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Forums - Movies & TV - Fallout: Season 1

hellobion2 said:

I have to say two things about the show.

- I love what happened to the New California Republic.
-I hate that Vault Tech launched the first nukes.


I'm not convinced that they actually did. We know that they planned to, but all pre-existing lore suggests that the Great War was started by China, with the US detecting 3 unidentified submersible objects off the coast of California at midnight on October 23, 2077, and then a squadron of Chinese planes crossing the Bering Strait into Alaska at 3 am. Then at 9:13 am the US detected 4 Nuclear launches with their automated system, confirmed to be from China by NORAD at 9:17 am, those bombs then landing in the US a half an hour later at 9:42 am on the east coast, and shortly afterward on the west coast, with the entire US bombarded with nukes over the next 2 hours. So unless Vault-Tec somehow got ahold of a Chinese plane squadron and 3 Chinese subs, it seems unlikely they actually started the Great War.

Not to mention that Barb Howard's whole plan was making sure that her family got into a good vault, and we saw that on the day of the attack, she had allowed Janey and Cooper to go a birthday party, as a high ranking Vault-tec exec she surely would have known that the nukes were dropping that day if Vault-Tec was behind the attack, and never would have allowed Janey and Cooper to attend a birthday party when the bombs were supposed to land. No, I think the war started on it's own, without direct action by Vault-tec. 

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 April 2024

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I spoiler tagged the above discussions because the show hasn't been out that long yet, don't know how long OP wants to wait before open spoiler discussion.

Anyway, here is Tim's review (full spoilers).

Fallout TV Show Review

He liked it a lot.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 April 2024

shikamaru317 said:
hellobion2 said:

I have to say two things about the show.

- I love what happened to the New California Republic.
-I hate that Vault Tech launched the first nukes.


I'm not convinced that they actually did. We know that they planned to, but all pre-existing lore suggests that the Great War was started by China, with the US detecting 3 unidentified submersible objects off the coast of California at midnight on October 23, 2077, and then a squadron of Chinese planes crossing the Bering Strait into Alaska at 3 am. Then at 9:13 am the US detected 4 Nuclear launches with their automated system, confirmed to be from China by NORAD at 9:17 am, those bombs then landing in the US a half an hour later at 9:42 am on the east coast, and shortly afterward on the west coast, with the entire US bombarded with nukes over the next 2 hours. So unless Vault-Tec somehow got ahold of a Chinese plane squadron and 3 Chinese subs, it seems unlikely they actually started the Great War.

Not to mention that Barb Howard's whole plan was making sure that her family got into a good vault, and we saw that on the day of the attack, she had allowed Janey and Cooper to go a birthday party, as a high ranking Vault-tec exec she surely would have known that the nukes were dropping that day if Vault-Tec was behind the attack, and never would have allowed Janey and Cooper to attend a birthday party when the bombs were supposed to land. No, I think the war started on it's own, without direct action by Vault-tec. 


I also agree that the show doesn't make it clear cut that Vault-Tec dropped the bombs, all Vault Tech said is they could drop the bombs, I believe that scene was more for your average viewer new to Fallout to show to them how sick Vault-Tec are but I believe it's likely still that someone beat Vault-Tec to it. Us game folk know how sick Vault-Tec are but that scene serves to show both Cooper and the viewer quickly.

Number one reason is like you said, Barb is clearly very high in Vault-Tec and yet the bombs dropped when Cooper had her daughter, the only way that makes sense if if she was acting this entire time and didn't care about her own daughter or someone else within the company dropped the bombs which seems unlikely as Barb looks like a leader in the company.

Secondly, to my knowledge, there are unfinished vaults, suggesting that Vault-Tec was unprepared and not yet finished, so why would they drop the bombs before all the vaults were ready? I think Vault-Tec was going to drop the bombs but things escalated more quickly than they expected and then the bombs dropped, I think it's still vague who dropped the bombs.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 19 April 2024

Tim Cain does seem to like the show, for what it is. He is focused on positive things about it, with genuine enthusiasms, and carefully avoids to say anything bad about it.

