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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2024 US Presidential Election

the-pi-guy said:
EricHiggin said:

Trump was trolling Harris when he did his McD's stunt. Trump was trolling when he pulled his Garbage truck, high vis stunt. They also had a minor amount of merit to them, but the right knew he didn't enjoy it, they just knew, that Trump knows, that they don't like how the Dems and MSM has been treating them.

The left and MSM reaction shows they either didn't get it, or thought acting like victims, while making fun of Trump (being an orange peasant loser) was going to net them useful points.

Like Chrkeller keeps saying, the left just doesn't get it.

How very cherry picked of you. 

What exactly do you think the left's response to these things were?

The response should've been what was explained in the post below.

Ryuu96 said:
EricHiggin said:

-Putin endorses Harris-

The Dems and MSM blame Americans, and not a word about Russia...

Waaaait what?

Nobody talks about it because everyone could see that Putin was trolling and not serious about his endorsement of Harris.

Nobody talks about it because everyone could see that Putin was trolling and not serious about his endorsement of Harris.

Around the Network
LegitHyperbole said:

Back to reality, I seen a better match for next term though, the Republicans pass an amendment so presidents can run a third term. Trump Vs Obama. What a showdown that'd be. 

The Republicans are probably going to have to worry about re-nominating Johnson as speaker with their single digit house lead. They're nowhere near constitutional amendment territory. Constitutional Amendments tend to happen when the U.S consolidates into a 1.5 party system like it did in reconstruction (GOP became the dominant party for four decades) and new deal (Democratic party became the dominant party for four decades.) Sometimes, if the parties are close enough ideologically, like they still somewhat were during the 90's you can get a non-controversial one passed liked the 27th. The states would have to agree to it too, and while the Republicans have a majority of states, they don't have a super-majority, and most of their majority aren't trifectas. 

Having said that, I think Obama would easily win. He is the last president to get a genuine landslide. You had hard "r" speaking racists voting for him.If Biden could beat Trump, Obama easily would. 

Last edited by sc94597 - on 08 November 2024

Ryuu96 said:
Chrkeller said:

It truly is a dumb argument between me and a few others.  Basically, on the theory test there is a question, "what do you do when you get a flat on the motorway?"  I answered, "change the tire," which was wrong.  The right answer is call "emergency services with the closest phone."  

I'm being told I am wrong and that isn't true.  Then it got into some stupid semantic war to prove I don't know what I am talking about for reasons.  Bear in mind I was questioned by folks who never stepped foot in the UK or haven't even taken the test, because of course they would know more.  Just like some in this thread knowing more about middle American than me, because some how living in middle America for 32 years means nothing. 

The UK driver's test is no joke, both the theory, hazard awareness and practical.  Way harder, and rightfully so, than US driver's test.

The irony being I think the whole emergency services to change tires on the motorway is actually a good thing and better than the US's perspective of "figure it out yourself."  So I even like their position, but some how I am still the enemy for reasons.  

Why a mod chose to bring up a completely off the topic discussion is a mystery to me.  

Don't lie now, that's not what caused the initial debate. Here is your exact quote word for word.

"Another thing that was odd to me is in many countries cars don't come with a spare tire. Because if you get a flat you aren't suppose to change the tire yourself. You are suppose to call a government agency to do it for safety."


"One of the questions in the test is what to do when you get a flat. You call someone, you are 100% not suppose to change your tire. It is a government regulation."

You said nothing about motorway in the initial comment which caused users to respond with doubts, Pi said his friend had never heard of that rule to which you "called BS" on his friends story.

I provided a link to the Highway Code which says "Only change the tyre if you can do so without putting yourself or others at risk" which tells us that a tyre can be changed by yourself because your first comment heavily, heavily implied, that it's "against government regulation" to change your tyre full-stop, not just on a motorway. You said it was "100%" in your assessment.

I was actually the first one to seek clarification if you meant on the motorway.

I then provided multiple sources after you ignored my attempt of clarification, because I believed you was still claiming that you can't change your tyre anywhere, so I gathered two sources which state that yes, you can change your tyre.

