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Forums - Sales Discussion - FF7 Rebirth has reportedly sold half what Remake did in the same timeframe

AddRat said:

I don't think Switch 2 is going to sell 150million but the take that GTA6 is going to kill the hype for it is... something.

GTA6 is going to be massive. It is also not going to be a major factor in whatever Switch 2 is going to end up selling.

I mean a huge part of the switch audience is the casuals and GTAV is probably the biggest casual game ever i could see many casuals buying a ps5 just to play that one game.   

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People should actually look at GTA IV and V's launch months ... they did not actually boost hardware sales that much at all. GTA is a slow burn franchise that already has a lot of the people who are going to rush out and buy immediately already own the hardware they will be playing on.

There was a whole drama about this exact topic on this board back when this was happening with GTAIV ... Wii and DS both outsold the 360/PS3 for the months even when GTAIV launched.

Nintendo 3DS was no.1 the month GTAV launched. The Wii destroyed the PS3/360 in April 2008 when GTAIV launched outselling both PS3 + 360 combined by a huge margin (714K Wii, 187k PS3, 188k 360). 

The people who buy GTA for like $10 just for shits n' giggles is a different crowd, they ain't paying for no $400-$500 console to play that, they'll just wait until it is cut in price by 50-75% and play it on their cheap PC or laptop. 

It would be a nice to have for Nintendo, not a must have. If you're already getting Call of Duty and maybe even Halo and Forza when MS goes full multiplat (seems like just a matter of time) those are already three pretty big additions to the Switch library, then add in potentially Madden NFL to that and then Final Fantasy and Monster Hunter from Japan ... you're sitting pretty if you're Nintendo. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:

People should actually look at GTA IV and V's launch months ... they did not actually boost hardware sales that much at all. GTA is a slow burn franchise that already has a lot of the people who are going to rush out and buy immediately already own the hardware they will be playing on.

There was a whole drama about this exact topic on this board back when this was happening with GTAIV ... Wii and DS both outsold the 360/PS3 for the months even when GTAIV launched.

Nintendo 3DS was no.1 the month GTAV launched. The Wii destroyed the PS3/360 in April 2008 when GTAIV launched outselling both PS3 + 360 combined by a huge margin (714K Wii, 187k PS3, 188k 360). 

The people who buy GTA for like $10 just for shits n' giggles is a different crowd, they ain't paying for no $400-$500 console to play that, they'll just wait until it is cut in price by 50-75% and play it on their cheap PC or laptop. 

You are comparing apples to oranges it's like comparing zelda before botw, gtav has taken the franchise to new levels, just look at damn youtube views it has like 4x amount the views of the biggest games ever if you can't see the writing on the wall then just wait when it releases.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

People should actually look at GTA IV and V's launch months ... they did not actually boost hardware sales that much at all. GTA is a slow burn franchise that already has a lot of the people who are going to rush out and buy immediately already own the hardware they will be playing on.

There was a whole drama about this exact topic on this board back when this was happening with GTAIV ... Wii and DS both outsold the 360/PS3 for the months even when GTAIV launched.

Nintendo 3DS was no.1 the month GTAV launched. The Wii destroyed the PS3/360 in April 2008 when GTAIV launched outselling both PS3 + 360 combined by a huge margin (714K Wii, 187k PS3, 188k 360). 

The people who buy GTA for like $10 just for shits n' giggles is a different crowd, they ain't paying for no $400-$500 console to play that, they'll just wait until it is cut in price by 50-75% and play it on their cheap PC or laptop. 

You are comparing apples to oranges it's like comparing zelda before botw, gtav has taken the franchise to new levels, just look at damn youtube views it has like 4x amount the views of the biggest games ever if you can't see the writing on the wall then just wait when it releases.

It will impact Switch 2 about as much as GTAV did to the Switch ... which was basically no impact. There's no single franchise that Nintendo doesn't own itself that impacts their business really much at all. 

You'd have to somehow lose Pokemon or Mario or Zelda or Mario Kart some how for a franchise to ever impact Nintendo. The beauty of not relying on 3rd parties to sell your hardware is that you're not beholden to them for anything. 

Switch did fine without both GTA and COD, Switch 2 at minimum will have COD guaranteed, so it's already starting from a stronger point. If it can get both that'd be nice too, but it's not really a necessity. I don't think anyone at Nintendo is losing any winks of sleep over GTA6. 

