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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How far away are we from seeing games like Horizon: Zero Dawn and Spiderman 2018 on Switch/Switch 2?

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

I don't even agree with that characterization, it's like saying a car that can fly is pathetic because it isn't as large as a full sized aircraft ... well not shit, no one is going to say "it's not an airplane", they're going to say "holy shit, this car is flying". Traditionally in the past the idea of the relevant, popular portable platform of the day (say Game Boy or DS in the past) being able to run basically a direct version of the most popular 3rd party games was a pipe dream, but today that is becoming less and less the case. 

And no one cares. If they did steamdeck would doing massively better. It's been having every 3rd party game for 2 years now and no one is buying it people that like those type of games want them on powerful console or rig with a nice TV. 

Devices like the Steam Deck actually probably are going to overtake the XBox console line soon enough, and Switch 2 has a fairly good chance of repeating as the best selling hardware platform again. Steam Deck isn't even available in major retailers, future iterations probably will be. Right now people are still buying a $350 Switch 1 hand over fist in 2024. 

That's about the only segment of the traditional console hardware business that's actually growing, Sony and Microsoft hit a brick wall ages ago. 

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zeldaring said:

Yea its hilarious that he keeps on telling us no cares for graphics but the main selling point of switch 2 is hardware being more powerful.  If your statics are right  it differently shows that people still value powerful hardware.

Keep in mind that switch 2 releases in mid 2025 and 2  after it's unfortunately gonna be extremely dated.

The statistics are direct from Steam hardware survey itself.

Soundwave said:

Even this isn't true, a 2050 runs basically most modern games and it has a whopping 4GB @96GB/sec. The amount of RAM (4GB) is the bigger bottleneck than the bandwidth. 

No one has even talked about 4GB cards until you mentioned it, nor was it part of my statistics, stop shifting the goal post to fit your falsified agenda.

The Geforce RTX 2050 has only 112GB/s of bandwidth, it's not going to effectively use more than 4GB anyway... I don't think you understand how much of a significant hindrance a 64bit memory bus is for driving bandwidth needed for 1080P gaming.

The RTX 2050 is a garbage GPU and was never a serious recommendation for any gamer to buy.

Soundwave said:

The Switch 2 has higher bandwidth RAM and a good deal more than that. Switch 2 has more than 8GB too, unless anyone thinks Nintendo is using 4GB for the OS, which is nonsensical since the Switch 1 only uses like 750MB as is. It's more likely the Switch 2 has 10-11GB for games available to it which is a healthy upgrade on the XBox Series S. 

Stop ignoring the evidence.
Vast majority of PC gamers have hardware that vastly exceed the theoretical Switch 2.0 at this point.

You -do- need to accept that... As it's literally fact.

The Switch 1.0 does not use 750MB of Ram for the OS. It's 1GB reserved.

As for the 4GB argument, I was throwing out hypothetical's at the time, nor has it been confirmed how much Ram the Switch 2.0 OS will be using... But I am absolutely hoping it's more than 1GB as the current Switch OS is slow, clunky and unresponsive... And lacks a vast array of modern features like voice chat.

And yet... A PC with 16GB System Ram and a 6GB GPU, still has twice the available Ram as the Switch... And that's the vast majority of PC's that meet or exceed that as per the evidence provided prior.

Soundwave said:

Actually it is, my point was most of the top Steam GPUs are low end GPUs, the 2050 is in that category. You don't get to say "it doesn't count" because it disproves your point. The 2050 is a popular choice for a lot of gamers that don't want to spend a ton of money. 

You need to stop lying. The top Steam GPU's are mid-range.

* Geforce 3060 is -the- most popular GPU on Steam.

Again. I have provided the evidence. Stop arguing against evidence and start providing better evidence.

You are also being a hypocrite, is graphics and hardware important... Or not? Make up your mind. Or is it only important if it pertains to your particular platform of choice that you invest your time and money on?

Soundwave said:

No developer out here is going "y'know I've spent $150 million making this game, now let me lock it off to a tiny audience of 40 series card owners". That's not a reality anywhere and won't be probably even in the next 5 years. 

Stop shifting the goal post. No one has said anything along those lines, except you.

Soundwave said:

Graphics enthusiasts like the type that watch Digital Foundry videos and all that shit are a tiny part of the actual market. You're not making big money targeting that audience solely and it's been shown again and again with multiple flops/underperforming games this gen that people don't give a shit about that. 

Digital Foundry aren't primarily about graphics anyway... Making this argument blatantly false.

Secondly, Digital Foundry covers retro games and Switch 1.0 games rather heavily and tends to primarily base their videos around the analytical side of games,  platforms and technology rather than pure graphics.

