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It will never gain the mo... 7 31.82%

^ I'll keep it in mind, Dragon Ball Spatking Zero is the number one fighting game I wanna try atm but I do really wanna try a good old school 2d fighter. It might be that one. Cheers.

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SvennoJ said:

We finally beat Act 1 in Path of Exile 2. It took us at least 20 tries and leveling up to 20 before we could last until the end of the fight. He didn't even drop anything we could use bleh, but glad we don't have to roam the manor anymore with the deadly blood pools.

It's chaotic with 2 players on the screen, I can't imagine how you keep track of anything in a 6 player party lol. But I guess at least then it should be easier (possible) to revive people in combat as with 2 players there's about a 5% chance you can get lucky enough to finish reviving between attacks.

The next area was very easy, including the bosses, I guess we out leveled that already to beat Act 1 :/ On to the caravan to the East. I hope the Act 2 boss will not require so much grinding! We've spend 18 hours on the game already for Act 1.

I got bad news for you... :P Act II boss is considered the hardest of the three main bosses.

I started a Sorceress with Spark build, but it's not really any fun in the beginning. I'm only level 18 or so on her, and hoping the build will pick up soon. I rolled a Witch today, went for a summoner/elementalist build, using skeletons and Rage Spirits, Firewall serves as the summoning pool for Spirits, and also supercharges the attacks of my skeletons. It's insane for clearing, and bosses die very quickly. I have died a few times though, almost always when my summons die during a boss fight and I'm left all squishy and without any DPS to speak of.

My Monk is level 66 now, nearing the end of Act III on Cruel; so far it's been very easy, even with shit gear. Frost builds with Charged Staff and Bell shenanigans are great fun, and insane on damage. With the monk, I've killed all Act main bosses on the first try, both on Normal and on Cruel - the damage blitz is just too much and some die within 5-10 seconds.

I'm going to try a Ranger as well, but not this week. Probably a simple Lightning build to begin with. I deleted my Warrior, he was more or less bricked and had poor gear and way too poor damage (my Monk out-damaged him at half the level at one point).

Mummelmann said:

I got bad news for you... :P Act II boss is considered the hardest of the three main bosses.

I started a Sorceress with Spark build, but it's not really any fun in the beginning. I'm only level 18 or so on her, and hoping the build will pick up soon. I rolled a Witch today, went for a summoner/elementalist build, using skeletons and Rage Spirits, Firewall serves as the summoning pool for Spirits, and also supercharges the attacks of my skeletons. It's insane for clearing, and bosses die very quickly. I have died a few times though, almost always when my summons die during a boss fight and I'm left all squishy and without any DPS to speak of.

My Monk is level 66 now, nearing the end of Act III on Cruel; so far it's been very easy, even with shit gear. Frost builds with Charged Staff and Bell shenanigans are great fun, and insane on damage. With the monk, I've killed all Act main bosses on the first try, both on Normal and on Cruel - the damage blitz is just too much and some die within 5-10 seconds.

I'm going to try a Ranger as well, but not this week. Probably a simple Lightning build to begin with. I deleted my Warrior, he was more or less bricked and had poor gear and way too poor damage (my Monk out-damaged him at half the level at one point).

I'm playing a Monk and yeah frost plus tempest bell seems to be the natural choice. We just got to lvl 21 or 22 today riding the Caravan. The act 1 boss wasn't easy, instant death for some of his attacks and kinda hard to see what to avoid with 2 people and lots of chaos on screen.

My wife plays the warrior and she has some nice aoe stuff but in a straight fight the Monk easily out damages the warrior :/ She's a good tank though, keeps them off me while I ring the bell and freeze everything.

It's great you can upgrade gear, yet hard to figure out when to switch. The upgrade materials seem to be very scarce so we still have some level 5 items :/ However we haven't checked out the stores yet on the Caravan, tons of money, never take a moment to shop haha.

Anyway, we'll take our time with Act 2, sounds like we need to level for the boss again!

