RolStoppable said:
Tober said:
it might involve some very carefully targeted restrictions to free speech.
If one cannot win on The marketplace of free thought, one has to question if one's own perspective was as good to begin with. That's the problem with censorship. It's restricting the marketplace of free thought. Education, information and free debate is what is needed, not restricting it. Restricting will have the opposite effect long term, namely losing trust in one's leadership and democratic processes. Therefore opening up to radicalization in society.
Obviously Russia and USA always looked after their own interest first. That's nothing new. Trump is just more direct about it without the sugarcoating. What was happening behind closed doors between politicians arguing for decades is just more public now. The EU block was made to hold a stronger stance on the political stage after all.
Social media isn't a marketplace of free thought. It's rigged with algorithms and bots, so it's a marketplace for manipulation of free thought. The lack of laws against lies, deception and manipulation have allowed it that radical positions could be spread and normalized, so if governments continue to sit idle, then democracies will crumble one after another because too many voters cannot tell apart fact from fiction anymore.
If the solution to that should be education instead of more requirements and laws pertaining to social media platforms, then it's a lost cause. You can't educate people who are stuck within a bubble and will therefore never see material that helps them to do some critical thinking. We are already at the point where it's necessary that the bubble must be popped. Simply put, all social media platforms should be required to weed out lies, deception and misinformation, or otherwise they'll be banned from doing business.
In the world of Metal Gear Solid they had the same problem, an AI had a plan to control the flow of information. You know what Solid Snake done? He, Along with Raiden went and destroyed GW (The AI) anyway, thwarting the AIs plans because... it's a terrible idea.
People are not as stupid as the media who want to control information for their own gain and profit would have you believe. There are many other ways to solve the problem like teaching media literacy in school, how to spot sponsored content and initiatives along this line that are preemptive without taking people's rights away.
Free speech is the most fundamental of human rights and one we have only had for a very short time, even decades ago there was soft barriers on free speech created by social norms in the US and in much of the rest of the world by the Catholic Church or Islam. Do you have any idea how long it took us to get that free speech in society, how much it cost and how insanely bad it would be to start restricting speech now with the communications technology we have? If you bring in these kind of restrictions and they expand over time to clamp down on more and more they are NEVER coming back until our civilization fails cause there is no where to fight to get them back. The powers that be would simply be too powerful and use the flow of information against us, to confuse us and divide us... like what's happening right now with the main stream media.
Think of how someone in the LGBT community could be affected by this if it was turned the other way. Perhaps the new leadership doesn't like us so hey, they'll shut LGBT out and censo... oh wait, that's happening right now in America isn't it.
Who decides what is right and what is wrong? Cause it only takes one leadership shift for those decisions to turn around and effect. Look what Trump has done in 30 days, now imagine that but the rules for misinformation and restrictions on it are in place and for him to decide. Again, there are many, many more intelligent but slightly more difficult ways to implement ways to combat this without going full on Orwellian.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 18 February 2025