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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

IkePoR said:

I've found it difficult to meet one American that says they're having a better time over the last four years verses the prior four. When I interact with them they acknowledge it, sort of pause, then proclaim they're voting for Kalama. When asked what's it based on, there's lots of platitudes and diverting, before finally falling on "Trump's just x." No policy they like or often even know about the candidate chosen for them, no honest fandom for their candidate, no moral reasoning for their candidate. They just hate the other guy.

It's interesting that one person can make such a wide swathe of people go mad. It's certainly something for the sociology majors.

Well, pretty much everyone is doing worse worldwide due to inflation. Each nation's government has an effect on it, and USA has some of the lowest inflation rates in the world, but a lot of it can't be blamed, or credited to any specific government.
Although Russia's decision to invade Ukraine was seemingly a major contributor.

Last edited by Hiku - on 12 September 2024

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Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not asking for them to throw Ukraine under the bus, I'm asking for a world where America gets out of it completely and we actually settle this ourselves. Russias biggest request is NATO not encroaching on their border, why can't we give them that? So many people have to die but we can't give them something so basic? Why?

They are stoking the flames though, they're stoking them since the start. I'm as sick with Americans as I am with Russia. They fucking escalate and have excavated every part of this nonsense when there is EASY diplomatic responses to ease tensions. Easy ones. Take NATO away from the border, reduce military bases, be fucking civil. 

Russia doesn't scare America one bit, the American media wants Americans scared. Fuck them both.

Not once have I seen any respect for young Russian soldiers sent into this shit, or any empathy towards them at all. Same old shit, kill the young for the old man's mistakes. I want to see Kamala/Trump come out and say this is an immense fuck up but we can fix it outside of the Battlefield, there's no need for young people to die. We can sort this over the table. 

I'm not asking for them to throw Ukraine under the bus, I'm asking for a world where America gets out of it completely and we actually settle this ourselves.

This is the same thing, if America gets out of it then Ukraine loses, as simple as that and then Russia has no reason to negotiate, they'll just take all of Ukraine because why the hell wouldn't they? Lol.

Russias biggest request is NATO not encroaching on their border, why can't we give them that?

1. Because Russia does not get to say what other countries can and can't do, Russia does not get to decide if Ukraine, an independent country, wants to join NATO. If Ukraine wants to apply for NATO then as an independent country they have the right to do so.

Key thing being apply though, Ukraine already tried to join NATO before, Germany blocked it. Because every single country in NATO must say "YES" for another country to join, it's not just America running the party like some Americans love to believe

2. Because Russia invading Ukraine because "NATO" is a bullshit excuse and not the reason they invaded at all, it's the reason they use to rally their domestic audience into fighting though, Russia sells it to the public as "Russia vs Evil West" not "Russia vs Ukraine" when the common enemy is the big scary NATO looking to hurt Russia then it's an easier sell to justify a war.

Putin has straight up pulled out maps in his reasons for invading Ukraine and straight up said that Ukraine as a country doesn't exist, Ukrainian culture doesn't exist, it was and always will be Russian. Russia has said they invaded because of chemical biolabs. Russia have said they invaded because of Ukraine Nazis. Russia have said they invaded because Ukraine was about to attack them.

This is what Russia does, don't fall for it, they throw out so much bullshit that it doesn't matter what the truth is, all that matters is they're confusing people and now nobody knows what to believe, that has been a common tactic of Russian propaganda. The truth of the matter is this is ones mans mad desire to land-grab some more land and restore the glorious Russian empire before his death (and Ukraine has a lot of natural resources).

NATO is a defensive alliance, it was never a threat to Russia, NATO's Article 5 has only ever been used once in its entire history, not against Russia.

3. There's a reason why the former Soviet union countries despise Russia and why they're in NATO and Russia only has itself to blame.

4. Russia already bordered NATO prior to Ukraine's invasion via Estonia and Latvia.

5. Russia did fuck all when Finland joined NATO, in fact, they moved troops away from the border, so much for being afraid of NATO.

