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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

You need to log off the internet and take a step outside Hyperbole.

There would have been a peaceful transfer of power in 2020 if Donald Trump could accept his loss and didn't inflame tensions, he is the only president who couldn't perform a peaceful transfer of power to my knowledge, a few hundred lunatics stormed the capital and one got shot dead, then they all went home and got arrested one by one.

If Trump loses, nothing will happen as long as he keeps his mouth shut, even if he does open his mouth, it'll be a few hundred nutjobs again who will be put in their place and this time it'll be a Democrat President who won't drag his feet and will stamp out these treasonous little fucks while the rest of Republicans will be too lazy to do anything aside from rant on Twitter about a civil war coming which they'll never have the balls to do.

They'll be no war, not in USA, not in the UK.

Some Americans have been crying about losing the civil war for their whole lives and done nothing about it.

Trump loses and MAGA will slowly fade away if Republicans grow some balls and take back their party from the nutjobs now that they don't have Trump backing them up, Trump's the only person who has the "charisma" to carry the MAGA brand, people ain't rallying behind Couch Fucker Vance, Brainworm RFK, Robot DeSantis, Cancun Cruz, Moscow Marge or Trump's wet blanket sons.

Idk, things seem different now. I can see militias forming in the US that'll fight odd battles, obviously there'd be no civil war in the true meaning of it. We've seen a little of that already loosly during the riots and in places like Portland Oregon on a good day there and idk about your governemnt stamping it out, stamp out one side and it only makes them bolder, martyrs them sort of. You'd need a new governemnt which would stamp out both extreme sides equally and that's not gonna happen. More likely under Trump than Harris though. It just seems like things can't keep trucking along like this for ever and as for the UK I can see it separating the same way Northren Ireland did with the army on the street and barbed wired fences through cities and towns with guerilla warfare waged against the other side or South Africa as another example. Although it's a bit more complex than either of those situations with more than two clear sides. Fuck things are a mess. 

What would these militias be fighting for, and why do you think they'd have any shot against the largest and most funded military in the world?

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LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

You need to log off the internet and take a step outside Hyperbole.

There would have been a peaceful transfer of power in 2020 if Donald Trump could accept his loss and didn't inflame tensions, he is the only president who couldn't perform a peaceful transfer of power to my knowledge, a few hundred lunatics stormed the capital and one got shot dead, then they all went home and got arrested one by one.

If Trump loses, nothing will happen as long as he keeps his mouth shut, even if he does open his mouth, it'll be a few hundred nutjobs again who will be put in their place and this time it'll be a Democrat President who won't drag his feet and will stamp out these treasonous little fucks while the rest of Republicans will be too lazy to do anything aside from rant on Twitter about a civil war coming which they'll never have the balls to do.

They'll be no war, not in USA, not in the UK.

Some Americans have been crying about losing the civil war for their whole lives and done nothing about it.

Trump loses and MAGA will slowly fade away if Republicans grow some balls and take back their party from the nutjobs now that they don't have Trump backing them up, Trump's the only person who has the "charisma" to carry the MAGA brand, people ain't rallying behind Couch Fucker Vance, Brainworm RFK, Robot DeSantis, Cancun Cruz, Moscow Marge or Trump's wet blanket sons.

Idk, things seem different now. I can see militias forming in the US that'll fight odd battles, obviously there'd be no civil war in the true meaning of it. We've seen a little of that already loosly during the riots and in places like Portland Oregon on a good day there and idk about your governemnt stamping it out, stamp out one side and it only makes them bolder, martyrs them sort of. You'd need a new governemnt which would stamp out both extreme sides equally and that's not gonna happen. More likely under Trump than Harris though. It just seems like things can't keep trucking along like this for ever and as for the UK I can see it separating the same way Northren Ireland did with the army on the street and barbed wired fences through cities and towns with guerilla warfare waged against the other side or South Africa as another example. Although it's a bit more complex than either of those situations with more than two clear sides. Fuck things are a mess. 

People have hated each other for years, America and UK are far more peaceful overall than in the 90s. America has always had nutjob militias, what are they going to do against America? I'll tell you what, it's fiction but watch Fargo Season 5 and that's about how well an American militia fucking with the US Government would go, Imo.