Losing Final Fantasy for example in 1996 (when the news came out) was a far, far, bigger blow to Nintendo at the time. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

You are comparing apples to oranges it's like comparing zelda before botw, gtav has taken the franchise to new levels, just look at damn youtube views it has like 4x amount the views of the biggest games ever if you can't see the writing on the wall then just wait when it releases.

It will impact Switch 2 about as much as GTAV did to the Switch ... which was basically no impact. There's no single franchise that Nintendo doesn't own itself that impacts their business really much at all. 

You'd have to somehow lose Pokemon or Mario or Zelda or Mario Kart some how for a franchise to ever impact Nintendo. The beauty of not relying on 3rd parties to sell your hardware is that you're not beholden to them for anything. 

Switch did fine without both GTA and COD, Switch 2 at minimum will have COD guaranteed, so it's already starting from a stronger point. If it can get both that'd be nice too, but it's not really a necessity. I don't think anyone at Nintendo is losing any winks of sleep over GTA6. 

Losing Final Fantasy for example in 1996 (when the news came out) was a far, far, bigger blow to Nintendo at the time. 

GTAV released on 360/ps3, and then on ps4 by the time switch came out gtav is was still selling but ain't no one buying a console for it. since it was 4 year old game and most pc's could run it. it's a whole different story now. It will  differently take away hype from the switch 2. Also its gonna a 12 year wait for a sequel, not 3 or 5.

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zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

It will impact Switch 2 about as much as GTAV did to the Switch ... which was basically no impact. There's no single franchise that Nintendo doesn't own itself that impacts their business really much at all. 

You'd have to somehow lose Pokemon or Mario or Zelda or Mario Kart some how for a franchise to ever impact Nintendo. The beauty of not relying on 3rd parties to sell your hardware is that you're not beholden to them for anything. 

Switch did fine without both GTA and COD, Switch 2 at minimum will have COD guaranteed, so it's already starting from a stronger point. If it can get both that'd be nice too, but it's not really a necessity. I don't think anyone at Nintendo is losing any winks of sleep over GTA6. 

Losing Final Fantasy for example in 1996 (when the news came out) was a far, far, bigger blow to Nintendo at the time. 

GTAV released on 360/ps3, and then on ps4 by the time switch came out gtav is was still selling but ain't no one buying a console for it. since it was 4 year old game and most pc's could run it. it's a whole different story now. It will  differently take away hype from the switch 2. 

Nintendo doesn't rely on "hype" to sell their games or hardware generally anyway so "hype" means nothing. Switch 2 will likely already have been out for several months before anyway.

The PS5 already having sold a big chunk of hardware mitigates how big of a sales surge any game can have, we don't generally see massive hardware boosts for boost for hardware in the 2nd half of its life, that's because the system already has sold a lot of its units already and you're really just selling a big chunk of any game's sales at that point to existing owners. Like you're not going to see 65 million PS5s turn into 75 million PS5s overnight because GTAV. 

I wouldn't necessarily bet the farm on GTAVI making it's fall 2025 release date either, they did not sound 100% convinced of it making that date at their most recent investor briefing and there are lot of reports that it could slip into 2026 entirely. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

GTAV released on 360/ps3, and then on ps4 by the time switch came out gtav is was still selling but ain't no one buying a console for it. since it was 4 year old game and most pc's could run it. it's a whole different story now. It will  differently take away hype from the switch 2. 

Nintendo doesn't rely on "hype" to sell their games or hardware generally anyway so "hype" means nothing. Switch 2 will likely already have been out for several months before anyway.

The PS5 already having sold a big chunk of software mitigates how big of a sales surge any game can have, we don't generally see massive hardware boosts for boost for hardware in the 2nd half of its life, that's because the system already has sold a lot of its units already and you're really just selling a big chunk of any game's sales at that point to existing owners. 

I wouldn't necessarily bet the farm on GTAVI making it's fall 2025 release date either, they did not sound 100% convinced of it making that date at their most recent investor briefing and there are lot of reports that it could slip into 2026 entirely. 

I doubt that ps5 is mainly selling on power and 60fps, it hardly has any exclusives moving the needle, the only one is spiderman 2. GTAV sold 200 million units GTA6 the most viewed game trailer  by  6x this is gonna something we have never seen before in the game industry.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

Nintendo doesn't rely on "hype" to sell their games or hardware generally anyway so "hype" means nothing. Switch 2 will likely already have been out for several months before anyway.

The PS5 already having sold a big chunk of software mitigates how big of a sales surge any game can have, we don't generally see massive hardware boosts for boost for hardware in the 2nd half of its life, that's because the system already has sold a lot of its units already and you're really just selling a big chunk of any game's sales at that point to existing owners. 