6. Russia moved the HQ of their Baltic Fleet to Kaliningrad and moved nuclear capable carrying missiles to Kaliningrad, a country situated between the NATO countries Lithuania and Poland. Do you see NATO invading Kaliningrad for this reason? Nope.

7. Russia has moved nukes to Belarus, a country bordering with NATO countries Latvia, Lithuania, Poland. Do you see us invading Belarus? Nope.

8. To this day, no NATO countries have nukes bordering Russia, meanwhile, Russia has nukes bordering multiple NATO countries. Do you see us invading Russia? Nope.

9. Ukraine was nowhere close to joining NATO because a single country would have blocked it, why? Because Russia already invaded Ukraine in 2014 via Crimea and Donbas and America and Germany definitely would have voted "NO" to a country currently in conflict joining NATO.

You see how all these reasons show how utterly bullshit Russia's NATO excuse is?

So many people have to die but we can't give them something so basic? Why?

That's for Ukraine to decide.

They are stoking the flames though, they're stoking them since the start.

Did you read anything I said about all the countless examples of Biden actively going out of his way not to stoke the flames? We have Europeans in the Russia-Ukraine thread who will be happy to see Biden leave for this exact reason, me included. I'll say again, almost all of Europe has been more aggressive towards Russia than America has.

When there is EASY diplomatic responses to ease tensions.

Yeah, I'm sure it's that easy, Ukraine is just dying for no reason at all, it's so easy to stop Russia slaughtering their country, by simply giving up their independence, their ability to defend themselves in the future (what NATO military bases are in Ukraine?) because Russia pinkie promises not to attack again. Read up on the Budapest Memorandum where Russia promised Ukraine security agreements in exchange for Ukraine surrendering their nuclear weapons to Russia. That shows how little Russia's word means.

Take NATO away from the border, reduce military bases, be fucking civil.

And what of Russia? Why aren't you demanding they remove all military from Kaliningrad, their nukes from Belarus, their military away from Finland and their armies out of Ukraine? The only country not being civil in this equation is Russia, they're the ones who chose to fucking invade Ukraine and lets for a second imagine that Russia was paranoid about NATO, I don't give a fuck! That doesn't give you an excuse to slaughter thousands!

I don't get to go punch my neighbour in the face because I'm paranoid after he joined the neighbourhood watch!

People don't get to come into your house, slaughter half your family, then keep half your house because they're paranoid!

Not once have I seen any respect for young Russian soldiers sent into this shit, or any empathy towards them at all.

Eh, I saw a lot of sympathy at first, that sympathy was quickly lost after Bucha and the countless of other Russian atrocities committed on Ukrainians. Quite frankly, I didn't have sympathy for Nazi soldiers, I don't have sympathy for Russians going to slaughter Ukrainians. I don't have sympathy for the soldiers directing missiles on fucking children and innocent people. I'm sick of hearing that this is "Putin's war" at this stage, nah, this is Russia's war.

I want to see Kamala/Trump come out and say this is an immense fuck up but we can fix it outside of the Battlefield

We tried to do that in 2022 prior to the full-scale invasion, America, France and Germany were begging Russia not to invade, Zelenskyy told France to ask Russia not to do this, Russia didn't listen to our pleading. Russia didn't give a fuck about compromise. We've fucking tried diplomacy multiple times. How'd the diplomacy go after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 (Crimea?) How'd the diplomacy go when Russia invaded Chechnya (Twice). How'd the diplomacy go when Russia invaded Afghanistan? How'd the diplomacy go when Russia invaded Georgia?

How'd the diplomacy go when Russia dropped a fucking deadly nerve agent on UK soil. How'd the diplomacy go when Russia assassinated multiple people in multiple NATO countries? How'd the diplomacy go when Russia sabotaged military facilities in Europe? How'd the diplomacy go when Russia backed Wagner attacked American troops in Syria? Russia straight up tried to assassinate the CEO of Rheinmetall, one of the biggest military companies in Europe and vital for German defence.