Chrkeller said:

It doesn't count because YOU listed a bunch of GPUs and I pointed out the 200 to 300% difference in memory bandwidth.

Then you shifted goals posts and started adding hardware that wasn't part of the original discussion.

And I would be surprised if anyone is buying a 2050 these days.  I'm not sure it is even available anymore.  

The 2050 is still available in shitty low-end notebooks.

But truth be told, the price jump between an RTX 2050 notebook and a 3060/4060 is pretty much negligible that it's a silly purchase anyway.

It was never released on desktop as it would have been a redundant release with how capable integrated graphics and last-gen GPU's are.

Soundwave said:

The 2050 shows that modern games can be run on even lower bandwidth than what the Switch 2 has. Of course you hate it when anyone points stuff like that out because you have a tech nerd agenda (on a sales board for some reason), again maybe expend that energy buying some of these tech showcase games, but your group of techies don't show up for any of those games anyway, so it's like well who gives a fuck then. 

Lots of talk, not a whole lot of actual action, turns out making games for the "Digital Foundry" audience isn't very smart based on the sales data we are getting. 

Publishers are making sure their games run on low RAM, low bandwidth environments. 

No one has argued that the RTX 2050 can't run modern games. Stop shifting the goal post.

It's still a shit GPU either way, it's the worst RTX GPU in nVidia's arsenal... And I would not recommend it for 1080P, 60fps gaming as it's simply inadequate for that job.

Soundwave said:

You sure love moving goalposts all the time, so gimme a break. My point was low end GPUs dominate the Steam charts, that's a fact.

Considering you keep making this claim and provided zero evidence... It's not yet regarded as fact.

I however... Have provided evidence, empirical evidence, straight from Steam itself which has determined this statement to be a lie.

Soundwave said:

I mean that also shows over 60% have 8GB or less GPUs, lol, like that's not the flex you think it is. That means I wouldn't be counting on games that require more than 8GB of VRAM any time soon. There's more people that have 4GB GPUs than 16GB + 24GB combined. 

PC has System Ram.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

And no one cares. If they did steamdeck would doing massively better. It's been having every 3rd party game for 2 years now and no one is buying it people that like those type of games want them on powerful console or rig with a nice TV. 

Devices like the Steam Deck actually probably are going to overtake the XBox console line soon enough, and Switch 2 has a fairly good chance of repeating as the best selling hardware platform again. Steam Deck isn't even available in major retailers, future iterations probably will be. Right now people are still buying a $350 Switch 1 hand over fist in 2024. 

That's about the only segment of the traditional console hardware business that's actually growing. 

Steamdeck sold  about 3-4 million so far. Even Xbox out sells that in one holiday.

You are way too confident about Switch 2, it hasn't proven itself as it will be the first successor for the Switch line. 

Soundwave said:
Chrkeller said:

2050 isn't in the list of gpus being discussed.

Yet another goal post shift by you.

Actually it is, my point was most of the top Steam GPUs are low end GPUs, the 2050 is in that category. You don't get to say "it doesn't count" because it disproves your point. The 2050 is a popular choice for a lot of gamers that don't want to spend a ton of money. 

No it isn't.

The 2050 ain't "a popular choice for a lot of gamers", it is at 0.24%.

Pemalite said:
zeldaring said:

Yea its hilarious that he keeps on telling us no cares for graphics but the main selling point of switch 2 is hardware being more powerful.  If your statics are right  it differently shows that people still value powerful hardware.

Keep in mind that switch 2 releases in mid 2025 and 2  after it's unfortunately gonna be extremely dated.

The statistics are direct from Steam hardware survey itself.

Soundwave said:

Even this isn't true, a 2050 runs basically most modern games and it has a whopping 4GB @96GB/sec. The amount of RAM (4GB) is the bigger bottleneck than the bandwidth. 

No one has even talked about 4GB cards until you mentioned it, nor was it part of my statistics, stop shifting the goal post to fit your falsified agenda.

The Geforce RTX 2050 has only 112GB/s of bandwidth, it's not going to effectively use more than 4GB anyway... I don't think you understand how much of a significant hindrance a 64bit memory bus is for driving bandwidth needed for 1080P gaming.

The RTX 2050 is a garbage GPU and was never a serious recommendation for any gamer to buy.

Soundwave said:

The Switch 2 has higher bandwidth RAM and a good deal more than that. Switch 2 has more than 8GB too, unless anyone thinks Nintendo is using 4GB for the OS, which is nonsensical since the Switch 1 only uses like 750MB as is. It's more likely the Switch 2 has 10-11GB for games available to it which is a healthy upgrade on the XBox Series S. 

Stop ignoring the evidence.
Vast majority of PC gamers have hardware that vastly exceed the theoretical Switch 2.0 at this point.

You -do- need to accept that... As it's literally fact.

