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Forums - Politics Discussion - Attempted assassination on Trump

Jimbo1337 said:
crissindahouse said:

Just because you think it's exaggerated doesn't mean I have to as well. And no, he doesn't just say stuff how it is. He deliberately tells stuff wrong to manipulate his followers and that on a daily basis. Blowing some things up which aren't as bad and playing other things down which are horrible. And I build my opinion from listening to what he says and does, not what NYT or other media say. It's hard to even watch him 1 minute to as example crawling in Putins ass just because it's his dream to also change USA into such a dictatorship where everyone not agreeing and following will be shut down

Let's see how he will spin that he almost got killed (and there have been some killed and much more hurt than him) by an AR15 yesterday.

I guess this only means everyone should have an AR15 and not only the really need to make your weapon lovers happy in the end.

The juxtaposition of you calling out Trump for exaggerating, manipulating his followers, blowing things out of proportion, or playing other things down, to only then downplay this assassination attempt is laughable. Can you please objectively take a step back, read your post again, and not see how you were able to contradict yourself in the same post? 

You downplaying the situation: "Let's see how he will spin that he almost got killed..."

Last I checked, your ear is attached to your head. Getting shot in the ear means you almost got killed. No spin needed. Everyone can objectively look at the situation and say that he was inches away from being dead.

How do I downplay something when I mention how this proves that weapon law in USA is horrible when some guy can randomly buy some AR-15 to try to kill the former President and he even killed and badly wound some?

Maybe you should calm down when I am the one mentioning how horrible it is that these weapons can be found in way to many households.

And yes, Trump will be asked about this from some journalist and will say something which the weapon lobby will be happy about. It's just how it works if you know where many of your votes come from

So yes, I hate Trump, I hate your weapon laws, I'm happy that Trump survived and the attacker died and I already know how the main problem will be played down also by Trump which is how easy you can buy everything you want to be a one man army.

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 15 July 2024

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I'm glad he didn't get killed. Either way it's a huge turning point in modern America and it's scary to think about what would've happened if Trump had been assassinated.

Anyway, how crazy would it have been if the shooter's name was Emio?

Edit- changed killer to shooter 

Last edited by SuperJortendo - on 15 July 2024

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

My thoughts go to the guy who was killed and the two who got mortally wounded, as well as their families. Wish the mortally wounded a speedy recovery.

haxxiy said:

When Republicans said they wanted to bring the country back to the 1960s, I don't think that is what they had in mind.

That being said, I wonder if he'll be examined to ascertain whether it was a bullet or glass fragments/shrapnel that hit him. Being grazed by a bullet would probably have resulted in a burn instead.

It killed somebody and so it was a bullet.

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Vinther1991 said:

My thoughts go to the guy who was killed and the two who got mortally wounded, as well as their families. Wish the mortally wounded a speedy recovery.

I'm afraid there's no recovering from a mortal wounding...

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Chrkeller said:

I'm surprised people don't think this attempt will impact the election.

1) Regan's approval and support sky rocketed after his assassination attempt

2) a personal know a few Republicans that were not going to vote but plan to now

3) Biden will likely watch his attacks on Trump and will dial tone back

I could be wrong but I think this has significant impact


And Trump was already leading the polls, especially in key swing states.

A common mistake is to think everybody has made up their mind and wont change their vote. This is totally wrong. A lot of people decide their votes on the day. SOme people decide to go voting depending on if his candidate will have a safe win or not (I think this impacted Hillary). And most importantly, its independents who decides the election. They swing from election to election and are definitely impacted by current events. They are most likely being impacted by the ridiculous Project 2025 thing the left is pushing, and they will definitely be impacted by trump assassination attempt. This is why we had the cover up of Biden's Son laptop. It impacts elections. Not everybody has made up their mind 100%.

One thing that might help though it that the guy was not antifa or a woke radical. This will probably reduce the impact of what happened. 

Pemalite said:
EricHiggin said:

How often does the US Prez get assassinated? It's rare enough to begin with.

There shouldn't be any assassinations, period.


1) Abraham Lincoln: Killed in 1865 by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington.

2) James Garfield: Shot in 1881 in Washington at a train station, and died of his wounds two and a half months later.

3) William McKinley: Assassinated in 1901 by an anarchist in Buffalo, New York.

4) John F. Kennedy: Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy in 1963 in Dallas, Texas as the president rode in a motorcade.


Those who survived assasinations attempts:

1) Donald Trump just recently.

2) Ronald Reagan: He was shot in 1981 outside the Hilton Hotel in Washington but survived the attack. 

3) President Gerald Ford: Survived two attempts on his life in less than three weeks in 1975 without being hurt.

4) Theodore Roosevelt: He was shot in the chest in 1912 while campaigning for elections in Milwaukee and survived.


Assassination plots/attempts:

1) Andrew Jackson in 1835: Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot Jackson outside the Capitol Building, but both of his pistols misfired.