I'll tell you, we looked the other way, we stuck our hands in the sand for "peace" and we let Russia get away with whatever the fuck it wanted because we were too scared or too $$ focused to do anything about it. Diplomacy did shit. For the past 20 years we've been placating and trying to appease Russia and for what? For them to fucking invade a European country and slaughter thousands "because NATO bad"

Nah Russia can go fuck themselves.

God damn man. That's a lot. Give me a bit to get back to ya 🙂 on that. 👊 

rapsuperstar31 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not asking for them to throw Ukraine under the bus, I'm asking for a world where America gets out of it completely and we actually settle this ourselves. Russias biggest request is NATO not encroaching on their border, why can't we give them that? So many people have to die but we can't give them something so basic? Why?

They are stoking the flames though, they're stoking them since the start. I'm as sick with Americans as I am with Russia. They fucking escalate and have excavated every part of this nonsense when there is EASY diplomatic responses to ease tensions. Easy ones. Take NATO away from the border, reduce military bases, be fucking civil. 

Russia doesn't scare America one bit, the American media wants Americans scared. Fuck them both.

Not once have I seen any respect for young Russian soldiers sent into this shit, or any empathy towards them at all. Same old shit, kill the young for the old man's mistakes. I want to see Kamala/Trump come out and say this is an immense fuck up but we can fix it outside of the Battlefield, there's no need for young people to die. We can sort this over the table. 

Countries are allowed to be allies with whoever they choose.  Looking into joining NATO doesn't give Russia permission to attack Ukraine.  Was the United States trying to get Georgia to join NATO before Russia invaded them?  It doesn't matter who America allies with, hell if Russia wants to hold hands and be allies we would have no issues being friends. The USA has no intentions of attacking Russia or China, and neither did Ukraine.

Exactly...This argument is so goddamn frustrating.

When has NATO ever invaded a country because they wanted to join CSTO (Hello, Russia has its own equivalent of NATO, it's called the CSTO, it's not NATO's fault that barely anyone wants to join it because Russia is hated by half the world for their consistent past actions).

Did we invade Belarus because they as a CSTO country border NATO? Did we invade Armenia because they as a CSTO country border Türkiye? What's funny about that last example is Armenia is threatening to leave CSTO because even they are sick of Russia's bullshit now.

Maybe if Russia wasn't such a dickhead, more people would want to join CSTO.

And you're damn right, if Russia wasn't such a prick to everyone, there probably could have been a future where Russia joined NATO but they've never shown sympathy for how they treated the former Soviet states, they've never tried to fix relationships with them, they threaten countries like Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia on practically a daily basis.

If Russia wasn't such a dick, maybe the former Soviet states wouldn't have ran into NATO's arms out of fear, maybe they wouldn't have turned Ukraine into a country that's going to want nothing more than to see Russia dead for at least the next 100 years, maybe we could have had peace in Europe. But no, it's Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland, Norway, Denmark, UKs, Frances, Americas, etc...Faults, Lol.

Tell Russia to get the fuck out of Moldova too which they are currently illegally occupying.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:


God damn man. That's a lot. Give me a bit to get back to ya 🙂 on that. 👊 

You're a Brit aren't you? Please actually read my arguments and consider them with deep thought, vast majority of Brits I meet despise Russia and for good reason, they literally dropped nerve agents on our soil, they threaten us on almost a weekly basis with nukes and all that nonsense. I can understand Americans not giving a damn because they're half way across the ocean but UK is Europe. Ukraine is our ally. We signed an agreement to protect them back in the 90s. Russia is not and never been a friend of the UK. They have always hated us. Russia is not to be trusted. We have no reason to believe Russia or trust them, they've never shown us reason to. UK has been firmer on Russia than USA because Europe is our home.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

God damn man. That's a lot. Give me a bit to get back to ya 🙂 on that. 👊 

You're a Brit aren't you? Please actually read my arguments and consider them with deep thought, vast majority of Brits I meet despise Russia and for good reason, they literally dropped nerve agents on our soil, they threaten us on almost a weekly basis with nukes and all that nonsense. I can understand Americans not giving a damn because they're half way across the ocean but UK is Europe. Ukraine is our ally. We signed an agreement to protect them back in the 90s. Russia is not and never been a friend of the UK. They have always hated us. Russia is not to be trusted. We have no reason to believe Russia or trust them, they've never shown us reason to. UK has been firmer on Russia than USA because Europe is our home.