Riots aren't new either and as far as I've seen, governments have always condemned and stamped out riots when they've caused damaged, no matter the cause. But the left in America ain't ever tried to overthrow their own government so I'm not about to say that they're the same, the cause of the George Floyd riots is vastly different than the cause of the Jan 6th insurrection, one was an attempt to overthrow government, another was frustration and anger at the lack accountability and brutal force that American cops often employ which get people killed.

It's not more likely under Trump than Harris, it wasn't long ago Harris was being criticised for being a "cop" and prosecuting people too harshly, Trump straight up egged on and encouraged his base to commit violence, multiple times, including the Jan 6th insurrection. If it weren't for him spreading conspiracy theory nonsense, there likely wouldn't have even been an attack on the capitol.

Harris I believe will stamp on riots on both sides equally because she seems like a no nonsense sort of person.

UK is nowhere close to (are you talking about The Troubles?). Nobody in the UK wants that, everyone old enough remembers how awful The Troubles was and the counter-protesters to promote peace to the recent batch of protests angry at immigrants was way bigger in many areas because people do not want violence and are sick and tired of this shit, we who want the country to avoid civil wars far outweigh those desperate for one.

burninmylight said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Idk, things seem different now. I can see militias forming in the US that'll fight odd battles, obviously there'd be no civil war in the true meaning of it. We've seen a little of that already loosly during the riots and in places like Portland Oregon on a good day there and idk about your governemnt stamping it out, stamp out one side and it only makes them bolder, martyrs them sort of. You'd need a new governemnt which would stamp out both extreme sides equally and that's not gonna happen. More likely under Trump than Harris though. It just seems like things can't keep trucking along like this for ever and as for the UK I can see it separating the same way Northren Ireland did with the army on the street and barbed wired fences through cities and towns with guerilla warfare waged against the other side or South Africa as another example. Although it's a bit more complex than either of those situations with more than two clear sides. Fuck things are a mess. 

What would these militias be fighting for, and why do you think they'd have any shot against the largest and most funded military in the world?

Wouldn't even be the military, even American cops are kitted out to ridiculous extremes that they'd wipe out any poorly coordinated trash militia hiding in some American countryside. It always gives me a chuckle when I hear Americans say "I have guns in case my government turns tyrannical one day!" Good luck with that, I'm sure you'll be shooting that F-35 out of the sky with your little rifle.

Fact is, if America wanted to, they'd slaughter these militias with ease and they wouldn't even break a sweat.

LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

Sam Altman is a bit of an exaggerator...Course he's going to talk AI up to the moon, he owns an AI company, Lol.

AI won't end capitalism.

AGI is nowhere close to being developed, I'd in fact argue that it's more likely that this AI bubble is going to burst and take a lot of companies down with it, these companies are investing billions into AI, in the promise of some glorious future, telling their investors "don't worry, we're wasting billions but we'll turn a profit eventually! AGI is just around the corner!" and it's nowhere close still.

Once the investors grow sick of waiting, companies like Microsoft and Nvidia are going to be in for a horrific blow.

AI is doing some horrible stuff though, there needs to be a lot more regulation and laws against things like DeepFake AIs.

Nobody thought LLMs could do what they do and do it as well as they do it. Thing is we don't know whern and at what point inbdevelopment the singularity is gonna happen and it being a singularity we don't know anything about what will happen or how it'll take shape. It could happen while they are training GPT 6 and take ten minutes for all we know as an extreme example. I'm sorry but saying this tech is not a threat is burying your head in the sand, it's more dangerous than the atomic bomb even before ASI is reached. Competent low level AGI that never evolves past that point would be so disruptive it'd change everything about society. Look how much the Internet has changed things in ten years and sure that's only faster telecommunications. 

Big difference between LLMs and AGIs. AGIs is bordering on Sci-Fi. I never really doubted LLMs.

We're nowhere near AGI still and we're investing tens of billions into it, how long are investors going to be okay with that?

AI tech is a threat, through things like Deepfake AI, I do believe AI will be used for good in some areas, I also believe it will be used for bad, I do not have any reason at this current stage to believe it's going to revolutionise and completely change the world though and that's the problem of companies selling it like that, once investors realise it's not going to change the world, they'll realise they've been fed a lie and stocks will plummet.