There are lot of OG fans calling him shill and sellout for not going berserk on the show, for even going to premiere (admittedly, Bethesda and Todd Howard did a great job of legitimizing their show by inviting one of the creators of Fallout that they are sure will not crap on it), but, as an OG fan, who watched most of his videos and knows he doesn't shy away from telling bad things, I just think that's completely silly talk, since there are quite a few bad things he could've said.

If you ever watched his numerous videos on making of Fallout, and everything about Fallout, you know quite well where he stands on lot of the things that are wrong, not only with Bethesda's vision of Fallout, but even with Fallout 2, that he spearheaded and then quit (along with Leonard and Jason) due to mismanagement on the side of Interplay. But (as I said in previous post), he is an wise old man, as people of his position and long experience usually are, so you need to read between the lines for a lot of things, and that takes skill and exposure to such people to learn it properly.

Anyway, as someone who imagined Fallout movie or TV show ever since original came out, this "bright and funny apocalypse filled with dark punchlines and bursts of ultra-violence", to quote IGN, is not what OG Fallout was, and what Fallout will never be for me. As a new IP, it would be quite decent (and I keep recommending it to people unaware of Fallout), but that's the exact same thing I had in my head after FO3 came out - fairly good RPG, very shoddy Fallout.

Uh huh. Anyway, as Tim Cain says, "anything Bethesda does from now on, that's canon."

I also love what he said about how the different main characters kind of represent different playthroughs, including the selfish run (like when you join the BoS just for the Power Armor) and the "murder hobo" run.


As for Shady Sands, Todd Howard has stated that "the fall" is separate from "the nuke," which happened after New Vegas.

Really looking forward to Goosey's first encounter with a Death Claw.

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pokoko said:

Uh huh. Anyway, as Tim Cain says, "anything Bethesda does from now on, that's canon."

I also love what he said about how the different main characters kind of represent different playthroughs, including the selfish run (like when you join the BoS just for the Power Armor) and the "murder hobo" run.


As for Shady Sands, Todd Howard has stated that "the fall" is separate from "the nuke," which happened after New Vegas.

Really looking forward to Goosey's first encounter with a Death Claw.


That's what I suspected but holy shit the New Vegas fanboys losing their damn minds at a single date on a whiteboard.

How I interpreted it is a "Fall" of something isn't necessarily only reference to the final date in which something was completely destroyed but the series of events which lead up to that collapse, in that sense, the "Fall" of Shady Sands in this context would be when things started going bad for Shady Sands which led to them eventually being nuked.

That was my interpretation but there's multiple other explanations that work.

I want Thaddeus to encounter a Death Claw and somehow win, Lol.

What run does he represent?

Loved how Lucy's "Okey Dokey" progressed.

pokoko said:

Uh huh. Anyway, as Tim Cain says, "anything Bethesda does from now on, that's canon."

I also love what he said about how the different main characters kind of represent different playthroughs, including the selfish run (like when you join the BoS just for the Power Armor) and the "murder hobo" run.


As for Shady Sands, Todd Hoard has stated that "the fall" is separate from "the nuke," which happened after New Vegas.

Really looking forward to Goosey's first encounter with a Death Claw.

Anything Bethesda's does is cannon ever since they bought IP from Interplay, for those who care about their FO games. So sure, carry on mate.

Tim and Leonard clearly know that Bethesda's Fallout tone is successful, which is why they copied that more comedic tone for their own The Outer Worlds.

shikamaru317 said:

Tim and Leonard clearly know that Bethesda's Fallout tone is successful, which is why they copied that more comedic tone for their own The Outer Worlds.

True, but let's not kid ourselves - The Outer Worlds is mass-market game, that, while financially their most successful, compared to Fallout 1, Arcanum and VtM - Bloodlines, which are all considered in CRPG community as diamonds (albeit, to different degrees, somewhat in the rough), feels quite generic and uninspiring, and is their weakest work.

Last edited by HoloDust - on 21 April 2024