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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu Sales: Week 10, 2024 (Mar 04 - Mar 10)

Japan Switch this month will outsell Europe Switch and maybe also USA Switch, just crazy overperformance over there.






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DroidKnight said:

Switch = 5.1% increase from previous week, 9.1% increase from same week compared to previous year
Xbox Series = 37.3% increase from previous week, 23% increase from same week compared to previous year

PS5 = 18.8% decrease from previous week, 39.8% decrease from same week compared to previous year

Sony was right, PS% has peaked, now time to declined WW too.

Switch on the other end... know the little brother was pushed back to next year so it is behaving amazingly.


archbrix said:

Frankly, I think that Switch is highly benefiting from the fact that the PS5 is just not very popular in the region. Switch is in its 8th year, all of the big guns have already been fired, it's hitting its saturation point already and the system's successor is arriving soon. And yet, the PS5 just can't get any traction against it in Japan despite the aforementioned circumstances. Playstation 5 and its games are pretty expensive by comparison, but it's doing just fine elsewhere in the world.

I can only imagine how poor PS5 sales are going to be next year in Japan against Switch 2.

This is a very poor take IMO because the PS5 sales are still above PS4 sales when aligned. Then again maybe you think the PS4 was also 'unpopular'.  The situation in Japan is unique.  But I think calling PS5 unpopular is disingenuous.  Xbox is not popular in Japan.  Also, I don't agree with the idea that Switch can only do well if someone else is seen as unpopular.  Switch can be selling well and PS5 can still be outpacing the PS4 and doing well at the same time.

Anyone knows what are the current prices of the PS5 and Xbox consoles in Japan?

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Bofferbrauer2 said:

Anyone knows what are the current prices of the PS5 and Xbox consoles in Japan?

PS5:  ¥60,478
PS5D: ¥49,478

XBSX: ¥59,978
XBSS: ¥37,978

Switch: SW-3707-5131-3911
XBox: Kenjabish

Incredible Switch figures! Presumably Project Unicorn helped out a good amount this week? Also, FF took a pretty fatal hit this week…weird week.

Today The Nintendo Switch has officially beaten the Gameboy in Japan not shipment but really sold more!

Switch sales are uncanny

I guess Final Fantasy isn't the draw it once was in Japan. Then again, Square-Enix has been struggling for years.