We've often had tech which was hyped to the moon and amounted to nothing or not as big as claimed.

AGI could happen, it equally may not happen either, no need to jump to doomsday scenarios for something we're so unsure on.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:
burninmylight said:

What would these militias be fighting for, and why do you think they'd have any shot against the largest and most funded military in the world?

Wouldn't even be the military, even American cops are kitted out to ridiculous extremes that they'd wipe out any poorly coordinated trash militia hiding in some American countryside. It always gives me a chuckle when I hear Americans say "I have guns in case my government turns tyrannical one day!" Good luck with that, I'm sure you'll be shooting that F-35 out of the sky with your little rifle.

Fact is, if America wanted to, they'd slaughter these militias with ease and they wouldn't even break a sweat.

Done nothing about the black clad people killing cops in Portland and in other areas during the 2020 riots. Whata ya call them... antifash or something. I can't remember than name of them.

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Also, people's memories seem short. It wasn't long ago the right were arming up during those riots and that young lad on the right ended up shooting a load of people. This is crossing the line isn't it, already. Might be isolated events, you had a group of people (as misguided and naive as they poor bastards were) stormed the capital.

LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

Wouldn't even be the military, even American cops are kitted out to ridiculous extremes that they'd wipe out any poorly coordinated trash militia hiding in some American countryside. It always gives me a chuckle when I hear Americans say "I have guns in case my government turns tyrannical one day!" Good luck with that, I'm sure you'll be shooting that F-35 out of the sky with your little rifle.

Fact is, if America wanted to, they'd slaughter these militias with ease and they wouldn't even break a sweat.

Done nothing about the black clad people killing cops in Portland and in other areas during the 2020 riots. Whata ya call them... antifash or something. I can't remember than name of them.

What Portland riots were these? I'm not American so I'm assuming you're talking about the George Floyd protests in Portland. It only lists 1 casualty to 970 people arrested, I wouldn't call that "done nothing" but I found this "Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl" where Michael killed Aaron but the cops then killed Michael and both these guys were white.

George Floyd Protests

19 Deaths and 14,000 Arrested...That's far from "done nothing" that's a massive amount of people arrested.

There were less deaths but more arrests in the George Floyd protests than in the Watts Riots in 1965

American cops were responsible for 5 of those deaths and one of those was a self-described "Anti-Fascist" so the American police had no issue putting a bullet in those guys either. It doesn't really matter what side you are on, governments don't tend to sit back and let you destroy shit and break the law, especially not American police who are trigger happy as fuck.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Done nothing about the black clad people killing cops in Portland and in other areas during the 2020 riots. Whata ya call them... antifash or something. I can't remember than name of them.

What Portland riots were these? I'm not American so I'm assuming you're talking about the George Floyd protests in Portland. It only lists 1 casualty to 970 people arrested, I wouldn't call that "done nothing" but I found this "Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl" where Michael killed Aaron but the cops then killed Michael and both these guys were white.

George Floyd Protests

19 Deaths and 14,000 Arrested...That's far from "done nothing" that's a massive amount of people arrested.

There were less deaths but more arrests in the George Floyd protests than in the Watts Riots in 1965

American cops were responsible for 5 of those deaths and one of those was a self-described "Anti-Fascist" so the American police had no issue putting a bullet in those guys either. It doesn't really matter what side you are on, governments don't tend to sit back and let you destroy shit and break the law, especially not American police who are trigger happy as fuck.

Perhaps it's a Barrenstien bears occurrence but I remember black clad individuals get out of a white van in some city around that time and execute a cop. The same black clad individuals who go under that, exactly as you said, Anti-fah. Those Anti-fah, got away with tearing down Portland every other week there for a while, they even set themselves up with a park they took over and called it their own in a little bit of role playing revolutionaries. Burned down police stations if I recall, took one over and nothing was done. I'm not expecting them to be waco'd like you said the American Government would do to Maltias yourself but there was no action at all, people in charge were tippy toeing aroubd them and giving into demands. 

LegitHyperbole said:
Ryuu96 said:

What Portland riots were these? I'm not American so I'm assuming you're talking about the George Floyd protests in Portland. It only lists 1 casualty to 970 people arrested, I wouldn't call that "done nothing" but I found this "Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl" where Michael killed Aaron but the cops then killed Michael and both these guys were white.