I picked up Riven on Steam’s Winter Sale earlier this week. I wasn’t even aware Myst ever received a sequel let alone the sequel getting a remake that apparently released this past summer lol. I barely remember Myst having much of a story, but Riven has a surprisingly deep story while still having all the key point and click puzzle solving that we all know and love. I loved the remake of Myst and thoroughly enjoying Riven for the first time ever. Apparently has VR support too. I can see that being greatly used here.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:

I picked up Riven on Steam’s Winter Sale earlier this week. I wasn’t even aware Myst ever received a sequel let alone the sequel getting a remake that apparently released this past summer lol. I barely remember Myst having much of a story, but Riven has a surprisingly deep story while still having all the key point and click puzzle solving that we all know and love. I loved the remake of Myst and thoroughly enjoying Riven for the first time ever. Apparently has VR support too. I can see that being greatly used here.

Yeah, Riven is considered to be the best Myst (out of 6 in total). I really need to replay it, I haven't in over 20 years, so I barely remember anything (which is great).

I find that type of games to be best played in "local co-op", so to speak, with someone else for the ride, both for fun, note taking and that old "two heads are better than one".

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HoloDust said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

I picked up Riven on Steam’s Winter Sale earlier this week. I wasn’t even aware Myst ever received a sequel let alone the sequel getting a remake that apparently released this past summer lol. I barely remember Myst having much of a story, but Riven has a surprisingly deep story while still having all the key point and click puzzle solving that we all know and love. I loved the remake of Myst and thoroughly enjoying Riven for the first time ever. Apparently has VR support too. I can see that being greatly used here.

Yeah, Riven is considered to be the best Myst (out of 6 in total). I really need to replay it, I haven't in over 20 years, so I barely remember anything (which is great).

I find that type of games to be best played in "local co-op", so to speak, with someone else for the ride, both for fun, note taking and that old "two heads are better than one".

Wtf???? Bruh lol. I need to look into the rest of the series! Great time to pick it up as the remake is currently on sale for $25. For a UE5 game, it runs remarkably well, on top of looking fantastic! 

Yeah, ngl I did bring in my wife several times to help me with some of the puzzles lol. While a remake, and I’ve read the term “reimagining” the game still has the 90s sense of not holding your hand lol. Very little QoL in that sense. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I finished Bright Memory Infinite. A just ok budget FPS Action game. Close to being good gameplay-wise. Needs more polish. VA and the story are bad tho.

Now playing Everspace 2. So far pretty good. However I think it's a little overwhelming with how many systems they throw at you and don't explain too much.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Finished Robo Cop Rogue City. Close to 20 hours. 6/10 and a fairly easy platnimum to boot.

There is some really good ideas in this one, it does a little more than just a simple FPS with Robocop and in a genre that is very difficult to keep interesting if it doesn't have stellar shooting. It's pretty fun and just the perfect length even doing all the side content and the story is more than serviceable with some nice elements of choice. The side stuff blends into the main stuff so neatly and fluidly it feels less lile side content and more of the game itself.

My biggest complaint aside from the odd fame breaking bug, is that it feels a little too much like a condensed Fallout 4, although it very much keeps the Robo Vop vibe despite this. Frankly I'm very impressed with it and we need more games like this that try interesting things. I would rate this a very solid, high 7/10 if it had a bigger budget for small stuff like facial animations and better VA and if it's performance and image quality was better on PS5 but right now it just meets a 6/10 because of issues like this and some game breaking bugs that requited reseting the game, but they were few. I hope the the devs stuck with it and manage a bigger Budget for another robovop game to tighten up the experience and add the TLC and polish. Still, it's very cool what they done here and a perfect game to break up my time in the really long FF7 Rebirth. I would say, it"@ less FPS and more of a Robo Cop simulator, the modular parts of the game add up to something more than it looks on the surface, just a pity it couldn't have slightly better production value. The devs made 59 million in two months so I can only assume that there is a sequel coming and one with a bigger budget. 

I'd recommend it to even non Robo Cop fans but only on a half price sale. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 01 January 2025

We're 64 hours into Path of Exile 2 already. Must be getting near to the end of Act 3. Unless Act 3 is a lot longer than the other acts.

Yesterday the game got very laggy At some point input lag was several seconds... I guess it runs over the server even when playing local co-op? I haven't seen this kind of input lag since playing Everquest 20 years ago! Obviously unplayable in a modern arpg.