I wouldn't necessarily bet the farm on GTAVI making it's fall 2025 release date either, they did not sound 100% convinced of it making that date at their most recent investor briefing and there are lot of reports that it could slip into 2026 entirely. 

I doubt that ps5 is mainly selling on power and 60fps, it hardly has any exclusives moving the needle, the only one is spiderman 2. GTAV sold 200 million units GTA6 the most viewed game trailer  by  6x this is gonna something we have never seen before in the game industry.

It doesn't affect Nintendo either way, but it's not like GTAIV was some "small release". GTA3 was the biggest game of the PS2 generation already, so IV was a massive release too.

The only software I've ever seen that substantially changed a system's sales trajectory after it had already sold 60 million units was Pokemon in the late 90s/early 2000s for the Game Boy. 

By and large once you're past 60 mill as a platform, you're basically just selling to your naturally evolving buyer base, but it's not like there's 1 magic game that comes at that point and radically alters the platform. 

Many of the people buying GTA6 on day 1 have their PS5 or XBox already. The "casual" part of the GTA fan base, as in the people who are willing to buy it because it's $10 ... those people aren't gonna be there day 1 or month 1 or probably not even year 1. I bought GTAV for $10 on a whim during a Steam sale, no chance would I pay $70 for 6. I wouldn't even pay half that. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024

Soundwave said:
zeldaring said:

I doubt that ps5 is mainly selling on power and 60fps, it hardly has any exclusives moving the needle, the only one is spiderman 2. GTAV sold 200 million units GTA6 the most viewed game trailer  by  6x this is gonna something we have never seen before in the game industry.

It doesn't affect Nintendo either way, but it's not like GTAIV was some "small release". GTA3 was the biggest game of the PS2 generation already, so IV was a massive release too.

The only software I've ever seen that substantially changed a system's sales trajectory after it had already sold 60 million units was Pokemon in the late 90s/early 2000s for the Game Boy. 

By and large once you're past 60 mill as a platform, you're basically just selling to your naturally evolving buyer base, but it's not like there's 1 magic game that comes at that point and radically alters the platform. 

Many of the people buying GTA6 on day 1 have their PS5 or XBox already. The "casual" part of the GTA fan base, as in the people who are willing to buy it because it's $10 ... those people aren't gonna be there day 1 or month 1 or probably not even year 1. I bought GTAV for $10 on a whim during a Steam sale, no chance would I pay $70 for 6. 

That's you. Most people i know that are casuals loved GTA6 and it's a day one for them, as the games that came before GTAV they were doing 20-30 million even with deep discounts, so there is no comparison,  when GTA6 releases  and if its great everyone is gonna be taking about it. we really have not seen anything like this before so we can't compare it to anything.

zeldaring said:
Soundwave said:

It doesn't affect Nintendo either way, but it's not like GTAIV was some "small release". GTA3 was the biggest game of the PS2 generation already, so IV was a massive release too.

The only software I've ever seen that substantially changed a system's sales trajectory after it had already sold 60 million units was Pokemon in the late 90s/early 2000s for the Game Boy. 

By and large once you're past 60 mill as a platform, you're basically just selling to your naturally evolving buyer base, but it's not like there's 1 magic game that comes at that point and radically alters the platform. 

Many of the people buying GTA6 on day 1 have their PS5 or XBox already. The "casual" part of the GTA fan base, as in the people who are willing to buy it because it's $10 ... those people aren't gonna be there day 1 or month 1 or probably not even year 1. I bought GTAV for $10 on a whim during a Steam sale, no chance would I pay $70 for 6. 

That's you. Most people i know that are casuals loved GTA6 and it's a day one for them, as the games that came before GTAV they were doing 20-30 million even with deep discounts, so there is no comparison,  when GTA6 releases  and if its great everyone is gonna be taking about it.

That's the general market actually, we can look at GTA5's sales and see most of its sales came after its first 3 years on the market, especially when it was heavily discounted. 

GTAV didn't sell like 50 million units in year 1 + 2. 

Either way it has nothing to do with Nintendo, it's like saying Taylor Swift has a concert movie coming out, and because Taylor Swift is so popular, Nintendo should have moved the Super Mario Bros. The Movie right out of the same year, lol, it's just nonsensical line of logic, one has almost nothing to do with the other. By the way the GTAIV people who thought it would "kill the Wii!" were goddamn hilarious on their meltdowns on this board. 

Nintendo's hardware or software appeal has nothing to do with GTA, if it did they never would be on track to sell 160+ million hardware units. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024