You still did not reply to my comment asking if you meant on the motorway and instead tried to say that by "it's against government regulation" and "You are 100% not supposed to change a tyre yourself" that you did not mean it was illegal but it was still a rule in some way. So in effect what you was saying here was that, it's against government regulation but it's not against the law and thus it's irrelevant because you can change the tyre with no legal consequence, that became your new argument.

You didn't provide sources, it was in fact me who provided the source that "It is however against the law to attempt repairs on a motorway." once again in an attempt to seek clarification that you meant on the motorway.

I asked once again, did you mean on the motorway

I even then provided a source of the exact question you was talking about, unfortunately the image is deleted.

Only then did you change your argument to that you meant on the motorway/highway.

But I also saw people saying they've changed their tyre on the motorway so even then it's uncertain on "100%"

Bear in mind I was questioned by folks who never stepped foot in the UK

I live in the UK. I know people who drive in the UK. As did Pi-Guy and I provided sources based in the UK.


Reason I bought it up was because of your constant condescending and high horse attitude in this thread, constantly getting on peoples asses for being wrong or making a mistake, demanding apologises, when you can't even do it yourself over a stupid driving test question and admit that you made a mistake in the first initial statement. Here you're still doing it but not only that, straight up lying about how the conversation went.

You never said motorway in the initial statement. It was ME who was the first one to post a source that it is not recommended on the motorway, it was ME who was providing all the sources and information on the matter. It was ME who was seeking clarification multiple times to which you ignored every single attempt. If you just said "Yeah, I meant on the motorway, my bad" at the start then we wouldn't have had pages of debate, I would have said "fair enough, that does look to be the case, for the most part" but hey now here you are lying that you said motorway from the start, Lol.

This is such a stupid debate though, like I said, if you want to continue it then you are welcome to PM my childish and immature self.

Those statements are true.  I literally have the high code at my desk.  You are NOT supposed to change your tire on the motorway, you are supposed to call emergency services.  That is 100% true.  I literally have the high code at my desk. 

I am right, deal with it.

Chrkeller said:
Ryuu96 said:

Don't lie now, that's not what caused the initial debate. Here is your exact quote word for word.

"Another thing that was odd to me is in many countries cars don't come with a spare tire. Because if you get a flat you aren't suppose to change the tire yourself. You are suppose to call a government agency to do it for safety."


"One of the questions in the test is what to do when you get a flat. You call someone, you are 100% not suppose to change your tire. It is a government regulation."

You said nothing about motorway in the initial comment which caused users to respond with doubts, Pi said his friend had never heard of that rule to which you "called BS" on his friends story.

I provided a link to the Highway Code which says "Only change the tyre if you can do so without putting yourself or others at risk" which tells us that a tyre can be changed by yourself because your first comment heavily, heavily implied, that it's "against government regulation" to change your tyre full-stop, not just on a motorway. You said it was "100%" in your assessment.

I was actually the first one to seek clarification if you meant on the motorway.

I then provided multiple sources after you ignored my attempt of clarification, because I believed you was still claiming that you can't change your tyre anywhere, so I gathered two sources which state that yes, you can change your tyre.

You still did not reply to my comment asking if you meant on the motorway and instead tried to say that by "it's against government regulation" and "You are 100% not supposed to change a tyre yourself" that you did not mean it was illegal but it was still a rule in some way. So in effect what you was saying here was that, it's against government regulation but it's not against the law and thus it's irrelevant because you can change the tyre with no legal consequence, that became your new argument.

You didn't provide sources, it was in fact me who provided the source that "It is however against the law to attempt repairs on a motorway." once again in an attempt to seek clarification that you meant on the motorway.

I asked once again, did you mean on the motorway

I even then provided a source of the exact question you was talking about, unfortunately the image is deleted.

Only then did you change your argument to that you meant on the motorway/highway.

But I also saw people saying they've changed their tyre on the motorway so even then it's uncertain on "100%"

Bear in mind I was questioned by folks who never stepped foot in the UK

I live in the UK. I know people who drive in the UK. As did Pi-Guy and I provided sources based in the UK.


Reason I bought it up was because of your constant condescending and high horse attitude in this thread, constantly getting on peoples asses for being wrong or making a mistake, demanding apologises, when you can't even do it yourself over a stupid driving test question and admit that you made a mistake in the first initial statement. Here you're still doing it but not only that, straight up lying about how the conversation went.

