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Do you support Project 2025?

Yes 4 9.52%
No 38 90.48%
shavenferret said:
Renamed said:

Project 2025 is a blueprint prepared by The Heritage Foundation (a right wing think tank) that lays out the first 180 days of the next Republican presidency.  The truncated summary of the agenda listed below is startling:

Mass layoffs of civil servants
Install Trump loyalists
Terminate the Constitution
Mass deportations
Bomb Mexico
Shoot migrants
Electrify the wall
Reinstate and expand Muslim ban
Ideological screening for immigrants
Revoke certain student visas
End birthright citizenship
10% tariff on all foreign goods
No 'two-state' solution
Withdraw from NATO
Punish hospitals that provide any trans care
Ban on trans car of any kind for minors
Exit Paris Climate Accord
Abolish the EPA
Increase dependence on fossil fuels
Nationwide abortion ban
Punish women for abortions
Abolish Department of Ed
Enforce 'patriotic based education'
Homeless encampments
Institutionalize the mentally ill
Full immunity for police
Employ 'stop and frisk' nationally
Shoot shoplifters
Federal takeover of Democratically led cities
Use National Guard on protests
Use military force on civilians

While unlikely that much of these policies could ever be enacted if our systems and institutions function as the safeguards they were designed to be, but it goes to show where the mind set is for many on the right.  That said, many others on the right are highly critical of it.  But will that ultimately be enough? Are we willing to take such a risk to our democracy?

This is just something recopied from several sources.  If this was accurate, it should have a manifesto and document for you to reference.  But we are all waiting on that. 

I will not provide any traffic to the Heritage Fund's website.  But you can easily google it and download the 900+ page document.

To the privileged, equality feels like oppression. 

Around the Network

Is this real and is it connected to Trump? Like, has Trump actually said this is his policy or is this some rogue part of the Republican party?

LegitHyperbole said:

Is this real and is it connected to Trump? Like, has Trump actually said this is his policy or is this some rogue part of the Republican party?

This is what Trump said about it. He distances himself from it.,vid:U58ACp5Ke9s,st:0

Tober said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Is this real and is it connected to Trump? Like, has Trump actually said this is his policy or is this some rogue part of the Republican party?

This is what Trump said about it. He distances himself from it.,vid:U58ACp5Ke9s,st:0

I thought so. It could well be a black OP cause it's too ridiculous to believe, I wanna know who these Heritage foundation people are and who finds them. I just can't believe this would come about organically and then expect foe it to be in favour of your party's chance at rejection. 

LegitHyperbole said:

Is this real and is it connected to Trump? Like, has Trump actually said this is his policy or is this some rogue part of the Republican party?

The project is chock full of his current and former staffers. His own press secretary stars in recruitment ads for the project. Him denying knowledge of or involvement with the project is about as credible as his claims that he never knew or even met Stormy Daniels or E Jean Carrol.

Around the Network
Tober said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Is this real and is it connected to Trump? Like, has Trump actually said this is his policy or is this some rogue part of the Republican party?

This is what Trump said about it. He distances himself from it.,vid:U58ACp5Ke9s,st:0

When you post something like this, you should be obligated to say that Trump isn't telling the truth.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

LegitHyperbole said:
Tober said:

This is what Trump said about it. He distances himself from it.,vid:U58ACp5Ke9s,st:0

I thought so. It could well be a black OP cause it's too ridiculous to believe, I wanna know who these Heritage foundation people are and who finds them. I just can't believe this would come about organically and then expect foe it to be in favour of your party's chance at rejection. 

The Heritage foundation is a long standing conservative group.

You can argue about their connection or not to Trump (seems silly as Trump just disavowed without specifically disagreeing with anything in the proposal) but you cannot argue that the heritage foundation themselves are insincere. This is really what they think and what they want. They have crazy close ties to Trump, and if he's elected you can bet that a lot of what's in this proposal will be what Trump tries to do. 


Torillian said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I thought so. It could well be a black OP cause it's too ridiculous to believe, I wanna know who these Heritage foundation people are and who finds them. I just can't believe this would come about organically and then expect foe it to be in favour of your party's chance at rejection. 

The Heritage foundation is a long standing conservative group.

You can argue about their connection or not to Trump (seems silly as Trump just disavowed without specifically disagreeing with anything in the proposal) but you cannot argue that the heritage foundation themselves are insincere. This is really what they think and what they want. They have crazy close ties to Trump, and if he's elected you can bet that a lot of what's in this proposal will be what Trump tries to do. 

How powerful are they? Are they more powerful than Congress?

LegitHyperbole said:
Torillian said:

The Heritage foundation is a long standing conservative group.

You can argue about their connection or not to Trump (seems silly as Trump just disavowed without specifically disagreeing with anything in the proposal) but you cannot argue that the heritage foundation themselves are insincere. This is really what they think and what they want. They have crazy close ties to Trump, and if he's elected you can bet that a lot of what's in this proposal will be what Trump tries to do. 

How powerful are they? Are they more powerful than Congress?

I mean they're one of the most powerful think tanks in America.

That means they're one of the most powerful groups amongst those giving the conservatives in congress their ideas. As someone living in the US I'll tell you that Project 2025 was not the first time I've heard of the Heritage Foundation. 


Torillian said:
LegitHyperbole said:

How powerful are they? Are they more powerful than Congress?

I mean they're one of the most powerful think tanks in America.

That means they're one of the most powerful groups amongst those giving the conservatives in congress their ideas. As someone living in the US I'll tell you that Project 2025 was not the first time I've heard of the Heritage Foundation. 

Oh well, it's an atrocious plan. I feel sorry for your Americans.