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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%
LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

That was me with TloU2. Love the game to bits, played it without any spoilers, without looking online. After I finished it I was surprised it had a lot of backlash and controversial views.

However this just looks bland. The screenshots are what turned me off first, then reading about the battle mechanics that are nothing like DA: Origins. Then the culture stuff started to come out on top.

Dunno if it's the culture war stuff that started the blow up, or is getting amplified because the game is simply not that appealing to original fans of DA. Same as turning TloU2 from a happy 'shoot everyone in the way' to a 'here are the consequences' type story had people amplify the culture war things in the game.

TLOU2 was amazing, I get why people were mad about the whole Joel thing and the shallow side characters but everything else was top tier. I think that was fake outrage cause of the Joel thong cause 60% of people finished that game, double the usual ammount for games that size so many of those complaining had to have enjoyed the game and why wouldn't they, it was a masterful tale of the cycle of revenge only hampered having everything reset mid game and it feeling like two separate games. 

I loved that twist. 2 games for the price of one! But sure, I guess it's easier to identify with Joel for a lot of players than playing a burly girl.

Anyway curious to see where this 'outrage' goes after people actually play the game. Maybe it would be better to have reviews wait until launch instead of having people bitch over reviews before the game drops. Of course then people get suspicious of a review embargo and we end up with CP2077 launch debacle :/

Can't win.

But I do see I can pick up DA:I again as alternative. It's still sitting on my shelves, fell through the crack of limited time and lower interest after DA 2. I finished the prologue according to my trophy stats, then must have gotten distracted. Veilguard is making it look a lot more interesting now!

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I did not like TLoU2, DEI had nothing to do with it. I felt Abby's section was just plan on boring and a lot of it was retreading. I also hated how the story climaxed, to only find out the game was half over. TLOU2 was too long. It was meh.

JRPGfan said:
xl-klaudkil said:

This is verry funny.

Okej .

A man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Cutting your D or tits wont make a difference.

There are only 2 genders.

Who is "offended" now

I know this is abit over the top... but I honestly hope this isn't a perma ban.
We have too few people on vgchartz as is.
XL-klaudkil has been here for years.

Iam stil here just got a day1 ban.

Thx at least for pointing this out even thou i knew i would get banned.

To try and stay ontopic, this is a massive skip for me.


My youtube gaming page.

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

That was me with TloU2. Love the game to bits, played it without any spoilers, without looking online. After I finished it I was surprised it had a lot of backlash and controversial views.

However this just looks bland. The screenshots are what turned me off first, then reading about the battle mechanics that are nothing like DA: Origins. Then the culture stuff started to come out on top.

Dunno if it's the culture war stuff that started the blow up, or is getting amplified because the game is simply not that appealing to original fans of DA. Same as turning TloU2 from a happy 'shoot everyone in the way' to a 'here are the consequences' type story had people amplify the culture war things in the game.

TLOU2 was amazing, I get why people were mad about the whole Joel thing and the shallow side characters but everything else was top tier. I think that was fake outrage cause of the Joel thong cause 60% of people finished that game, double the usual ammount for games that size so many of those complaining had to have enjoyed the game and why wouldn't they, it was a masterful tale of the cycle of revenge only hampered having everything reset mid game and it feeling like two separate games. 

I think the outrage was not fake, it was legit, but blowed up out of proportion because social media allows people to get attention they otherwise would never get

I just think people got overboard with the hate for this game. The once fans are essentially haters at this point, it's similar to Star Wars fandom. I love Star Wars movies and can't get myself to interact with other fans online because all they do is to hate Star Wars lol 

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

TLOU2 was amazing, I get why people were mad about the whole Joel thing and the shallow side characters but everything else was top tier. I think that was fake outrage cause of the Joel thong cause 60% of people finished that game, double the usual ammount for games that size so many of those complaining had to have enjoyed the game and why wouldn't they, it was a masterful tale of the cycle of revenge only hampered having everything reset mid game and it feeling like two separate games. 

I loved that twist. 2 games for the price of one! But sure, I guess it's easier to identify with Joel for a lot of players than playing a burly girl.

Anyway curious to see where this 'outrage' goes after people actually play the game. Maybe it would be better to have reviews wait until launch instead of having people bitch over reviews before the game drops. Of course then people get suspicious of a review embargo and we end up with CP2077 launch debacle :/

Can't win.

But I do see I can pick up DA:I again as alternative. It's still sitting on my shelves, fell through the crack of limited time and lower interest after DA 2. I finished the prologue according to my trophy stats, then must have gotten distracted. Veilguard is making it look a lot more interesting now!

Inquisition was great, not sure how it holds up these days but I would highly recommend putting it on the highest difficulty to bring out the real time pause combat system. There are a few bottle necks that are really hard on that difficulty but it's worth it. If not the highest go as high as you can and thank me later. Honestly the games combat is pretty meh on lower difficulties. 

And yeah, but they people complaining now have a solid point, this is a fantasy game. It's the same as putting modern cultural values into a period piece of the middle ages, they just don't mesh. 

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IcaroRibeiro said:
LegitHyperbole said:

TLOU2 was amazing, I get why people were mad about the whole Joel thing and the shallow side characters but everything else was top tier. I think that was fake outrage cause of the Joel thong cause 60% of people finished that game, double the usual ammount for games that size so many of those complaining had to have enjoyed the game and why wouldn't they, it was a masterful tale of the cycle of revenge only hampered having everything reset mid game and it feeling like two separate games. 

