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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 26, 2024 (Jun 24 - Jun 30)

firebush03 said:

Glad to see NSW back at 40k again. I suspect the Nintendo Direct may have renewed consumer confidence in the Switch (with all the Dragon Quest, Zelda, M&L, etc.). Curious to see if Nintendo could carry these sales into future weeks.

CourageTCD said:

I'm glad the Switch could go back to its 40k baseline for this week

I've always wondered how Courage the Cowardly Dog had been doing following the termination of his TV show in 2002...happy to see you active in the VGChartz forums. :)

Hahaha   Well, I've been doing fine. VGChartz is way safer than the middle of Nowhere

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This was a good Switch week apparently. Sure ain't like last though.
Same for Sony too. You really gotta wonder if people are mostly buying the console mostly for f2p games. Monster Hunter Wilds can't happen soon enough for it.

Meantime, more than a decent recent for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Considering the price point of the remaster of a 3DS games. It clearly has appeal ... and this is why we'll keep getting those simpler remaster at the 60$ price point

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

That's the first half of the year done and the Switch has sold just under 1.4m so far and is ahead of 2018 and 2017 which is really impressive. It'll fall behind both of those years towards the end though and it might sell less during the 2nd half despite the holiday boost so 2.7-2.9m should be the range it ends up at.

The PS5 has sold just under 800k so far and considering the first 10 weeks were relatively strong if it keeps up the 20k baseline it's quite likely it'll sell less during the 2nd half so around 1.5m should be where it ends up.

All in all the hardware market could use a boost which is thankfully coming within the next year.

So far FFVII Rebirth is the best selling retail game in Japan with about 338K sales. Wonder if any game down the line will ever pass 1M for the rest of the year. Maybe Zelda? Maybe Mario Party? Maybe Dragon Quest?

Was there a holiday this week or something?
Hardware boosts for all three platforms plus software boosts for a lot of evergreen titles.

Base Switch makes up only around 10% of total Switch sales this week and the OLED model two thirds; across all three platforms in fact the more expensive model is selling more currently.

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After only 3.5 years, Ps5 has already passed the Vita. It is also 60% of the Ps4.

jvmkdg said:

The ps5 needs a great showcase, to renew the public's enthusiasm for purchasing a ps5, astro bot will help but will not be a system seller. Ghost Os Tsushima 2 and the next Monster Hunter could help boost PS5 sales.

It needs a temporary or a permanent price cut.

People tend to forget that the best selling sku (by far) is 67k yen, and if you get a new game it’ll be around 75k yen. 

curl-6 said:

Was there a holiday this week or something?
Hardware boosts for all three platforms plus software boosts for a lot of evergreen titles.

Base Switch makes up only around 10% of total Switch sales this week and the OLED model two thirds; across all three platforms in fact the more expensive model is selling more currently.

The Yen has been falling again as of late, so maybe more exports. (A reminder that these Japan sales for the past few years have been anything but Japan only to a significant extent.)






Xbox Japan

Switch dominating, luigis mansion 2 good sales, ps5 already on decline.