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Forums - Gaming Discussion - All generation 10 consoles could be released in different years


Will PS6 and the next Xbox be released in different years?

Yes, in different years 20 90.91%
No, in the same year 2 9.09%

PS6 should come around 2028 (based on what people are saying). Since Xbox already stated they're working on next-gen hardware, it should come before PS6, so 2027 makes sense. Switch 2 we all know it's coming in 2025.

Yeah, that's what I believe.

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God of War Ragnarök came for ps4. Forbidden West too. Rift Apart did not, neither did gt7. But not because they could not, just because the console needed some exclusives. Just a suspicion though. Same goes for Demon Souls and all the rest. The ps6 will be needed less than the ps5. Both will have ssds. Ps6 will be the first ps console I will difinitely not get in its launch window. This sentiment is widespread, I suspect. So the longer the better for them. That is in addition to xbox perhaps a bit under pressure because of low hardware figures, wanting to go a little earlier and ps being able to profit from the competitions console being a known quanatity (as opposed to the 360-generation, where leaps were bigger and going early was an advantage).
With all that in mind, I would say yes, everybody in different years. Nintendo in 2025. Microsoft in 2027. Sony in 2028, or even 2029.

Darwinianevolution said:

but in about 5 years XBox/Microsoft Gaming have spent near a trillion dollars in videogame stuff (both the massive buyouts of Zenimax and ABK, smaller studios and buying stakes on other videogame-related things).

Citation needed.

Wman1996 said:

In all fairness, even with diminishing market viability for Xbox consoles from the 360 days, Microsoft Gaming/Microsoft as a whole has effectively limitless coffers. 

Microsoft as a whole makes insane revenue and profits, in addition to their war chests. Microsoft Gaming is highly profitable as well, thanks to the blurring of lines on PC and Xbox consoles. 

Xbox could get down to 10-20 million units sold of a console during its lifetime and still be able to fund another console because it's Microsoft.

Whilst Microsoft has the resources to "weather multiple storms". - They do actually still have limits.
And those limits are... Shareholders.
If Shareholders don't get a return on investment, then they will divest or shutter the group or parts of it.

Microsoft's saving grace is the PC.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

GTA6 will be to this generation what the pandemic was to the Switch. Once it hits you might as well delay your plans a couple of years because people aren't moving so soon.






Pemalite said:
Darwinianevolution said:

but in about 5 years XBox/Microsoft Gaming have spent near a trillion dollars in videogame stuff (both the massive buyouts of Zenimax and ABK, smaller studios and buying stakes on other videogame-related things).

Citation needed.

Ups, I meant about$, not$. When handling these massive amounts of money, it's easy to lose track of a zero. Still, the point stands.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

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If there is indeed a next Xbox, I expect it to come sooner than PS6, as Xbox Series is pretty much a lost cause and dead in the water at this point.

If I had to guess, I'd say Nextbox in 2026, PS6 in 2028. Sony will want to prolong the generation to recoup their ever longer and more expensive software development cycles, and they'll also want to wait for the hardware needed to noticeably one-up the PS5 Pro to become affordable.

Which would be great.

I would find it a hard time to get all of them together in the same year.