LegitHyperbole said:
Perhaps it's a Barrenstien bears occurrence but I remember black clad individuals get out of a white van in some city around that time and execute a cop. The same black clad individuals who go under that, exactly as you said, Anti-fah. Those Anti-fah, got away with tearing down Portland every other week there for a while, they even set themselves up with a park they took over and called it their own in a little bit of role playing revolutionaries. Burned down police stations if I recall, took one over and nothing was done. I'm not expecting them to be waco'd like you said the American Government would do to Maltias yourself but there was no action at all, people in charge were tippy toeing aroubd them and giving into demands. |
I can't remember this, I feel like I'd remember some dudes rolling up in a white van and straight up executing a cop in broad daylight...Maybe it happened but I don't know, and given what I know about American police, I feel like they would have unloaded a whole load of lead into these guys.
Michael Reinoehl, an American anti-fascist activist was one of the people shot and killed by cops. They also shot and killed Manuel Esteban Paez Terán, also known as Tortuguita, a Venezuelan environmental activist and eco-anarchist. There was 14,000+ arrests in total as well. Just because you don't see everyone on the street lined up and arrested in the moment doesn't mean that the cops don't get them after.
Sometimes! It's safer to stay back and then go arrests the dudes when they're back at their homes on their own. If for example, no-ones life is in immediate danger, but there's not enough cops and it risks escalating the situation even further, they'll just get these dudes when they're at home. They don't have an infinite amount of cops.
Antifa isn't even a centralized group, it's a political ideology, it literally just means anti-fascist.
14,000 Arrests! Like I said, even more than the Watts Riots despite the Watts Riots having more deaths.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 27 August 2024