George Floyd Protests

19 Deaths and 14,000 Arrested...That's far from "done nothing" that's a massive amount of people arrested.

There were less deaths but more arrests in the George Floyd protests than in the Watts Riots in 1965

American cops were responsible for 5 of those deaths and one of those was a self-described "Anti-Fascist" so the American police had no issue putting a bullet in those guys either. It doesn't really matter what side you are on, governments don't tend to sit back and let you destroy shit and break the law, especially not American police who are trigger happy as fuck.

Perhaps it's a Barrenstien bears occurrence but I remember black clad individuals get out of a white van in some city around that time and execute a cop. The same black clad individuals who go under that, exactly as you said, Anti-fah. Those Anti-fah, got away with tearing down Portland every other week there for a while, they even set themselves up with a park they took over and called it their own in a little bit of role playing revolutionaries. Burned down police stations if I recall, took one over and nothing was done. I'm not expecting them to be waco'd like you said the American Government would do to Maltias yourself but there was no action at all, people in charge were tippy toeing aroubd them and giving into demands. 

I can't remember this, I feel like I'd remember some dudes rolling up in a white van and straight up executing a cop in broad daylight...Maybe it happened but I don't know, and given what I know about American police, I feel like they would have unloaded a whole load of lead into these guys.

Michael Reinoehl, an American anti-fascist activist was one of the people shot and killed by cops. They also shot and killed Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, also known as Tortuguita, a Venezuelan environmental activist and eco-anarchist. There was 14,000+ arrests in total as well. Just because you don't see everyone on the street lined up and arrested in the moment doesn't mean that the cops don't get them after.

Sometimes! It's safer to stay back and then go arrests the dudes when they're back at their homes on their own. If for example, no-ones life is in immediate danger, but there's not enough cops and it risks escalating the situation even further, they'll just get these dudes when they're at home. They don't have an infinite amount of cops.

Antifa isn't even a centralized group, it's a political ideology, it literally just means anti-fascist.

14,000 Arrests! Like I said, even more than the Watts Riots despite the Watts Riots having more deaths.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Perhaps it's a Barrenstien bears occurrence but I remember black clad individuals get out of a white van in some city around that time and execute a cop. The same black clad individuals who go under that, exactly as you said, Anti-fah. Those Anti-fah, got away with tearing down Portland every other week there for a while, they even set themselves up with a park they took over and called it their own in a little bit of role playing revolutionaries. Burned down police stations if I recall, took one over and nothing was done. I'm not expecting them to be waco'd like you said the American Government would do to Maltias yourself but there was no action at all, people in charge were tippy toeing aroubd them and giving into demands. 

I can't remember this, I feel like I'd remember some dudes rolling up in a white van and straight up executing a cop in broad daylight...Maybe it happened but I don't know, and given what I know about American police, I feel like they would have unloaded a whole load of lead into these guys.

Michael Reinoehl, an American anti-fascist activist was one of the people shot and killed by cops. They also shot and killed Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, also known as Tortuguita, a Venezuelan environmental activist and eco-anarchist. There was 14,000+ arrests in total as well. Just because you don't see everyone on the street lined up and arrested in the moment doesn't mean that the cops don't get them after.

Sometimes! It's safer to stay back and then go arrests the dudes when they're back at their homes on their own. If for example, no-ones life is in immediate danger, but there's not enough cops and it risks escalating the situation even further, they'll just get these dudes when they're at home. They don't have an infinite amount of cops.

Antifa isn't even a centralized group, it's a political ideology, it literally just means anti-fascist.

14,000 Arrests! Like I said, even more than the Watts Riots despite the Watts Riots having more deaths.

It was a at night but yeah, I'm 100% sure it happened. If they didn't execute him they jumped him or something. It's stuck right in my memory. Cool that they were arrested, I'd like to see how many seen prison time and what sentences they got, that'd be interesting.

For just an ideology they seem to be well outfitted and can easily group up when time calls for it all black clad like they sent a memo onbthe dress code, I suppose the Internet help with that. I remember seeing spray painted "liberals get the bullet too" so I suppose the more hardcore anarchists might use Antif-fah as cover for their actions.