As an American, I despise Putin's Russia. They're over here spying and funding bad-faith actors on social media. They have a big presence in Florida and Maryland. They're no friends of us, no matter what that grifting game-show host says. Poo-Poo's spox was recently crying about how mean we are to him because Harris was pressing Trump on his relationship with Poo-Poo. 

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What Trump and Vance basically ask is the equivalent of some dude breaking into your home, raping and murdering half your family under the excuse that he was paranoid because you joined a neighbourhood watch, then occupying two of the rooms in your house, then the cops coming round and saying "eh, we aren't going to do anything about this, we won't arrest or prosecute him and you better give him 2 of the rooms for peace and live with him" then fucking off with a "bye, you're on your own" C'mon Man, Lol.

I constantly repeat it but no Americans would give up Texas, New York, California or any state for "peace" America got attacked by Japan once and fucking nuked the country...Twice...No Republican can seriously tell me that America, a country which screams about freedom and cream over their guns, wouldn't be demanding America bombs the absolute shit out of Russia if Russia attacked America and I'm not saying Ukraine should nuke Russia or anything extreme like that, I'm simply pointing out hypocrisy of how some people in certain countries demand Ukraine surrender but sure as shit wouldn't do it for their own.

If Ukraine one day decides to surrender then I will support the decision even if I think it will be a mistake for all the reasons I stated above, unless the surrender comes with an immediate ascension into NATO but I will reluctantly support it because Ukraine is an independent state but as long as Ukraine continues to fight then I will continue to support them.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024

Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

God damn man. That's a lot. Give me a bit to get back to ya 🙂 on that. 👊 

You're a Brit aren't you? Please actually read my arguments and consider them with deep thought, vast majority of Brits I meet despise Russia and for good reason, they literally dropped nerve agents on our soil, they threaten us on almost a weekly basis with nukes and all that nonsense. I can understand Americans not giving a damn because they're half way across the ocean but UK is Europe. Ukraine is our ally. We signed an agreement to protect them back in the 90s. Russia is not and never been a friend of the UK. They have always hated us. Russia is not to be trusted. We have no reason to believe Russia or trust them, they've never shown us reason to. UK has been firmer on Russia than USA because Europe is our home.

Nah man, I'm Irish and I totally see your arguments. But at any rate I'll reply to the other stuff when I can, it's a lot to rely to and tbh I don't have my thoughts in oder enough to give you a personal opinion I'd feel strong enough giving you. 

Man, but just can I say, The young Russian lads are not the problem, they are FORCED to fight. I feel as bad for them as I do Ukrianes youth. 

IkePoR said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

Inflation doesn't happen over night, it's a result of years of policies or an event that dramatically shifts supply and demand. 

So lets see if I got this right: it's covid and only covid then?  And nothing to do with mortgage interest rates, mortgage payments and rent being higher, the Russia-Ukraine war, or profligacy in the treasury? 

Like they said, high inflation isn’t something that happens all of a sudden and is usually from a variety of factors coming together at once, one of those factors was Covid.

Covid saw large parts of the economy shut down in 2020 and as things started to open back up in 2021 we saw supply chain issues due to increased demand, labor shortages and lingering Covid restrictions. This was exacerbated by the war in Ukraine in 2022 where sanctions on Russia saw oil prices skyrocket.

A combination of Fed interest rate hikes and supply chains stabilizing have seen inflation gradually come down from its peak of 9.1% in June 2022 to 2.5% in August 2024 which is close to the ~2% target of the Fed and we will likely see interest rates start coming down.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.



Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 12 September 2024