You never said motorway in the initial statement. It was ME who was the first one to post a source that it is not recommended on the motorway, it was ME who was providing all the sources and information on the matter. It was ME who was seeking clarification multiple times to which you ignored every single attempt. If you just said "Yeah, I meant on the motorway, my bad" at the start then we wouldn't have had pages of debate, I would have said "fair enough, that does look to be the case, for the most part" but hey now here you are lying that you said motorway from the start, Lol.

This is such a stupid debate though, like I said, if you want to continue it then you are welcome to PM my childish and immature self.

Those statements are true.  I literally have the high code at my desk.  You are NOT supposed to change your tire on the motorway, you are supposed to call emergency services.  That is 100% true.  I literally have the high code at my desk. 

I am right, deal with it.

...I know...I literally posted it, even before you, in that very thread, that you should not attempt repairs on the motorway without calling emergency services but even then you can change your tyre yourself if emergency services are there with you, the emergency service doesn't necessarily have to do it for you, it can be as simple as a cop being behind you and flashing his lights to warn other drivers.

I was literally the one who multiple times attempted to seek clarification and ask you if you meant on the motorway and not once did you respond to me and say "yes I meant on the motorway". The issue is that your initial statement didn't mention shit about the motorway or highway and was a vague (paraphrase) "Brits can't change their tyres, 100%, it's against government regulation" all you needed to say is ON THE MOTORWAY and it took you MULTIPLE pages to finally say on the motorway.

You're straight up lying by acting like you said motorway from the start and implying that is why people took issue with your comment.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 November 2024

sc94597 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Back to reality, I seen a better match for next term though, the Republicans pass an amendment so presidents can run a third term. Trump Vs Obama. What a showdown that'd be. 

The Republicans are probably going to have to worry about re-nominating Johnson as speaker. They're nowhere near constitutional amendment territory. Constitutional Amendments tend to happen when the U.S consolidates into a 1.5 party system like it did in reconstruction (GOP became the dominant party for four decades) and new deal (Democratic party became the dominant party for four decades.) Sometimes, if the parties are close enough ideologically, like they still somewhat were during the 90's you can get a non-controversial one passed liked the 27th. The states would have to agree to it too, and while the Republicans have a majority of states, they don't have a super-majority, and most of their majority aren't trifectas. 

Having said that, I think Obama would easily win. He is the last president to get a genuine landslide. You had hard "r" speaking racists voting for him.If Biden could beat Trump, Obama easily would. 

Obama campaigned for Harris. He told the minorities, and woman, especially blacks, to vote for Kamala, because she's black, and a woman, which would be historic. Plus Obama was the first black POTUS.

Way too many of those demographics voted for Trump anyway. Barry doesn't have the swagger and charm that he used to, and that was his main sale.

Last edited by EricHiggin - on 08 November 2024

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
Chrkeller said:

Those statements are true.  I literally have the high code at my desk.  You are NOT supposed to change your tire on the motorway, you are supposed to call emergency services.  That is 100% true.  I literally have the high code at my desk. 

I am right, deal with it.

...I know...I literally posted it, even before you, in that very thread, that you should not attempt repairs on the motorway without calling emergency services but even then you can change your tyre yourself if emergency services are there with you, the emergency service doesn't necessarily have to do it for you, it can be as simple as a cop being behind you and flashing his lights to warn other drivers.

I was literally the one who multiple times attempted to seek clarification and ask you if you meant on the motorway and not once did you respond to me and say "yes I meant on the motorway". The issue is that your initial statement didn't mention shit about the motorway or highway and was a vague (paraphrase) "Brits can't change their tyres, 100%, it's against government regulation" all you needed to say is ON THE MOTORWAY and it took you MULTIPLE pages to finally say on the motorway.

You're straight up lying by acting like you said motorway from the start.

Nope.  I just don't care about semantic BS backtracking.  You flipped out, realized I was right and started semantics.  

You can't deal with being wrong, this election shows this.  THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM, NOT MINE.

And you are hammering off topic nonsense, great work as a mod.  