Act 3 has many glitches and bugs. The map doesn't work right after draining the water (have to travel through chaos temple to be able to use the waypoint map again) and we had several hard crashes, submit error report. And after trying to reboot the game we were stuck on a splash-screen of Ziggurat landing not able to see our characters running around. Had to reboot into single player to move us back to Act 2 town to get co-op working again.

A lot of things don't work right in co-op. Switches and quest item use seems to alternate between who can perform the action. Player 2 can activate the waypoint map and salvage table but only player 1 can operate them. Online doesn't work in co-op, no other people in town ever. Online co-op doesn't work either in couch co-op, disconnects instantly when you try to add another player. And last night tiles started to go missing again, holes in the floor. That next to bad screen-tearing and uneven pacing from server lag, slow down then speed up.

It's definitely still a beta with weird difficulty spikes and unbalanced abilities. But obviously a ton of fun just to be able to play together. It does seem the best strategy is simply to do as much damage as fast as possible, not allowing bosses time for their special attacks. Freeze build monk plus high dps warrior is working well together.

The gear system is both cool and a problem. You can customize and upgrade your gear a lot, but with all that investment, when/how do you upgrade when lvl 8 upgraded items still outperform lvl 42 base items... If upgrade materials were a lot more common you could build up other pieces of gear to get better, yet they're so scarce we can't even keep one of us fully 'socketed' with max quality items. Artificer's Orbs, Blacksmith shards and whatever adds modifiers to rare items are very rare to come by.

Also the higher level skills confuse the hell out of use with power charges?? combo counters and conditions upon conditional other conditions. So we're mostly upgrading lower level skills and sticking to that. Same with the skill modifiers. We have tons of support gems, just don't know what to do with them. Most of the support gems don't seem to do much or have negatives.

If this game was going for a more casual approach, hard fail. The accounting part of the game is too complex and confusing. My wife just puts the controller down when we have to go back to town and lets me try to sort it all out for both of us. She isn't interested in builds at all. So we're just picking up less and less loot, hardly every finding anything worth keeping, let alone using, and have half a million gold in the bank lol.

Simple fix, make upgrade materials purchasable in shops.

Btw we haven't tried ascension stuff yet. It bugged out when we first tried it, went online and only saw people with more problems with it. So ignored that for now.

^ Nice. Great to know there is a great game from that genre awaiting me when it releases a 1.0. Right now, I'm not getting hooked on early access cause I know I'll never go back for 1.0 once I get bored and the lag issue on ps5 seems un resolved. For an EA title to keep as many on the thread dopamine thread mil it must be an exceptional game.

I'm currently juggling too many games. FF Rebirth which is sooo long as well as Crash Team Racing, Alan Wake 2, Carrion and doing Astrobot levels every now and then along with dipping into Mario Kart 8 for a bit there. I'm having fun in CTR but FF7 Rebirth is dragging, I had to take a break and complete Robovop Rogue City which turned out to be a cool AA game with many flaws but damn good despite. I'm not sure about Alan Wake 2, it seems to focus on investigating a little too much anf the mind place and all that, it's cool but it doesn't make for a great game experience. Alan Wake was great because of it's combat and shooting mechanics and the progression, it was never some psychological horror but a really fun action shooter like RE4 so I hope that it balances out and becomes a cool combat experience with fun progression and drops some of the fiddly bits. Astrobot is not nearly the game I was expecting, it's fun and a pretty great game but it's not a 10/10 masterpiece, feels over hyped, I can only play in short sessions, I'll probably Platinum it though cause it is really fun for a 45 minutes or an hour here and there. Carrion is just a simple game that I'd expected from developer digital, cool fresh idea that's fun, at least for a while, I can't imagine it sticking for too long and does things that are outside of the box, just a good game, nothing more, I hope it's short and doesn't out stay it's welcome.

I really wanna get around to one of my play throughs of Baldurs Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077 + DLC or The Witcher 3 next gen patch Platinum but God they all feel so daunting. I fully expect that I will not be able to commit to all three during 2025 and at least one will have to wait til next year.