable of doing the bare minimum in fact checking before making a claim. Honestly, the only temptation to moderate you here would be for mod whining without even being correct in why you're complaining. You were either too lazy to view the users profile (and the user doesn't even have a "moderated" edit to his comment) or you were just looking to cause trouble, both cases can lead to trouble. Take this as your verbal warning to not make shit up next time you're looking for a moan or it will be a ban.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 11 December 2024