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People should actually look at GTA IV and V's launch months ... they did not actually boost hardware sales that much at all. GTA is a slow burn franchise that already has a lot of the people who are going to rush out and buy immediately already own the hardware they will be playing on.

There was a whole drama about this exact topic on this board back when this was happening with GTAIV ... Wii and DS both outsold the 360/PS3 for the months even when GTAIV launched.

Nintendo 3DS was no.1 the month GTAV launched. The Wii destroyed the PS3/360 in April 2008 when GTAIV launched outselling both PS3 + 360 combined by a huge margin (714K Wii, 187k PS3, 188k 360). 

The people who buy GTA for like $10 just for shits n' giggles is a different crowd, they ain't paying for no $400-$500 console to play that, they'll just wait until it is cut in price by 50-75% and play it on their cheap PC or laptop. 

It would be a nice to have for Nintendo, not a must have. If you're already getting Call of Duty and maybe even Halo and Forza when MS goes full multiplat (seems like just a matter of time) those are already three pretty big additions to the Switch library, then add in potentially Madden NFL to that and then Final Fantasy and Monster Hunter from Japan ... you're sitting pretty if you're Nintendo. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 23 May 2024