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zorg1000 said:
Renamed said:

You ever play chess?  

If I link directly to the policy guideline, they see just the policy guideline and the Heritage Foundation gets traffic.

If they search for the policy guideline, they will see reports on connections, background, analysis, the guidelines themselves and more and the Heritage Foundation gets less traffic.

I’ve never played.

The problem is that you posted a list that’s not even accurate which can potentially cause people to not take it seriously at all.

The policies in Project 2025 are absolutely awful but making up hyperbolic shit about it does no good, let the terrible policies speak for themselves.

Who gives a shit if their website is getting traffic if that means people are finding out first hand how terrible it is?

For the record, I linked directly to it in May....

Renamed said:

Enjoy.  All 920 pages of their Mandate For Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Written in collaboration by over 200 GOP policy makers, leaders, consultants, etc...  And what isn't in that document has been uttered by either Trump himself or other members of the GOP.

And I wrote this list in the style of Trump and the far right as I also noted in May...

Renamed said:

Read what I wrote to KLXVER above your quote.  I'm sorry.  I was just using the current languages of the right - hyperbole, oversimplification, amplification and embellishment. 

Basically, this shows that people on the right actually do not like Trump's and the hard right's rhetorical style of discourse.  Everybody on the right in this thread didn't like the brashness, boldness, blustery BS.  But that eat it whole cloth when Trump or similar mouthpieces do it.  Funny that.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.