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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did you like Death Stranding. (Poll)



Loved Death Stranding 10 25.64%
Hated Death Stranding 4 10.26%
Somewhat enjoyed Death Stranding 12 30.77%
I didn't play Death Stranding 13 33.33%

Poll needs an options that dont go to extremes. I like Death Stranding. I didnt love it, I dont have mixed feelings about it. I like it.  Its was a diferent and original experience, I enjoyed it. I didnt plat it or anything. I feel that while I enjoy the exploration and scenario design the game didnt need to be so tedious. Its fine. 

Last edited by Jpcc86 - on 10 July 2024

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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Did you platinum it? You have to get 20 legend of legend premium deliveries. Really takes all the use of a proper network to accomplish and because of the lack of bandwidth for structures it forces you to make your own zip lines be attached to other zip lines from online players. Makes the game even more enjoyable and there is a feeling of community even though you never see another soul.

Sure did

I didn't stop there though. I got all Legend of Legend premium deliveries. One of the few games I fully completed. I printed out a list of all deliveries to figure out which ones I was still missing since some only show up under specific circumstances.

Full stats after I was done with the game

Not sure now if the 496 vs 497 was a glitch or if I'm still missing one lol.

This was my network from my off-line play-through. On-line you can indeed make a bigger network with other people's towers, yet off-line you still get enough towers to fully cover the map and be able to get everywhere quickly combined with the roads.

Very nice. Here's to hoping DS2 live up to this game and improves on the formula. I expect not only things to get crazier story wise but gameplay wise too. 

Hated it. Good world-building, decently intriguing story, dull but well-fleshed out (if over-engineered) postal delivery and broadband supplier simulator gameplay, terrible menu UI, and absolutely atrocious pacing with all the cut and dialogue scene interruptions. Very self-indulgent, very bloated; Kojima exemplified.

“Did you like death”

“Stranding? (Poll)”

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Bought it because I liked the art direction and concept but went in with zero expectations (as I’m not the biggest Kojima fan) and found that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I think its implementation of the shared world aspect was one of the best I’ve seen. The gameplay loop with the slow progression of better and better ways to traverse was very well implemented and characters and OST were phenomenally well done. Boss fights were the biggest let down for me. Found it was 100% worth my time for the 90+hrs I put into it.

Last edited by VersusEvil - on 10 July 2024

Ride The Chariot || Games Complete ‘24 Edition

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VersusEvil said:

Bought it because I liked the art direction and concept but went in with zero expectations (as I’m not the biggest Kojima fan) and found that I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I think its implementation of the shared world aspect was one of the best I’ve seen. The gameplay loop with the slow progression of better and better ways to traverse was very well implemented and characters and OST were phenomenally well done. Boss fights were the biggest let down for me. Found it was 100% worth my time for the 90+hrs I put into it.

Aye, the gunplay felt weak AF but at least the bosses looked cool. Hopefully that'll be improved. I'm really interested to see if they can top that OST and what abscure band Kojima and Co dig out to complement it this time, Low roar with with the thematic music so perfectly and it's a band I'd have never even considered. 

LegitHyperbole said:

Very nice. Here's to hoping DS2 live up to this game and improves on the formula. I expect not only things to get crazier story wise but gameplay wise too. 

Same, I would love to get absorbed in a new world again.

Maybe new traversal methods, packing trucks to the max.

More challenging terrain and more styles of bridges and making roads. And a November-December release as I only have the kind of time to devote to games like this in winter holidays.

And Low Roar was indeed a fantastic choice. I never heard of them before but often left the game running as a music player with Sam Porter lounging inside.

Death Stranding 2 can get me back out of VR (for a while). But a game like that in VR (3rd person) would be incredible.

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Very nice. Here's to hoping DS2 live up to this game and improves on the formula. I expect not only things to get crazier story wise but gameplay wise too. 

Same, I would love to get absorbed in a new world again.

Maybe new traversal methods, packing trucks to the max.

More challenging terrain and more styles of bridges and making roads. And a November-December release as I only have the kind of time to devote to games like this in winter holidays.

And Low Roar was indeed a fantastic choice. I never heard of them before but often left the game running as a music player with Sam Porter lounging inside.

Death Stranding 2 can get me back out of VR (for a while). But a game like that in VR (3rd person) would be incredible.

Pretty sure it'll be out this year right in time for your holidays. Yeah, if AAA publishers would make games of the scope in VR it'd change gaming for ever but Var tech needs to catch up, not to go off topic but it's still too inconvenient, needs to be brought down to the size of swimming googles and battery tech needs an evolution. If it can run all day at the size of swimming googles and also games would need to be streamed to the headset from a portable device, no wires. Only then will VR be ready for mass adoption enough to get AAA scope games. 

Loved it, although I don't exactly have a hard time understanding why people might even hate it. Wasn't Kojima's best game even in my opinion, but it was quite thought-provoking, especially so close to the outbreak of the coronavirus..

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

Same, I would love to get absorbed in a new world again.

Maybe new traversal methods, packing trucks to the max.

More challenging terrain and more styles of bridges and making roads. And a November-December release as I only have the kind of time to devote to games like this in winter holidays.

And Low Roar was indeed a fantastic choice. I never heard of them before but often left the game running as a music player with Sam Porter lounging inside.

Death Stranding 2 can get me back out of VR (for a while). But a game like that in VR (3rd person) would be incredible.

Pretty sure it'll be out this year right in time for your holidays. Yeah, if AAA publishers would make games of the scope in VR it'd change gaming for ever but Var tech needs to catch up, not to go off topic but it's still too inconvenient, needs to be brought down to the size of swimming googles and battery tech needs an evolution. If it can run all day at the size of swimming googles and also games would need to be streamed to the headset from a portable device, no wires. Only then will VR be ready for mass adoption enough to get AAA scope games. 

The wire is not a problem, we played with wired controllers for decades!

The insistence on 1st person with all motion controls is what's holding VR back imo. I prefer sitting down to relax with a game, not stand and contortion myself trying to access body inventory slots. RE8 is about enough VR interaction for me. You can chose to pick up items with your hands, or just press X. You can climb ladders hand over hand or just press X and up on the thumb stick. RE4 has less interactions in VR, suits me fine. But I still prefer RE8 for having less action, RE4 can be exhausting, same as TWD S&S 2. Killing zombies isn't fun anymore when you're going through the same repeated motions over and over and over.

The games I keep coming back to in VR are the comfortable ones. GT7, sit down with the dualsense. Puzzling Places, sit down with movement all in front, using the sticks to turn when needed. CyubeVR sit down with point controls and other ways to keep all motion close to you. Space Docker VR, Ultrawings 2 and other cockpit games that support analog controls (rather than holding virtual sticks) get my preference.

Sure it's fun to do some room scale games now and then, but those are the exception for me and I never play them very long.

Anyway a game like Death stranding wouldn't work in 1st person anyway. You can't balance what you can't see nor feel. Driving and zip lining can be 1st person, yet walking, running etc would need to be in 3rd person.

As for mass adoption: Price, convenience (indeed smaller, easier fit, easy on/off, adjustable lenses), less isolating (link your phone, pip, wireframe surroundings when some one comes close, transparency mixing external view) and AAA games.

Mostly people need to have easy access to their phone while playing, secondary screen is a must when I look at my kids playing games. Plus the stigma of always having to stand around and flap your arms about needs to go. VR works perfectly fine sitting down with a regular controller. The benefit of 3D plus freely looking around while in the environment is already a massive game changer.