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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

Ryuu96 said:
zorg1000 said:

Yep I exclusively use mobile

Yeah, been happening to me too, for all threads though.

Can you check if it does it on other threads? Might be worth checking Russia/Ukraine or Xbox OT threads as a test.

I've a suspicion it's because of tweet embeds.

Xbox thread is also kinda glitchy

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
Ryuu96 said:

Yeah, been happening to me too, for all threads though.

Can you check if it does it on other threads? Might be worth checking Russia/Ukraine or Xbox OT threads as a test.

I've a suspicion it's because of tweet embeds.

Xbox thread is also kinda glitchy

I'll try something for a few days and hopefully Bandorr can investigate it but I usually just straight copy/paste the tweet URL without removing the extra bits of the URL that aren't needed, I know nothing about coding but I'll manually remove those parts moving forward and see if it changes anything, if not it's probably the tweet embedding functionality if I were to guess, unless it happens on pages without any tweet embeds too.

badskywalker said:

If the Democratic Nominee wins Nebraska's 2nd district (fairly likely) then only the 3 rust belt states really matter. If all three go democratic while Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia go Red its a 270-268 victory for the democratic nominee

(Which based on polling is the most likely path for victory for a democratic nominee at this time)

Yup, I've looked up a map that features the current consensus of polling. Which is obviously still based on Biden being the candidate, so for all the criticism of him, it's actually not looking that bad of a baseline that Harris will inherit.

The rust belt should be more manageable to win by default, because up in the north the topics of jobs and the economy have to be more important than the border and immigration.

I've seen a statistic that apparently 19% of the voters qualify as double haters of Biden and Trump. If Harris can pull only a portion of those on her side, it can tip the scale enough for the win already.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

@zorg1000 and @Ryuu96 you guys have that too? I’ve been having that for a long time now and figured it was just due to my aging phone. Can happen on any thread, or the front page as well, but indeed seems more common on threads with a lot of twitter posts. I still have a 2018 iPhone 8, which also can get pretty hot on some threads while it burns through it’s already compromised battery life.

Ryuu96 said:

It has to be a plain white male moderate, Lol.

But Shapiro, Cooper, Beshear and Kelly are all strong choices.

Shapiro/Kelly are my favourites but they all offer something good.

The thought of Kelly, a former Navy Captain and Astronaut is a strong image.

Kelly definitely brings a lot to the table but at the same time I don’t like the idea of pulling a Senator from a swing state when keeping the Senate is already going to be a major challenge.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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Obama's gonna pull someone out of the ether to replace Biden, doesn't look like it'd be Harris. Harris would fail against Trump. 

That darn Obama guy pulling all the strings. 

the-pi-guy said:

That darn Obama guy pulling all the strings. 

Can we add no shit posting to your list of guidelines?

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Kamala Harris is set to become one of the strongest US Presidents in about 40 years. She will be the first since Angela Merkel to truly embody the role of leader of the free world. Biden was both elderly and indecisive, while Trump ranged from being an enemy of the free world to a Global Village Idiot.

Is there a chance that someone else could become the nominee? Sure, but Kamala Harris is already there, and she's already the perfect fit for the role. She’ll undoubtedly be more decisive than Biden on the international scene, and a diligent leader of the West’s largest country. Good leadership is crucial for the US, and the west requires someone who can neutralize Russia, drive them from Ukraine, and bring peace to Israel-Palestine. When it comes to the election, who could be a better candidate than a prosecutor to challenge an accused child rapist/convicted felon?

Last edited by Jumpin - on 22 July 2024

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

LegitHyperbole said:

Obama's gonna pull someone out of the ether to replace Biden, doesn't look like it'd be Harris. Harris would fail against Trump. 

Lol...Absolutely not happening, Obama is likely simply waiting until either the DNC or after everyone else, his endorsement will pack a big punch so he's likely going to save it for somewhere big or go after everyone else to give them their space, there is no chance Obama doesn't endorse Harris. He is just waiting for his moment. Plus there's no chance at this stage of a serious challenger to Harris.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 22 July 2024