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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Very nice. Here's to hoping DS2 live up to this game and improves on the formula. I expect not only things to get crazier story wise but gameplay wise too. 

Same, I would love to get absorbed in a new world again.

Maybe new traversal methods, packing trucks to the max.

More challenging terrain and more styles of bridges and making roads. And a November-December release as I only have the kind of time to devote to games like this in winter holidays.

And Low Roar was indeed a fantastic choice. I never heard of them before but often left the game running as a music player with Sam Porter lounging inside.

Death Stranding 2 can get me back out of VR (for a while). But a game like that in VR (3rd person) would be incredible.

Pretty sure it'll be out this year right in time for your holidays. Yeah, if AAA publishers would make games of the scope in VR it'd change gaming for ever but Var tech needs to catch up, not to go off topic but it's still too inconvenient, needs to be brought down to the size of swimming googles and battery tech needs an evolution. If it can run all day at the size of swimming googles and also games would need to be streamed to the headset from a portable device, no wires. Only then will VR be ready for mass adoption enough to get AAA scope games.