The Switch 1.0 does not use 750MB of Ram for the OS. It's 1GB reserved.

As for the 4GB argument, I was throwing out hypothetical's at the time, nor has it been confirmed how much Ram the Switch 2.0 OS will be using... But I am absolutely hoping it's more than 1GB as the current Switch OS is slow, clunky and unresponsive... And lacks a vast array of modern features like voice chat.

And yet... A PC with 16GB System Ram and a 6GB GPU, still has twice the available Ram as the Switch... And that's the vast majority of PC's that meet or exceed that as per the evidence provided prior.

Soundwave said:

Actually it is, my point was most of the top Steam GPUs are low end GPUs, the 2050 is in that category. You don't get to say "it doesn't count" because it disproves your point. The 2050 is a popular choice for a lot of gamers that don't want to spend a ton of money. 

You need to stop lying. The top Steam GPU's are mid-range.

* Geforce 3060 is -the- most popular GPU on Steam.

Again. I have provided the evidence. Stop arguing against evidence and start providing better evidence.

You are also being a hypocrite, is graphics and hardware important... Or not? Make up your mind. Or is it only important if it pertains to your particular platform of choice that you invest your time and money on?

Soundwave said:

No developer out here is going "y'know I've spent $150 million making this game, now let me lock it off to a tiny audience of 40 series card owners". That's not a reality anywhere and won't be probably even in the next 5 years. 

Stop shifting the goal post. No one has said anything along those lines, except you.

Soundwave said:

Graphics enthusiasts like the type that watch Digital Foundry videos and all that shit are a tiny part of the actual market. You're not making big money targeting that audience solely and it's been shown again and again with multiple flops/underperforming games this gen that people don't give a shit about that. 

Digital Foundry aren't primarily about graphics anyway... Making this argument blatantly false.

Secondly, Digital Foundry covers retro games and Switch 1.0 games rather heavily and tends to primarily base their videos around the analytical side of games,  platforms and technology rather than pure graphics.

Chrkeller said:

It doesn't count because YOU listed a bunch of GPUs and I pointed out the 200 to 300% difference in memory bandwidth.

Then you shifted goals posts and started adding hardware that wasn't part of the original discussion.

And I would be surprised if anyone is buying a 2050 these days.  I'm not sure it is even available anymore.  

The 2050 is still available in shitty low-end notebooks.

But truth be told, the price jump between an RTX 2050 notebook and a 3060/4060 is pretty much negligible that it's a silly purchase anyway.

It was never released on desktop as it would have been a redundant release with how capable integrated graphics and last-gen GPU's are.

Soundwave said:

The 2050 shows that modern games can be run on even lower bandwidth than what the Switch 2 has. Of course you hate it when anyone points stuff like that out because you have a tech nerd agenda (on a sales board for some reason), again maybe expend that energy buying some of these tech showcase games, but your group of techies don't show up for any of those games anyway, so it's like well who gives a fuck then. 

Lots of talk, not a whole lot of actual action, turns out making games for the "Digital Foundry" audience isn't very smart based on the sales data we are getting. 

Publishers are making sure their games run on low RAM, low bandwidth environments. 

No one has argued that the RTX 2050 can't run modern games. Stop shifting the goal post.

It's still a shit GPU either way, it's the worst RTX GPU in nVidia's arsenal... And I would not recommend it for 1080P, 60fps gaming as it's simply inadequate for that job.

Soundwave said:

You sure love moving goalposts all the time, so gimme a break. My point was low end GPUs dominate the Steam charts, that's a fact.

Considering you keep making this claim and provided zero evidence... It's not yet regarded as fact.

I however... Have provided evidence, empirical evidence, straight from Steam itself which has determined this statement to be a lie.

Soundwave said:

I mean that also shows over 60% have 8GB or less GPUs, lol, like that's not the flex you think it is. That means I wouldn't be counting on games that require more than 8GB of VRAM any time soon. There's more people that have 4GB GPUs than 16GB + 24GB combined. 

PC has System Ram.

2050 is a popular laptop choice, again doesn't surprise me some here have a stick up their ass against it because it flies in the face of what they think hardware has to be today. 

Most GPUs on the Steam survey are on the lower end, then you have consoles like the Series S which a developer has to consider. The fact is developers are not going to make games and lock out all this kind of hardware. For fuck's sake almost 2x as many people have 4GB GPUs as 12-16GB rigs (which are generally the "high end" cards). 

Yeah I forgot Digital Foundry has a sports section and swimsuit section of their website, lol, the fact is "tech dorks" talk a lot on message boards but aren't a market force. Y'all yapping away but you sure ain't showing up in numbers to drive software sales of games like Senua's Saga which is bombing harder than HiFi Rush, we've seen games like that which are trying to be graphics showcases flop or underperform over and over again. 

