If there was never any graphics progression starting today I would still be satisfied with the current level of graphical quality
However, I don't see the point in buying new consoles if there is no graphical evolution. If companies don't upgrade graphics I have no reason to buy newer consoles. It's better to buy a PC, because if the games coming in the next 15 years don't need better hardware to run then I can keep my old hardware forever (or at least until it breaks haha)
I don't understand why people think good graphics and good gameplay are mutually exclusive either.
Graphics are not even the most important thing that comes with better hardware anyways
Better hardware means less time spend with optimization and more horse power to create physics, rendering bigger spaces and increasing the number of elements, better IAs and more responsive NPCs.
I don't understand the problem people have with games taking longer to produce either. Are we in shortage of games or something? Or is gaming like the only thing you do in your life and that's why you're always complaining there are not enough games? I always have impression that even with long droughts that are so much games to play I will never catch up lol