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Do you support Project 2025?

Yes 4 9.52%
No 38 90.48%
zorg1000 said:
Renamed said:

You ever play chess?  

If I link directly to the policy guideline, they see just the policy guideline and the Heritage Foundation gets traffic.

If they search for the policy guideline, they will see reports on connections, background, analysis, the guidelines themselves and more and the Heritage Foundation gets less traffic.

I’ve never played.

The problem is that you posted a list that’s not even accurate which can potentially cause people to not take it seriously at all.

The policies in Project 2025 are absolutely awful but making up hyperbolic shit about it does no good, let the terrible policies speak for themselves.

Who gives a shit if their website is getting traffic if that means people are finding out first hand how terrible it is?

For the record, I linked directly to it in May....

Renamed said:

Enjoy.  All 920 pages of their Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Written in collaboration by over 200 GOP policy makers, leaders, consultants, etc...  And what isn't in that document has been uttered by either Trump himself or other members of the GOP.

And I wrote this list in the style of Trump and the far right as I also noted in May...

Renamed said:

Read what I wrote to KLXVER above your quote.  I'm sorry.  I was just using the current languages of the right - hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. 

Basically, this shows that people on the right actually do not like Trump's and the hard right's rhetorical style of discourse.  Everybody on the right in this thread didn't like the brashness, boldness, blustery BS.  But that eat it whole cloth when Trump or similar mouthpieces do it.  Funny that.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

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Don't understatimate the people who came up and support those ideas just because they sound abasurd or improbable. Just the fact that all those things were proposed in the first place shows how they are totally unashamed of their radical ideas and that are willing to implement them if they can

Last edited by CourageTCD - on 24 July 2024

RolStoppable said:
Tober said:

Seriously? You mean you don't want people to look at what Trump said and make up their own mind? I'm obligated to what?

Besides I'm not a mind reader, so I cannot say if Trump is telling the truth or not. He said in this clip that there are extremes on both side and attributes Project2025 to extreme right. Sounds like not a bad take.

What I am saying is that for people being able to make up their own mind, they need to see what Trump said AND what fact-checkers had to say about it. This is so important because of Trump's tremendous history of false statements and lies. Here's an example:

Trump also spoke highly about the group's plans at a dinner sponsored by the Heritage Foundation in April 2022, saying: “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America.”

If you can't tell if Trump is telling the truth or not, you can use Google.

Another topic that has been very similar to Project 2025 is abortion. Trump fully embraced the anti-choice path until his team realized that it's hurting his chances for election, so then Trump made a series of posts and claims that made him sound more liberal on the issue. Trump didn't try to distance himself from Project 2025 until a large enough portion of the American population became aware of what it is.

So in the big picture, it's just his usual pattern of him saying what he believes that most people want to hear from him. This results in obvious and blatant contradictions that people who have been paying attention notice immediately, but sadly most people aren't well-informed, so they are prone to lap up Trump's lies. It should be in your own interest to be better than that.

Rol makes a reasonable point. Can't just simply trust anyone or anything.

Personally I tend to be able to make up my mind based on the individual themselves, but when I'm unsure and can't, I make sure to fact check.

Then I fact check the fact check(ers), because I realize every single individual or group has the ability to bend the truth or lie.

"And again, Christians get out and vote...just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm not a Christian. I love you. Get out. You got to get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote."

Nothing to worry about. Overblown. Overreaction. Right?

Just the guy who said he wanted to be dictator (for one day). Just the guy who's cabinet and campaign leaders that wrote up this Project 2025 policy guide. And now just the guy that tells Christians they'll never have to vote again if they vote for him now this one time because he'll fix it.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Renamed said:

"And again, Christians get out and vote...just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm not a Christian. I love you. Get out. You got to get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote."

Nothing to worry about. Overblown. Overreaction. Right?

Just the guy who said he wanted to be dictator (for one day). Just the guy who's cabinet and campaign leaders that wrote up this Project 2025 policy guide. And now just the guy that tells Christians they'll never have to vote again if they vote for him now this one time because he'll fix it.

Back in 2016 when Trump went on and on about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, I honestly believed it was exaggerated hyperbole to rally his supporters. I said, "You can't take everything Trump says seriously, because this is obviously so dumb on so many levels that he's not going to do that for real."

Then he became president and really did try to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it somehow. He failed hard on both accounts, although I think he managed to get ~50 miles of wall (or wall-like structure) built during his tenure, leaving him with only ~1,400 miles more to go.

Anyways... the point is that when Trump says something outrageous about what he plans to do, then we should believe him no matter how dumb it is.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

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RolStoppable said:
Renamed said:

"And again, Christians get out and vote...just this time. You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine. You won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians. I love you Christians. I'm not a Christian. I love you. Get out. You got to get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good. You're not going to have to vote."

Nothing to worry about. Overblown. Overreaction. Right?

Just the guy who said he wanted to be dictator (for one day). Just the guy who's cabinet and campaign leaders that wrote up this Project 2025 policy guide. And now just the guy that tells Christians they'll never have to vote again if they vote for him now this one time because he'll fix it.

Back in 2016 when Trump went on and on about building a wall and making Mexico pay for it, I honestly believed it was exaggerated hyperbole to rally his supporters. I said, "You can't take everything Trump says seriously, because this is obviously so dumb on so many levels that he's not going to do that for real."

Then he became president and really did try to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it somehow. He failed hard on both accounts, although I think he managed to get ~50 miles of wall (or wall-like structure) built during his tenure, leaving him with only ~1,400 miles more to go.

Anyways... the point is that when Trump says something outrageous about what he plans to do, then we should believe him no matter how dumb it is.

I absolutely accept that it his words are his intentions.  His ability to carry out those words is often lacking.  But much of his failures were thanks in part to our institutions playing their roles accordingly and/or his lack of enough well placed sycophants to do his bidding.   Both firewalls are severely compromised this time.  The high courts are clearly in his pocket and he won't bring anyone on board that would not pledge absolute fealty. 

Our single greatest weapon against him is simply to vote against him.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.