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Conina said:
Soundwave said:

Actually it is, my point was most of the top Steam GPUs are low end GPUs, the 2050 is in that category. You don't get to say "it doesn't count" because it disproves your point. The 2050 is a popular choice for a lot of gamers that don't want to spend a ton of money. 

No it isn't.

The 2050 ain't "a popular choice for a lot of gamers", it is at 0.24%.

Exactly.  Soundwave shifts goalposts anytime facts don't align with his agenda.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Devices like the Steam Deck actually probably are going to overtake the XBox console line soon enough, and Switch 2 has a fairly good chance of repeating as the best selling hardware platform again. Steam Deck isn't even available in major retailers, future iterations probably will be. Right now people are still buying a $350 Switch 1 hand over fist in 2024. 

That's about the only segment of the traditional console hardware business that's actually growing. 

Steamdeck sold  about 3-4 million so far. Even Xbox out sells that in one holiday.

You are way too confident about Switch 2, it hasn't proven itself as it will be the first successor for the Switch line. 

Valve isn't even trying hard to sell that thing, have they even made 1 single television commercial for it? It's something they sold in limited quantities, not even available at retail, not available on Amazon, 3-4 million on that basis is impressive also considering for like the 1st year of sales there was extremely limited quantities with wait lists that stretch into months. And you have now more and more hardware vendors lining up to make their own version. 

That product sector is only going to grow, in 3-4 years I wouldn't be surprised at all if its above the XBox traditional consoles which are cratering sales wise. 

Switch 2 is the successor to what is probably the best selling console in the 50 year history of the business ... it's gonna get that benefit of the doubt, tough shit. That's one of the perks of being born into the hardware legacy of the best selling console platform ever. 

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

Steamdeck sold  about 3-4 million so far. Even Xbox out sells that in one holiday.

You are way too confident about Switch 2, it hasn't proven itself as it will be the first successor for the Switch line. 

Valve isn't even trying hard to sell that thing, have they even made 1 single television commercial for it? It's something they sold in limited quantities, not even available at retail, not available on Amazon, 3-4 million on that basis is impressive also considering for like the 1st year of sales there was extremely limited quantities with wait lists that stretch into months. And you have now more and more hardware vendors lining up to make their own version. 

That product sector is only going to grow, in 3-4 years I wouldn't be surprised at all if its above the XBox traditional consoles which are cratering sales wise. 

Switch 2 is the successor to what is probably the best selling console in the 50 year history of the business ... it's gonna get that benefit of the doubt, tough shit. That's one of the perks of being born into the hardware legacy of the best selling console platform ever. 

Steam has 120 million active users and avertise it on their page all the time so they really don't need commercials every gamer knows about the Steamdeck is just they prefer to play on pc.

This gen's hardware guidelines are already baked in, developers have to make games for the Series S, they have to make games that run on lower end hardware that has 8GB or less of VRAM.

That's not going to change in the next 4-5 years sorry, there's not going to be a ton of games being made for like 12GB-16GB vram configs or 40 series and above hardware only.

You want to kick and scream and say it isn't so, well it is so. People who want things like developers to drop say the Series S or lock out hardware that is lower RAM are not going to get their way because frankly you're a tiny audience that makes a lot of noise on little, outdated message boards like this (which is supposed to be a sales website, lol, go figure) and not a whole lot past that.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Valve isn't even trying hard to sell that thing, have they even made 1 single television commercial for it? It's something they sold in limited quantities, not even available at retail, not available on Amazon, 3-4 million on that basis is impressive also considering for like the 1st year of sales there was extremely limited quantities with wait lists that stretch into months. And you have now more and more hardware vendors lining up to make their own version. 

That product sector is only going to grow, in 3-4 years I wouldn't be surprised at all if its above the XBox traditional consoles which are cratering sales wise. 

Switch 2 is the successor to what is probably the best selling console in the 50 year history of the business ... it's gonna get that benefit of the doubt, tough shit. That's one of the perks of being born into the hardware legacy of the best selling console platform ever. 

Steam has 120 million active users and avertise it on their page all the time so they really don't need commercials every gamer knows about the Steamdeck is just they prefer to play on pc.

Or y'know Valve is selling millions of a product they basically gave less marketing than the Wii U got, has no retail presence, had people waiting on waitlists for months when for like a period of year after launch. I've said this will be a growing segment of the market and I stand by that. In 3-5 years, it wouldn't surprise me if these types of devices are moving 4-10 million units per year or more and then you have the Switch 2 as well. 

Lots of publishers are going to start taking that product sector a lot more seriously, because Sony and MS have stagnating in growing their market share, even though MS is spending through billions of dollars and wasting all this market money, even Sony isn't growing.