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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will the Switch 2 be revealed this month?


Will it happen in October?

It definitely will. 1 3.45%
It probably will. 9 31.03%
It probably won't. 7 24.14%
It definitely won't. 10 34.48%
Dunno really. It feels like a coin flip. 2 6.90%

Once there was a very wise man and he said


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super_etecoon said:

My theory is that we get a January reveal with a snazzy commercial and a February blowout of titles and features followed by a late April or early May release.

Yes this exactly. Well, I think it might be like May/June launch instead of April/May, but somewhere in the mid to late Spring seems like the likely launch time. And yeah I really don't see them revealing it before Christmas as there is no reason to shoot Switch holiday sales in the foot. January reveal for sure cuz once the holidays are done there is no reason to sit on it any longer. And yeah then Feb blowout to get people all excited for it. Ya wanna entice people with the reveal, let the excitement simmer for a bit, and then blow the top off with the blowout, with the launch just like 3 months away.

In another thread I predicted Oct 25th as the date for the reveal of the Switch 2. I pulled that one completely out of my ass. Because of this very reliable source, I will stand by my prediction, so the Switch 2 will definitely be revealed this month.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.