2) Abraham Lincoln in 1864: A sniper's bullet passed through Lincoln's hat, narrowly missing his head, as he rode to the Soldiers' Home.

3) William Howard Taft in 1909: A plot to assassinate Taft in El Paso, Texas was foiled.

4) Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933: Giuseppe Zangara fired shots at Roosevelt's car, missing the president-elect but fatally wounding Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak.

5) Harry S. Truman in 1950: Two Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to assassinate Truman at Blair House.

6) John F. Kennedy in 1960: Richard Pavlick planned to blow up Kennedy's car with explosives but abandoned the plot.

7) George H.W. Bush in 1993: A plot to assassinate Bush during his visit to Kuwait was foiled.

8) Bill Clinton in 1994: Francisco Martin Duran fired shots at the White House from outside the fence.

9) George W. Bush in 2005: A grenade was thrown at Bush during a speech in Tbilisi, Georgia, but failed to detonate.

And there are more. A lot more.

EricHiggin said:

With all the gun control we already have vs the past, how is this still happening? Just add more gun control? That's like saying just spend more money. Gun control doesn't mean anything in this case.

Gun control has proven to work. The USA doesn't have any real semblance of gun control.

Again. Factually. Gun control works. See: Australia.
Also in Australia we have more guns post-gun control, than pre-gun control, but far far far fewer incidents... Which proves it works as the inverse should happen.

EricHiggin said:

If you've decided to try and take out leaders of the free world, you're going to need at least a gun, and no amount of gun control is going to stop that.

Except it does stop that. Again. See: Australia.

Before Gun control Australia had 13 mass shootings during the 18 years before it. That's an incident involving 4 or more casualties. Since? You do the math.

Gun-related homicide, suicide, accidents also took a corresponding plunge.

Losses in one area of injuries or deaths with gains in another doesn't count. You can't explain away racism like degrading a black person by pointing out you're not calling them the N word. Degrading is degrading. Crime is crime. Deaths are deaths.

Australia isn't America. What works in one place doesn't automatically work in another, and sometimes even backfires and makes things worse. Canadians have tons of unregistered guns, and we also have issues with leadership, but we don't shoot at them, we just honk our horns, and they freeze our bank accounts.

The fact you included plots tells me you're not serious. I mean we're really going to include everyone who's ever thought about killing someone else? Grenades aren't guns either. They also threw shoes at him. Does America need footwear control?

It's just fucking crazy. Things have gotten way out of hand with politics and tribalism.
This is what you get when a candidate is branded Satan himself in all the media, and everything is hyperbolic and even a fantasy world for some people. They think they are fighting against Sauron or something. Talk about true hate speech, this is it, if there ever was such a thing. But it's okay when it comes from the holier than thou side.
Or, if you want to go the conspiracy route, they wanted to take him out because they are running out of lawsuits and other ways to stop him. He's a fly in the ointment for the deep state.

spynx said:
haxxiy said:

When Republicans said they wanted to bring the country back to the 1960s, I don't think that is what they had in mind.

That being said, I wonder if he'll be examined to ascertain whether it was a bullet or glass fragments/shrapnel that hit him. Being grazed by a bullet would probably have resulted in a burn instead.

It killed somebody and so it was a bullet.

Saw this pic in a NYT article as well as CNN. I'm surprised they're not referring to it as a UFO.

EricHiggin said:
RolStoppable said:

Are Americans really so simple-minded that this event could change who they vote for in November? Sounds a lot like unfounded pessimism to me. After all, there are two major ways to interpret this:

1. Trump is a hero for surviving an assassination attempt.
2. What could be so bad about Trump that someone would try to assassinate him? What... Project 2025? What is it? Oh...

And then there's number 3: A typical American mass shooter who was frustrated with the world went on a killing spree. Trump wasn't even touched by a bullet. Just another regular day in the USA.

I doubt the polls change all that much, but that's also a bad sign just for a different reason. It'll mostly be the minority of independents or undecideds, which is who decides the elections most of the time anyway.

I'd say there's a 4th way which is always the way I look at everything now initially. It's the swap interpretation. Swap Biden for Trump or vice versa, and see if the narrative and reaction would be the same if not similar at least.

In this case, this doesn't pass the swap test. If Biden were shot at and bleeding, the narrative and reaction would be very different than what we've seen. Wouldn't matter if people on the right were saying or suggesting the same or similar negative things about Biden, the view of the incident would be totally different, which makes no sense.

The only way I see this incident being negated and enough of those swing voters being persuaded back to the Dems, is if they change their candidate for someone seen as more electable, or if something tragic were to happen to Biden. The first would be acceptable, the second wouldn't be, unless it were natural death of old age, which would obviously be sad but is what it is, and politically would help offset any Trump sympathy for Biden sympathy.

The swap interpretation is something that can only work if two things are roughly equally good or bad. That's why it actually makes sense that Biden and Trump cannot be swapped for roughly equal results, because the two are very different.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.