I think the outrage was not fake, it was legit, but blowed up out of proportion because social media allows people to get attention they otherwise would never get

I just think people got overboard with the hate for this game. The once fans are essentially haters at this point, it's similar to Star Wars fandom. I love Star Wars movies and can't get myself to interact with other fans online because all they do is to hate Star Wars lol 

Then they aren't fans anymore, they should accept that fact and move on. The IP isn't for them anymore.

Just like Dragon age isn't for many of us fans anymore, diluting the RPG to to action and commiting to steering away from the aspects that made the games great while doing it a disservice talent wise. 

Darc Requiem said:
Machina said:

Is this going to be another Star Wars Outlaws? I think this is going to become more and more common as critic and audience preferences diverge.

Machina the critics hate their audience. As an older gamer, the contrast between what passes for gaming journalist now to what I saw in the 90s to early 00s is night and day. If it were just a matter of different taste, I don't think most people would care. However they praise things they know the audience won't like out of spite. "To own the chuds". I don't understand this modern mindset of willfully antagonizing your customers, they pay the bills. Chasing them away leads to the business folding.

Was talking about this with my partner the other day, where I was talking about the old days, where reviews within magazines talked about just the games, not the critic's viewpoints or irl political stances, nor any shade thrown towards the critic's audience. 

Today it's a different story. There's that infamous Kotaku review of the PS5, where most of the review went completely off the rails and involved talks about Trump and right wing folks, both of which had nothing to do with Sony, nor their PS5 release.

Journalism feels like it's becoming a lost art, as well as the integrity that goes with it. Now it's all about making mula in whatever way possible.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
Darc Requiem said:

Machina the critics hate their audience. As an older gamer, the contrast between what passes for gaming journalist now to what I saw in the 90s to early 00s is night and day. If it were just a matter of different taste, I don't think most people would care. However they praise things they know the audience won't like out of spite. "To own the chuds". I don't understand this modern mindset of willfully antagonizing your customers, they pay the bills. Chasing them away leads to the business folding.

Was talking about this with my partner the other day, where I was talking about the old days, where reviews within magazines talked about just the games, not the critic's viewpoints or irl political stances, nor any shade thrown towards the critic's audience. 

Today it's a different story. There's that infamous Kotaku review of the PS5, where most of the review went completely off the rails and involved talks about Trump and right wing folks, both of which had nothing to do with Sony, nor their PS5 release.

Journalism feels like it's becoming a lost art, as well as the integrity that goes with it. Now it's all about making mula in whatever way possible.

100% agreed.  My kids love Harry Potter, I read the books to them when they were little.  I recall when Hogwart's was released, all I wanted was a review of the actual game and got nothing but political BS.  Heck, for a period we weren't even supposed to talk about it here on the forums.  

IcaroRibeiro said:
LegitHyperbole said:

TLOU2 was amazing, I get why people were mad about the whole Joel thing and the shallow side characters but everything else was top tier. I think that was fake outrage cause of the Joel thong cause 60% of people finished that game, double the usual ammount for games that size so many of those complaining had to have enjoyed the game and why wouldn't they, it was a masterful tale of the cycle of revenge only hampered having everything reset mid game and it feeling like two separate games. 

I think the outrage was not fake, it was legit, but blowed up out of proportion because social media allows people to get attention they otherwise would never get

I just think people got overboard with the hate for this game. The once fans are essentially haters at this point, it's similar to Star Wars fandom. I love Star Wars movies and can't get myself to interact with other fans online because all they do is to hate Star Wars lol 

I feel like you're treading dangerously into "no true Scotsman" territory with that mentality of who is a fan and who isn't. 

There are some that grew up with OG Star Wars and never liked the prequels, there are those that grew up with the prequels and liked the originals, and there are those that grew up with the prequels who liked the originals/prequels, but didn't like the current trilogy, and of course, those that grew up with the original trilogy and loved the expanded universe and nothing else after that.

I liked the Force Awakens, but not the two movies that followed after. I loved Bad batch, wasn't a fan of Mandalorian, so does that make me a "hater" and not a "true fan"?. Bare in mind I grew up with the originals, Expanded universe and prequels as well as Clone Wars media, and the games that followed with them. 

Some people just don't like certain parts of media and that's okay, not everyone has to like every single facet of an IP to be a fan, that's not how it works.

With the new DA, there are people that don't like the fact that the new game isn't fully taking into account the choices the player made in the previous game (DA:I), there are those that aren't a fan of the current combat style, and there are those who aren't a fan of how some characters are written. To label them all as "haters" isn't logical and comes off as unreasonable. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 29 October 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

With the new DA, there are people that don't like the fact that the new game isn't fully taking into account the choices the player made in the previous game (DA:I), there are those that aren't a fan of the current combat style, and there are those who aren't a fan of how some characters are written. To label them all as "haters" isn't logical and comes off as unreasonable. 

Yes because they want everyone to be able to play it and follow along, they did the generic thing, were stuff in the past is kept vage, and nothing is really gained or changed from anything done in prior games.  Basically all your actions and choices, before this game, don't do anything. Which is weird.... because that was like a big thing about DA.

And yes, just watched a reviewer that talked about, viewing it as a whimsical action game, instead of a dragon age game.
By that sense, its a decent game.   He compared it to a action game like god of war mixed with guardians of the galaxy, saying its clear were they drew their inspiration. Nothing wrong with imitation, of other great games.  However its a odd choice for a Dragon Age game.