Highway Code aside, staying on topic it is clear who was right about this election and who wasn't.  Your tantrum doesn't change cold hard facts.  

Chrkeller said:
Ryuu96 said:

...I know...I literally posted it, even before you, in that very thread, that you should not attempt repairs on the motorway without calling emergency services but even then you can change your tyre yourself if emergency services are there with you, the emergency service doesn't necessarily have to do it for you, it can be as simple as a cop being behind you and flashing his lights to warn other drivers.

I was literally the one who multiple times attempted to seek clarification and ask you if you meant on the motorway and not once did you respond to me and say "yes I meant on the motorway". The issue is that your initial statement didn't mention shit about the motorway or highway and was a vague (paraphrase) "Brits can't change their tyres, 100%, it's against government regulation" all you needed to say is ON THE MOTORWAY and it took you MULTIPLE pages to finally say on the motorway.

You're straight up lying by acting like you said motorway from the start.

Nope.  I just don't care about semantic BS backtracking.  You flipped out, realized I was right and starting semantics.  

You can't deal with being wrong, this election shows this.  THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM, NOT MINE.

I'll take this to your wall since you're so insistent on lying and bending the truth of how the argument went.

EricHiggin said:

The response should've been what was explained in the post below.

Nobody talks about it because everyone could see that Putin was trolling and not serious about his endorsement of Harris.

I'm pretty sure people did talk about it. And yeah, people (read: Americans and people interested in the election) are going to pay more attention to a potential president of the United States, than some foreign dictator endorsing someone (and supposedly laughing about it).

Putin trolling America with an endorsement isn't the same thing as Trump "trolling" America.

And to some extent, I ignored Putin's endorsement because manipulation can work in all kinds of ways. 

A lot of left wing people distrust Jill Stein because of ties to Russia. 

Putin can convince some number of people to not vote for Harris, because they don't trust him, and if he's supporting her (whether it's true or not), then probably shouldn't support her either.

In a different world, where a lot of left wingers loved Putin, Putin could reasonably have endorsed Trump for the same reason.

What result makes sense, depends on where people are at. Which people are you able to manipulate for or against.

The same action can have completely opposite consequences based on where people are at. => if most people believed the Earth were flat, and you told them it was round, you'd get called an idiot (despite being correct). If most people believe the Earth were round, and you told them it was round, people would just say "duh". 

The same action, different response. 

EricHiggin said:
sc94597 said:

The Republicans are probably going to have to worry about re-nominating Johnson as speaker. They're nowhere near constitutional amendment territory. Constitutional Amendments tend to happen when the U.S consolidates into a 1.5 party system like it did in reconstruction (GOP became the dominant party for four decades) and new deal (Democratic party became the dominant party for four decades.) Sometimes, if the parties are close enough ideologically, like they still somewhat were during the 90's you can get a non-controversial one passed liked the 27th. The states would have to agree to it too, and while the Republicans have a majority of states, they don't have a super-majority, and most of their majority aren't trifectas. 

Having said that, I think Obama would easily win. He is the last president to get a genuine landslide. You had hard "r" speaking racists voting for him.If Biden could beat Trump, Obama easily would. 

Obama campaigned for Harris. He told the minorities, and woman, especially blacks, to vote for Kamala, because she's black, and a woman, which would be historic. Plus Obama was the first black POTUS.

Way too many of those demographics voted for Trump anyway. Barry doesn't have the swagger and charm that he used to, and that was his main sale.

And Trump campaigned for Kari Lake and a dozen other Trumpists who lose at worst rate than non-Trump endorsed candidates (do you remember 2022?) Harris was, unfortunately, not Obama just like say DeSantis (as an example) isn't Trump. 

Trump's never had near the 59% approval rating that Obama had when he finished his second term.

And I say this as somebody who voted against Obama in 2012 (my first election.) 

Last edited by sc94597 - on 08 November 2024

Ryuu96 said:
Chrkeller said:

Nope.  I just don't care about semantic BS backtracking.  You flipped out, realized I was right and starting semantics.  

You can't deal with being wrong, this election shows this.  THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM, NOT MINE.

I'll take this to your wall since you're so insistent on lying and bending the truth of how the argument went.

Cool.  Have fun with my wall?  Lol.