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Ryuu96 said:
burninmylight said:

What would these militias be fighting for, and why do you think they'd have any shot against the largest and most funded military in the world?

Wouldn't even be the military, even American cops are kitted out to ridiculous extremes that they'd wipe out any poorly coordinated trash militia hiding in some American countryside. It always gives me a chuckle when I hear Americans say "I have guns in case my government turns tyrannical one day!" Good luck with that, I'm sure you'll be shooting that F-35 out of the sky with your little rifle.

Fact is, if America wanted to, they'd slaughter these militias with ease and they wouldn't even break a sweat.

Done nothing about the black clad people killing cops in Portland and in other areas during the 2020 riots. Whata ya call them... antifash or something. I can't remember than name of them.